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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Who says that hadn't been done? It's not mentioned in Bill Tanner's article. He just says the application wasn't referred to the planning committee. I'm more interested in whether this application should have gone to the committee. If it should have then perhaps someone could suggest some grounds as to why it should have. Having sat on the committee Glenda you seem to be as well placed as anybody to suggest some part of the application that should have been followed through further.
  2. On reflection the very impressive hymn book that was hoisted up for morning assembly at Scudamore School when I attended in the 70's looks quite harmless now! It was normally accompanied by average piano playing .... Or less than average piano playing!
  3. I don't know what else the applicant can say to promote the licensing objectives that are thrown in any applicants face. He is not serving alcohol, no 'children' will be out at the extended hours he want's to trade at and he has got cameras lined up and a litter pick outside the shop with sufficient bins'. The issues I might have are that if you need SIA guards at a chip shop (which he is proposing at relevant times) then you are anticipating trouble. Is he? Or is he just writing the right words to get the extended hours? I'd like to know the radius of his litter pick proposals. Is it outside his front door? The Baptist Church next door? Commercial Street? Barrs Court Road? As that is exactly where the chip trays end up! As we all know!
  4. Yeah .... I'm aware of all that info ragwert and they are, in my opinion, a cult .... but being a cult doesn't breach planning rules. I also think there is a Jeremy Corbyn Cult being formed at the moment. That is not against different rules. Just a different way of going about things.
  5. I suppose the real question to be asked is whether their planning application was outside of any rules? I don't think it was. The old cinema was clapped out and has been replaced by something apparently better - although I haven't been to the new one. That leaves us with the square featureless building that is the defunct 'Fusion' Nightclub. Anyone bothered by the loss of that space being used as a Club could have tried to get it listed as an Asset Of Community Value. No one did.
  6. No vote as Freedom Church gets go-ahead for new HQ HEREFORD-based Freedom Church has the go-ahead to turn the city’s former Odeon cinema and night club next door into a new HQ. A related planning application made to Herefordshire Council was approved without being put to the planning committee. Current criteria require councillors or council officers to request that an application is put to committee – no councillor or council officer made such a request for the cinema/club conversion. No objections were raised on planning grounds. Both the cinema and nightclub (formerly Fusion) in Commercial Road have been vacant for over a year. In its application - reported by the Hereford Times in June - the Freedom Church said the site offered the “framework that we are looking for†in re-locating from its current campus – a converted warehouse in Coningsby Street - where services attracted between 280-300 a week. The Coningsby Street site is now under offer as a freehold interest - available with vacant possession - at an asking price of £350,000. In Commercial Road, the Freedom Church proposes the site for a 450 seat auditorium and offices with space for Sunday services, youth work, a parent and child group, and a nursery. Also pitched is the potential to make the site available to other community groups. A statement accompanying the planning application said the Freedom Church was: “committed to maintaining our presence in the heart of our city and developing strong links and relationships with local businesses, other churches, voluntary organisations, schools and communities across the cityâ€. Founded in the county 26 years ago, the Freedom Church has experienced significant growth. The past seven years alone have seen the establishment of international campuses in Belgium, Uganda and Cambodia - with two more planned in India and South Africa - to complement a presence in Swansea, Cardiff and Worcester. Most recently, the church converted a former hostel in Holme Lacy Road, Hereford, to add to its local property portfolio. Planning approval - granted as a change of use last month - gives the Freedom Church three years to make the move happen. Other than the statutory period for implementation, no conditions were considered necessary. Hereford Times
  7. Golden Galleon on Commercial Road has applied for a 04.30 finish seven days a week. Application here
  8. The problem opposite the railway station has been resolved. By removing the bin! Photo taken today!
  9. Who are these people? I am NEVER in town at night so have no clue. I know you do Play and so are up late.
  10. I drive down Commercial Road virtually everyday. Usually around about 6 PM .... I used to see the large group of drunks in the area of the Baptist Church but they don't seem to be there anymore. I walk into town about once a month and haven't seen the 'homeless' element you refer to. But obviously my infrequent 'foot' visits can't be used as an indicator.
  11. Subliminal Parking Control. On a serious note a fair few Council staff will be reading this and someone who could sort this out quite clearly can't be arsed! We would all agree it's not top of the pile for problems but if something has been lingering for months on a Public forum, when it's quite clearly taking the ****, then I would expect a quiet word to have been said. Especially as it's on a Public road .....
  12. That letter is a waste of time. When was the last time someone was prosecuted locally for dumping a sofa in a lay-by? Or throwing a shopping trolley into The Wye? More likely a litter prosecution, or ticket, is some old codger dropping a *** end. Go down Commercial Street and there might be the odd crisp packet blowing about but the disused doorways are more unwelcoming. Just years of neglect.
  13. I don't think that was the real point of the post. These banners are now out of control. Tied, I might add, to the very railings that Council workers have to drive past to carry out their designated function. Whether it be bin emptying or grass cutting or whatever. It's clearly a Council Management failure. They concentrate on the lowest hanging fruit possible. Which is the parking. A dodgy railing advert can't attract a PCN so is probably falling off the enforcement radar immediately.
  14. Hereford fans warned to be on best behaviour at Highgate tomorrow HEREFORD FC chairman Jon Hale has warned supporters to behave themselves at tomorrow's game at Highgate following some incidents that they have been made aware of at Stourport on Tuesday night. Alleged abusive behaviour and items being thrown onto the pitch were reported by some supporters on social media and internet forums following the game. A corner flag was also apparently removed Ludlow Advertiser Ridiculous ..... HFC are playing at tier 9 in the big scheme of things .... This is obviously a big headache for the Authorities ....
  15. Only 14.6 % of voters turned out for the PCC election when Bill Longmore got in. Incredibly low turnout due to the overwhelming abject apathy of the Public. This miserably low turnout of 11.6%, I would suggest, is more to do with 88.4% of voters just not being interested in voting this time as opposed to being deeply unhappy about something or the system.
  16. Liz Kendall: choosing Jeremy Corbyn would be Labour's resignation letter Labour will be submitting its “resignation letter to the British people as a serious party of government†if it elects Jeremy Corbyn as leader, Liz Kendall has said. In an interview on the BBC, Kendall argued that Corbyn – the leftwinger who has become the surprise runaway favourite in the party’s leadership election – was advocating policies that would lead to certain electoral defeat for Labour. Guardian Safe to say that Liz Kendall won't be sitting on the Shadow Front Bench if Corbyn was elected as leader. In fact who would be prepared to sit on it? I'm struggling to think of anyone credible who would!
  17. Simple maths shows that if the turnout was 11.6% then the eligible electorate was about 2900 voters. Sorry to p*** on Mark Dykes victory parade but if he got 151 votes then he has been voted in with the votes of about 5% of the electorates support. 95% didn't vote for him or didn't vote at all. He has no Mandate to do anything. He has got on to The Council via a backdoor of total and utter apathy.
  18. Flagship Birmingham library cannot afford to buy up to date books .... It was on the news tonight .... Knowledge collection has moved on and libraries are now old hat. Probably handy if you want to surf the web as a visitor on their computers but they are a dead duck. Private enterprise can pick up the slack if their is any money in it. Just make sure to secure any valuable books from any book collections. Like the 'chained library' ....
  19. Even if you hate me, please don’t take Labour over the cliff edge The Labour party is in danger more mortal today than at any point in the over 100 years of its existence. I say this as someone who led the party for 13 years and has been a member for more than 40. The leadership election has turned into something far more significant than who is the next leader. It is now about whether Labour remains a party of government. The Guardian Of course The Labour Party consists of people who have unswerving Labour stances .... Like Corbyn .... Or Blair ~ who manipulated the Policies to attract centre type votes. Labour need to decide where they want to be. They either have to have Labour Policies or sell out to adjust their Policies on a whim to attract the popular vote. I'm glad the activists are voting. The Revolutionaries have some sort of voice there. The Tory-Lite people won't be arsed as much to influence the vote. Labour are reaping what they sowed .... A crazy voting system of their making. I wouldn't trust them to run a raffle at a village fete!
  20. That bus station exit at Tesco has just disintegrated .....
  21. Shadow frontbench posts under Corbyn 'would be two thirds empty' Politics Home Seems pretty laughable that Labour would expect us to vote them in to run the Country when already 4 of their own MP's don't even trust them to run a reliable vote to elect their own leader!
  22. I noticed a family shopping in Asda last week. Also about 20 or so, walking as a large group, crossing Barrs Court Road by the Co-Op at the weekend. Haven't a clue what event is happening!
  23. That is the allegation ..... It's a yes or no answer for me. Was it said or was it not said?
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