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Everything posted by Roger

  1. They are doing my street, and an adjacent street, at the moment. Most of the new steel poles were dug in and erected 2 or 3 weeks ago but they are yet to remove the existing lights which are on concrete posts. Dunno why it has all gone quite for a couple of weeks. I will issue some praise tho. Some of the old concrete mounted yellow lights have become inconveniently positioned. They would have been fine when erected but with people pulling garden walls down to widen drives they have now become serious obstructions. So the men are putting the new lights bang on the front boundary line between properties. Thumbs up for that.
  2. I've never been in. I don't actually know what it sells but it's stuck in a Street that is the epitome of neglect and shabbiness.
  3. I doubt I ever will .... I have an affinity to the Historic core ....
  4. Still not found .... Update from the cops saying links with Coventry/Birmingham. Basic google search suggests Miss Remington has done this a bit ... Birmingham Mail Last time she was found (May 2015) link Obviously an exposed 15 year old girl is highly vulnerable floating about randomly in the Birmingham area ....
  5. I see from The Council website that The Beefy Boys (of burger fame) have applied for a licence for Pavillion 3 at The Old Market. To run from 9 Sept. 2015. They want authority, between 0700 - 0200, to play music and supply food/alcohol in a Restaurant setting with outdoor seating. To include allowing people to take food/drink off the premises. Licensing Application I'm not entirely sure where Pavillion 3 is but someone here will know ...
  6. Police have released a video of Christian Bagley's last known movements ... Walking along Villa Street towards the railway bridge at 22.32 hrs ... YouTube
  7. I see what you mean ... This was in Manchester City Centre to disguise building work ... But we don't have a building site ... Just a deserted bomb zone ... The token effort of the mural was probably done on a voluntary basis ...
  8. Bus services continue in Herefordshire 21 July 2015 Two Herefordshire bus companies have stepped in to ensure the continuation of services to passengers once First Midland cease operations in the county in September. Yeoman’s Canyon Travel will be providing Hereford area services both commercial and subsidised at similar times to the existing First journeys and DRM will be covering journeys on service 420 Hereford – Bromyard – Worcester. First Midland currently operates the majority of commercial services in Hereford urban area comprising the following services: 71 Credenhill, 72 Bobblestock,74 Newton Farm, 75 Belmont –Tupsley,78,79,79A,88,88A Hinton, Putson, Redhill, Saxon Gate, Rotherwas. It also operates a council contract which includes the following services: 426 Bodenham, 437/477 Tillington, 446 Eardisley/Almeley, 453/454 Fownhope/Woolhope. Cllr Paul Rone, cabinet member roads and transport said, “I am pleased that local providers have stepped in so quickly after First Midland announced they are pulling out of the county. It’s comforting to know that none of the current services will be disrupted. I’d like to thanks Yeoman’s Canyon Travel and DRM for their commitment to ensuring passenger disruption is avoided.†The closure of Hereford depot was announced together with closure of other First Bus depots in Bracknell and Newcastle-under-Lyne in the Potteries as part of First Midland’s review. Herefordshire Council
  9. So are we now left with no movement unless some sort of Lottery Grant is forthcoming? Any serious business would not develop the site for retail as the Town Centre is a dead duck ....
  10. Yeah ... The Hereford Times reported this development on 23 June 2015. However I walked down Barrs Court Road this morning and looking across I could see that the lifts were barriered off at the train station and they are clearly back out of action. Reason unknown.
  11. It's a well drilled exercise to get the parking tickets issued virtually around the clock ...... More energy has to be spent sorting out the bomb site I think ....
  12. I can't imagine that the people who are currently in charge of the 'asset' would be too hard to find.
  13. I like your thinking toroidal. I was thinking about a compulsory purchase route myself. Presumably there is someone dealing with the insolvency/liquidation of whoever owns that building. Why can't they be approached and something get thrashed out? Just to throw the towel in and suggest the shell could be stood there for years is a defeatist attitude and unacceptable. Plus there are presumably creditors of the bankrupt owners who could benefit if it was purchased. I suppose the biggest creditor might be HMRC tho ... By the way .... Who is paying the rent on that scaffolding? It must be the biggest bill ever. I would prefer the whole facade to be flattened. And I don't think many people are desperately lying awake at night worrying that the building gets rebuilt exactly the same. Anything sympathetic to the surroundings would do I think ...
  14. Fire-damaged building could remain untouched for "a significant period of time" A FIRE-damaged building which has blighted Hereford's High Town for five years could remain untouched for a "significant period of time", a leading councillor has warned. The former Card Factory building has been labelled an eyesore having stood undeveloped since the huge blaze which took hold of the property in October 2010. Hopes of a restoration were dashed earlier this year when the owners of the site, Omaha Properties Ltd, went into administration. And this morning, the cabinet member for infrastructure, Cllr Philip Price, told full council it may be some time before there is a positive solution, despite the council being notified of some interest from a charity. "The company that owns it has gone into administration," he said. "We have had a an interested party looking into it. We will work with any developer wishing to bring it back to life, but it's going to take time. "We can debate it as much as you like, but the council is not a developer." It's difficult but don't be surprised if there's no solution to the building for a significant period of time." Cllr Price was responding to an update request from former Hereford mayor, Cllr Len Tawn. Last year, the Lib Dem's parliamentary candidate for Hereford and south Herefordshire, labelled the building an "eyesore". The two brands affected by the fire, Card Factory and River island, are now trading from elsewhere in the city. In recent months the site has at least shown signs of looking more attractive after permission was granted for artist Maxine Williams to paint a mural on boards surrounding the building. The work depicts county soldiers who fought during the Gallipoli campaign in the First World War. It shows The Herefordshire Regiment landing in August 1915 at Suvla Bay ahead of a bloody baptism of fire which claimed 70 lives while almost 1,000 were evacuated through wounds or sickness. The mural, which includes the names of those who died, was officially unveiled last month by the Lord Lieutenant of Herefordshire, Lady Darnley. Hereford Times
  15. I haven't read if the cops know of the direction of travel of the killer after the event. If he went north up 'the lines' then anything is possible. Who knows? But there aren't many camera choices to trawl for images.
  16. If it's the same photo as the website then it's two people who were approaching the general area 10 or more minutes after the murder. Just trying to cross off unidentified people. They may well have saw nothing. But they need eliminating to build the picture. Which seems very sketchy at the moment (publicly).
  17. Roger


    Those posters must have been printed as a job lot. I'd be interested to see any other examples!
  18. We still need an answer to this. I can't see how you can try an formulate another sort of Residents Group without explaining the previous machinations. What is going on in the background? It's not transparent to me at all.
  19. Yeah ... I read the HT link. I think the location is as good as could be achieved for a joint enterprise with the cops. It could easily be up and running for 2017/2018. I still think this is unfortunate tho as it might mean you only get about 10 years use out of an £8 Million investment in a new cell block at the current Police Station. Plus the add on cost of building an oversized Leominster Police Station (and oversized cell block) that happened when they needed to store Hereford prisoner capacity there when there were no cells in Hereford during the rebuild. Just a total lack of any sort of planning.
  20. I can stand in my Ward next time. So can loads of people. In fact everyone who is eligible. There is a shed load of Tory votes already waiting for the next ballot. Regardless of economic circumstances. If multiple 'Independent' Candidates want to stand then fine. They will just dilute what is left of the non Tory vote. And if the 'Independents' want to band together then they are a sort of Party in their own right. I am not surprised people are so disengaged with the system to be honest. I will add Glenda that you are now hovering in the Smartieno1 area. Unofficial troubleshooter.
  21. I think the Independent people have to talk to other Independent candidates so as to get some sort of sensible ballot paper on offer. Unfortunately some sort of cosy behind the scenes deal to just have one Independent Candidate is the only way forward. There is a hardcore Tory Vote here and any dilution of the opposition might get you a Tory. Not always the case. But you got to factor that in. And, of course, some cosy deal is not really truly being Independent.
  22. Plenty of demand for Wedding reception venues and I would fully expect the Club to go down that route to maximise bar revenue.
  23. Election Result for May 2015 here Notice of Election for August 2015 here
  24. HFC are applying for an alcohol licence (until 02.00 at weekends) for the bars at The Ground. I think this is good news. Application
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