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Everything posted by Roger

  1. You've answered your own question. They are not attempting to solve a parking problem. They are simply trying to make loads of cash as a revenue stream. The car problem in town is the gridlocked road system with people who are creeping around the 'A' roads in the centre. Probably down to the fact that there is only one viable bridge. Why do blue badge holders get free parking in the car parks tho? They have the bigger bays, which is fair enough, but are all the holders more skint than yer average driver? I doubt it.
  2. I can't see how you can back an organisation before it has been formed. I suppose you can nod approvingly at the concept of a good idea tho. Any recognisable names of any people who are backing this RA and their role?
  3. I think the story is obviously newsworthy. Hopefully the paper will run with it instead of spinning out a non existent story based on a 140 character tweet pumped out on Twitter by the Fire Service ....
  4. So you suggest that as an Elected Councillor you were wasting your time? And who are the 'right people in the council' ?
  5. Even more of an incentive to get issued the holy grail to people who want/need to park for free ....
  6. If a small problem is too big to solve in Pixley Walk then what hope is there for the High Town Bomb site? What are Councillors doing other than putting out surveys/consultations when the result has already been agreed anyway for parking or roads to nowhere? Just a shambles in my book ....
  7. Exactly. I don't think crawling over Phil Edwards is a fair criticism bearing in mind the history of this address. Which I was unaware of until this topic cropped up on this site. The way forward is for the Authorities to get this sorted out.
  8. With a £120k asset (OK it's run down so knock £20k off) she wouldn't qualify for benefits. Glenda might well know this lady's circumstances ....
  9. We need a link. Not blaming you SC. I looked but none visible on google.What was any Court Charge imposed? I gather that you now get charged for just appearing at Court ..... Sliding scale of charges ..... The system is crying out for Corbyn I think .....
  10. Who is she and more importantly how is she? I don't want names but money down the drain indicates she is not on top of her game. What is the help level for her at the moment? I can't believe I'm typing these questions and that people are not on top of this already .....
  11. Went past there yesterday. The signage had disappeared for a while but it has been cleaned and is now attached to a new PVC frontage in the same style as the original. Activity inside as well. Looks like it's gearing up to re-open as before. Sorry .... No picture. My phone was dead .....
  12. What is going on? That is a potential £120k property if made reasonable. Plus rent on that is quite a good income if the owner rented it out. Is the situation that someone died and a child/children have taken it on? What is the Council Tax situation?
  13. It doesn't need a fence, that the neighbour has to finance, to separate her garden from the problem next door. It needs the garden cleared to a reasonable condition. I'm sure no one is looking for the Hanging Gardens Of Babylon to appear but it's ridiculous this is still dragging on if authorities are fully aware of the issue .....
  14. On the subject of healthcare a contributor to the HT letters page (who gives his address as HMP Hewell) says this about the County Hospital food: Hereford Times
  15. Morrison's have issued me 5000 Match & More points to make up for this over-weighed fruit. It's generated me a £5 voucher which was collected today.
  16. They will have an interest as the property is liable to Council tax. There are various exemptions like properties left empty as the occupant is in prison or if the owner is in a care home etc. A house that needs a fair bit of work doing to it to make it fit to live in (might apply here) is liable to Council tax with a discount given at the discretion of The Council. I'd certainly expect the local Councillor for Pixley Walk to get on this case immediately as it's an eyesore.
  17. Parking survey thread is here I do concede that Castle Street residents could benefit from Resident Permits but I don't concede that the survey would have concluded that the majority of respondents wanted on street charges. From memory the whole survey was so woolly tho that anyone could massage anything from the results. The meters will inevitably come in and I assume they will also apply to disabled bays. So the fight will now be on to bagsy the best 3 hour double yellow line near the centre ....
  18. I won't be unless it happens to me by large margins at least 3 times. I don't perceive Morrison's want incorrect weight issues internally anyway. I did weigh a pre-priced/weighed item from the same shop as a comparison which was a large piece of meat. It said 0.935 kg on the label (in the clingfilm + foam tray) and my scales said the weight was 0.934 kg so well within a margin of error for a different weighing scales. I do regret not weighing the only other loose item weighed at the till today tho. A bunch of bananas. After clocking the squash issue I had already eaten one banana ....
  19. People have been moaning on social media about their veg getting weighed wrongly in shops all over the place so when I bought a 'loose' butternut squash at Morrison's today I decided to take some interest. It was weighed at 0.780 k at the staffed checkout and as the rate is £1 exactly per kilo for the item I was charged 78p. I got the item home and weighed it on my own electronic scales that are 100% accurate ... And found I should have been charged 62p I was overcharged by about 25% on this loose item which admittedly is only 16p here. I'm not sure if this was cashier error (by leaning on the scales accidentally) or whether the scales are wrongly calibrated on that till. In any event I flagged it up with Morrison's on Twitter. Which means they are compelled to investigate their practices. I've had a reply and the wheels are in motion.
  20. Colin has obviously bumped this topic for a reason so I'll comment. A CSO may trundle along the GWW on a bicycle at lunchtime of a daytime for PR but is it a bright idea for them to do so when it's dark? A lone CSO would be vulnerable to any number of factors. They have a radio I suppose but all these paths that are 99.9% not patrolled most of the time are an accident waiting to happen. I don't perceive these paths around the river to be safe at ANY time when it gets a bit dark ....
  21. These roles are fairly niche I think. To get a 3 Month Contract you must surely be doing the same sort of job previously at a similar pay grade? Which for this is 59k - 65k .... With no vast pool of experience/qualifications to select from then the new person may well have had contact with the old person professionally. Just a guess as these authorities shift kids' all around the Country.
  22. The internet reveals that on 9 June 2015 a new Head of Service for Looked After Children in Hereford was being sought. On a 3 month initial contract. The role has been filled the site says. I have no idea by whom. I have posted previously that the previous post holder had Freedom Church links .... I also have no idea about why she has apparently left that role. Link
  23. These photo facades always seem to be in place around buildings that are being restored in the background. I think there would be a danger that if one appeared in High Town then it would just be an excuse to let the shell behind to drift along for another 5 years with nothing being done. I think the site should be flattened immediately. 5 years looking at scaffolding is no joke. This needs to come to an end.
  24. You only have to go to the WMP Website to see what resources are allocated to Hereford City Southside and Rural after this recent Murder. For Neighbourhood style Policing. If you filter out the supervisors (as they've generally got paperwork to deal with.) .... and the CSO's as they are just coat hangers to bicycle around in a yellow jacket. You are left with one PC.
  25. I think that it's very upsetting that on top of the grief already imposed on Family/Friends of Christian Bagley they now have to cope with his corpse apparently being neglected in the Mortuary after the medical investigations concluded. It has decomposed to an extent that it cannot be suitably dressed for the funeral. BBC News Police have issued an apology but I can't see that they are to blame. It must be a Mortuary failure.
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