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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Sounds like a storm in a teacup to me! I see the letter is signed by 'Trustees and Management Committee'. I don't know who is on that Committee or who drafted the letter .... Could not someone just have posted on the original post here at #8 to dispute the recollection of events?
  2. This was in the new today ... BBC Morrisons are creating a new label (as pictured above) that will sit in the same milk chiller as the cheaper identical product. 10 pence per litre extra will go direct to farmers which means their current 89 p four pint bottle of milk would cost £1.12. It's probably quite a savvy marketing trick. It will cost virtually nothing to implement (as opposed to their expensive sponsorship of Ant + Dec TV) and will gather positive comments. And it will guarantee the people doing the milk clearance stunts will take them off their radar. They obviously had the option of putting all their 4 pint bottles at £1.12, and I can't imagine people would moan too much, but they have chosen not to do so ...
  3. The losing Tory and Lib/Dem candidates from May are standing again. New IOC candidate. New Independent candidate. Labour didn't stand last time. It's going to be hard to call this one. The two elected candidates from May are not on the ballot paper so that's their 1058 votes potentially floating about. I would expect a low turnout.
  4. Russia welcomes Jeremy Corbyn in Labour leadership contest Fyodor Lukyanov, a key associate close to the Russian foreign ministry, says Russia would welcome a leader like Jeremy Corbyn after leftwinger suggests Britain should have closer ties with the country Russia would welcome Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader, a key associate linked to the Russian foreign ministry has said. It comes after the leftwinger hinted that he would want to form a closer relationship between Britain and Russia. Fyodor Lukyanov, the editor of the journal "Russia in Global Affairs" and considered very close to the Russian foreign ministry, said of Mr Corbyn: "I think Russia would certainly be pleased to see such a person as the head of either major party. But my intuition tells me it is not very likely." Mr Corbyn told the Russia Today news channel that he wanted Britain to work closer with its international opponents and treat them with more respect. Telegraph No surprise Putin would welcome Corbyn as a leader considering all those US and EU sanctions he's suffering from at the moment after that Ukraine stuff and the passenger plane being shot down. I suppose he would also like that Alexander Litvinenko stuff to get kicked into the long grass.
  5. That grass looks recently cut. Is this debris caused by mowing over litter?
  6. Too many cars were meeting the low emission target so the goalposts have been moved to attract the revenue ... Premium Car Tax
  7. For the information of Slim .... bbc A bit off topic but information gleaned from the paper described as 'Daily Fail' ..... Is this a DM witch-hunt or regular reporting about a broken system?
  8. What method of contact did you use? By the way they have a Pot Noodle offer on at the moment .... £1.94 for four pots .... Half price .....
  9. I do go on the DM site as it does, usually, have very good pictures uploaded quickly to accompany stuff I'm interested in ~ usually sport. We all know why it gets roundly panned so I won't need to go there .... I obviously go to the Guardian site as it was voted sports website of the year last March. A bit left wing in the news bits but I like to read left and right! In fact I use a multitude of News/Sport websites. The only one I won't use is the sxn. Horrible rag and banned!
  10. I will add that the 1999 House of Lords Act weeded out a fair few people who might end up in the Lords due to a quirk of birth ..... I think that when our current Queen expires (hopefully not soon) then there will be a massive debate going on ....
  11. The Hereford area tops the league table, with 68 vehicles clamped in the last year, a 518 per cent rise on the year to May 2014. Daily Mail
  12. I never missed him off at all. He is on a different part of their Family Tree and so is not a Major Player in the big Scheme of things. I can't comment on his work that we have all read about .... It's good that people who worked with him are saying good things .... What more can I say?
  13. There is a very big list of Royals ... Duke of Kent ... Does Wimbledon and very little else that's visible to you and me .... He is a Grand Master in the Freemasons tho ... His wife has been missing in action for ages .... She withdrew from Royal Appearances after some ill health. I don't think you can buy into the Royalty support thing as a general yes or no. The list of hangers on is endless. The current people to worry about are just The Queen, Charles, William/Wife and their son George .... The rest are just flying around in the flim flam of the media circus. And, of course, they don't wield any power that is acknowledged.
  14. I think most people accept that The Monarchy either directly, or indirectly, attracts income into the Country in various forms. The most obvious one being tourism. I don't know how much that would be. And the vast majority of the Country will be perfectly happy with The Queen. However I do have a lot of sympathy tho with the anti Royalty brigade when you see a micro Royal like Princess Beatrice embark on her seventeenth holiday of the year this week and apparently she's living the life of riley. Prince Charles is very high up the Royal pecking order and it didn't escape my notice recently that he wanted to go and see a polo match in London although, at the time, he was in Gloucester. I suppose he could have been driven there and back as it's not a very long way but instead, and probably because he just could, he summoned the Royal Helicopter from it's base to collect him, take him to the polo, and then take him home. He's always harping on about talking to plants, saving the planet and carbon footprints and so he just sets himself up to be thought of as hypocritical and unnecessary. Prince Andrew has slid down the Royal level of importance due to various births and he's now a minor Royal at best but he was found a role as a UK Trade Ambassador just to make him feel important and give him something to do. That fell apart when it was pointed out that he had developed a dubious friend list which contained an American paedophile. I'm not really sure what he does at the moment. The Jeremy Corbyn view on Royalty is well known and he wants to scrap it. A-Z Corbyn Policies (Telegraph) However Corbyn concedes that The Monarchy has a high approval rating and scrapping it would not be on his immediate radar if elected. His priority is 'social justice'.
  15. The railways fell totally off the radar in the run up to the General Election. He's putting them into his Leadership Election Manifesto simply because he believes it's a good tactic to get him some votes. The East Coast franchise ran into trouble in 2009 and so it was re-nationalised by Labour. So a good test to see if a bigger re-nationalisation would be good. In fact it was a good idea and the line paid back £209M to The Treasury in 2012. Having be doing well the Coalition Govt. decided to re-privatise it and they have. It's now run by Virgin on an 8 year franchise as of March 1 this year.
  16. If you look at the 2015 General Election results you can see that 49.5% of the electorate either voted Tory or UKip. A Marxist Labour leader will attract zero of those votes. Corbyn would just harden the support in key areas like Liverpool and I suppose it might eat into the SNP vote in Scotland where the SNP have 56/59 seats. The only way for Labour to gain any real traction is to tempt back part of that centre/right wing support which is the 49.5% as above. Which is why Blair won 3 elections. Quite simple to work out in my view.
  17. I can't remember Andy Burnham being very high profile about railways before. He now wants to re-nationalise them line by line. So as to put passengers before profit. Guardian This Policy is rather left wing and obviously this very touching concern for the pockets of passengers will have nothing at all to do with the fact that Corbyn is ahead in the Labour Leadership polls ....
  18. My view is what you viewed on the Local News tonight! 'The Dog' pub made me remember the smoking ban publicity if I'm honest. If you want my honest answer then what do the local existing people want? Or what will they be prepared to accept re: any expansion?
  19. You nailed it in one. With all those recently posted photo's I suggest that The Council have 3 Options. Clear it up. Ignore it. Or go through it with a fine toothed comb to identify some carelessly discarded evidence with ID on it. Then prosecute someone with no means to pay the multi hundred pound fine that would ensue. I would choose option #1
  20. Rear door ... Looks very tidy when compared to the front .... Anecdotal evidence posted on Social Media by someone I know who suggests there are bees living in one of the doors at the property. Also a dead cat in the garden ~ and rats.
  21. The picture with the fridge has a sign in view: 'Private Property No Cycling No Skateboarding' .... No ban on fly-tipping it would seem ...
  22. Hereford Traffic â€@HFDTraffic 3 hrs3 hours ago "45 minutes from Clehonger turning to Mc Donalds" Photo by Damian #hereford #traffic @HfdsCouncil @SunshineRadio
  23. I do like Bill Tanner looking into things, and posting, but he has got a tendency to write really long articles which do test my attention span to be honest. And when there's an update on a story he posts a new story which then merges into the original story that makes it twice as long. Just a fact from my point of view as a reader.
  24. I dunno what point you are trying to make here Glenda. Dippy has obviously not forgotten about the recent May Elections. You are just digging yourself a bigger hole with every post .....
  25. Belmont Road works postponed until 3 August National Grid statement We would like to advise motorists that the planned gas mains replacement work on Belmont Road in Hereford has been postponed for two weeks. The work will now start on Monday, 3 August and is expected to take four weeks to complete. During that time, there will be two-way traffic lights to control the traffic on Belmont Road by the junction with Walnut Tree Avenue. Herefordshire Council
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