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Everything posted by Roger

  1. The live blog has been updated to allude to Bill Tanner's piece which reports £5M is being thrown at the drug/booze problem in The Shire ..... New Contract.
  2. Roger


    I thought I was being a bit clever by going in for a haircut (West Street) as the kids' don't go back for a week or so. Wrong! Massive Q ..... Had to wait for 30 minutes today ..... Just a timely reminder NOT to try it the weekend after next! Highlight today was a woman driving in on her mobility scooter with, I presume her grandson, or great grandson, and getting totally annoyed as the place was full! She then put the machine into reverse and left .....
  3. Crime rates are consistently on the decline tho GK .... I can't be bothered searching links but I'm sure you know what I mean ....
  4. I agree totally with that. Having worked previously within that organisation for 30 years I will presume they have a fairly good handle on what may have gone on but they need to get enough stuff together that will stand up in Court. Does DILLIGAF actually know any facts? Or has he any evidence to back up his claim? Meanwhile here are the stop/search figures for HR4 for June 2015 as the River Wye is a boundary for figure collation. The HR4 zone incorporates the bridge over the river.
  5. I was impressed and I've contacted the reporter to say so. Meanwhile here are the stop/search figures for June for the end of 'The Lines' where the tragic Murder of Christian Bagley took place on 21st June 2015. These figures will include the 9 days immediately after the murder. June are the latest figures available. Here are the 'crimes' for June. June figures are the latest available on the Police.UK website. People can surf that at their leisure if they so wish.
  6. So post #90 was cleared ..... Reminder below .... ...only to replaced by a bigger and better pile of rubbish! I'd draw a direct comparison with 'The Jungle' at Calais. If we let those 3000 dwellers in then a bigger and better 'Jungle' would pop up! Meanwhile The Council will be hiding around corners trying to spot some low hanging fruit dropping a stray *** end so as to issue that all important ticket. Or even more frequently trawling streets to catch out technical parking offences which are causing little or no issues! The Council have lost the plot with their priorities! They are just like a rabbit in a headlight looking at free cash!
  7. "It is not an unsafe area," according to the local Police Commander. Her comment may be relevant to something else she may have been comparing it to but she doesn't seem to grasp that there's a difference between the figures her computer spews out and what people perceive when they live there or nearby. There's no reference in the blog to the Supt. mentioning that the WMP budget has been slashed year on year for a few years now. If she had mentioned that then it would have been a valid point as opposed to shifting the blame. Perhaps someone at the meeting can clarify if the relative shoestring budget the WMP are now on was discussed.
  8. The Meeting has now ended. The live Blog from the Hereford Times was very helpful I thought. Good decision from Clive Joyce to get that arranged ...
  9. The 6 hour Trading limit was suspended in 2012 for the Olympics. I don't recall many Major moans when that happened. All the shops below 280 square metres in size are open already. This restriction is only really impacting on large Supermarkets/DIY's .... And the staff already working there for 6 hours solid on a Sunday are obviously not too bothered about Religiously attending some Church Service. Of course when the shop shuts people are in the building stocking shelves outside the 6 hours etc ... I'm all for a relaxation. The forum generally seems to agree that it's daft to ban a chip shop from opening after 1.30 AM so I can't see anyone saying it's a good idea to ban a large shop from opening after 4/5 PM on a Sunday. Apart from the Topic Starter that is.
  10. There is obviously interest in this as the HT got a bit lively yesterday with their news item on the meeting. The main worry I have is that when the impetus dies down on any given new incident/assault then the local areas will probably then be left to fall back on the 'Neighbourhood' Police Team. If you look on the WMP Website the team Members are listed. When you sift out the CSO's and supervisors out then Hunderton has one PC listed. If you are going to the Meeting I would suggest that you ask how long are the WMP are prepared to throw additional boots on the ground on the GWW, at late hours, to reassure people. Maybe even ask if they are doing it at the moment?
  11. FC people? You will also have Police analysts and Council trawling constantly. Either Officially or just out of curiosity.
  12. I hope the HT will have a reporter in the room for timely information on this important meeting. They have a live blog running, as we speak, for HFC v Coleshill Town for a 9th tier football match so no reason why something similar can't be arranged for this. Or at least a news item posted on the night.
  13. I see from the Twitter hashtag #UnchartedAlbum they've got a 'lingual mixologist' involved. I thought a 'mixologist' was someone who made cocktails. But there you go ...
  14. Correct I think most activity is/was probably checking data behind a computer screen. I will say tho that there has also been an absence of reassurance messages issued that usually go along the lines of 'Hereford is generally safe' .... Plus nothing is getting pumped out into the Public Domain that suggests that any influence is walking those Lines at night. Covert or otherwise. I think the Public engagement over this here has been p*** poor.
  15. He breached the ban within a week and a joke sentence was issued for said breach. Plus he is now allowed to potentially give grief to Gwalia store in Ross as he's now allowed in there. I've no idea if they were consulted about that. Probably not. HT
  16. I don't agree. What a daft statement to make. A single camera is not a panacea to a problem that has been rumbling around for years. The simple fact is that the GWW is dark and lonely place. With a record of crime during darkness. Having got the unsolved Murder still on the books I am disappointed the WMP have not got more of a continued darkness presence on the GWW ~ that we are sufficiently aware of. I know that money is tight but you need boots on the ground on a night shift for at least 12 months. Or until the Murderer is caught. A token upping of patrols for a couple of weeks is just a sop. And CSO's are not out at 12.36 am and have no arrest powers. Or search powers. So propping up the problem with people who don't work the relevant hours with no powers is a non starter in my book.
  17. Are Labour MPs worried about Jeremy Corbyn? I think Chuka bailed out of the election process early on as he wanted to avoid the heat in the kitchen. Chuka and Tristram are obviously devoid of current ideas as they are setting up a group to dream some up! All just to get elected. Have they no die hard Labour Policies they want to promote? bbc
  18. Roger

    Bill Tanner

    Bill Tanner has left the building. I wish him good luck with his new path ...
  19. I think being ordered to buy your food at Morrison's for 3 years is a disgrace. Buy food at Morrison's or 5 years in jail. I like Ant + Dec tho! But their adverts don't alter my shopping habits one jot!
  20. Jeremy Corbyn to apologise for Iraq war on behalf of Labour if he becomes leader The Labour leadership frontrunner Jeremy Corbyn is to issue a public apology over the Iraq war on behalf of the party if he becomes leader next month, a move Tony Blair repeatedly resisted. In a statement to the Guardian, Corbyn said he would apologise to the British people for the “deception†in the runup to the 2003 invasion and to the Iraqi people for their subsequent suffering. Guardian
  21. I agree. There's a Council bin virtually outside their front door. Obviously the Golden Galleon folk are not responsible if people choose not to use it. In my experience if people buy chips really late they meander off drunk and then dump what they don't want on some random pavement down the street - probably having passed another nearby bin in that general area.
  22. If they can win over the support of the ex Head of Looked After Children for Herefordshire and the current Wormside Hereford Councillor then I'm pretty sure they might have the techniques at their disposal to turn the heads of a few disillusioned or vulnerable young people.
  23. I know him. He's from Hereford. Dunno why he's currently in Ross. I suppose he could easily pop up at Morrison's in Hereford or Ross. The article doesn't go into enough detail as to whether it's just one branch of Morrison's. All pretty irrelevant as he won't stick to a 3 year shop ban. He's just an accident waiting to happen.
  24. Morrison's have been issued with a new customer called Nathan Harrison. Hereford Times
  25. I don't think it's worth anyone's time to get involved in a debate about what Katie Hopkins thinks about anything. She is highly opinionated and builds a high profile career involving winding up huge numbers of people!
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