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Everything posted by Roger

  1. TRAVELLERS parked up on Hereford's Merton Meadow have told Herefordshire Council they will go "at the end of the week." But the council confirmed this morning that the actual week has not been specified. Hereford Times
  2. The parent obviously won't go to jail here. System is not flexible enough to cater for an 'educational' element worked into the absence .... The rule is just a blanket rule. To probably having to avoid 'means testing' every excuse going for a week off.
  3. Thanks for that input .... Very informative SC ...... I was erring in that direction. I will admit that endowment policy Mortgages were not brilliant in hindsight. But life is too short to go on a crusade about making a point. I think Guy Taylor is a total *** for the stuff he does. Just my view!
  4. It is a Council owned space Wiki Simple trespass is hardly a Police matter in that short space of time. Other than to detect any criminal fallout (damage) from the incursion. Is the Council accepting this damage? Or complaining about it?
  5. Yeah .... I get the concept and have a grasp of the rules. The Widemarsh Common incursion seems to have been a small one for a very short period of time. But some damage was caused apparently so was this just accepted by the owner? I think in practice this 1994 rule stuff is not going to be used for a small group of travellers causing a trespass for a short period of time. Just too much aggro. And best of luck tracing the person who actually caused the damage getting in!
  6. I totally agree with the outcome as I don't agree with just anti-socially plonking yer caravan in these circumstances. But how is trespass a Police matter?
  7. 'The proof of the pudding is in the eating.' A phrase dating back Centuries. Very apt phrase here I think.
  8. I attended that School in the 70's when it was the High School For Boys .... It had loads more pupils than 49. Plus it had it's own gym. The woodworking and biology were not in the Main building but it worked. How can you spend £3M and downsize the pupil numbers by that crazy amount !?
  9. Just noticed that this dodgy gardener, Sam Janes, likes the internet! He was featured by the BBC News website in 2010 (when he was 14) where he was promoting a website for 'young Gypsies', designed by 'Save The Children', that he said was going to enable people to 'learn more about us'. I think we just did! There is a Facebook profile available that seems to tick all the boxes ...
  10. Herefordshire Council Be alert to these time wasting cold callers' !!!
  11. I'll fall short of my final payment. I got it covered. People forget that what they lost in the endowment being **** they gained in a next to nothing interest rate for donkey's years ~ on the interest monthly payment. I'm not remotely arsed!
  12. Thanks for that. I get the general drift I think. So did Tom Crawford have some arrears rolled up into a similar situation where he would argue that he was paying a disproportionately higher amount? If he never missed a payment then surely a situation wouldn't have developed?
  13. Sadly your link has become broken. So here is the story .... BBC News These Mortgages are quite simple to understand. You pay off the interest on the loan for 25 years. Then pay off the Capital when the associated endowment matures. Of course the endowments (a fair few) will fall well short of predicted returns and you have got to make up the shortfall yourself. Unless you have somehow proved you were mis -sold the stuff in the first place. I have no idea where the wheel came off here but the Court have made their decision.
  14. I had some 6th Form College litter behind my house. Sent a moan and photo to their Twitter account and strangely they felt obliged to do a litter pick and clear the problem within about a day. You got to think outside the box sometimes. Making a phone call to some Council call centre about fly tipping is pointless. What's he going to do with the photo of this fly tipper?
  15. He could send that photo to the Council via Twitter. Job sorted in about 10 seconds.
  16. Latest strategy is as per the picture. Don't really know if Tesco need to up interest in their bread rolls or the HT want to increase circulation. I think the content of next weeks edition will be the same as always tho. A couple of out of date stories, adverts, and obscure sport ....
  17. Anecdotal evidence on the internet that 'Perfect' has not been open for a while .... Archive photo obtained via google ....
  18. CQC have been sniffing around Hereford in the past week .... I'll post a link if anything is published 'online' ....
  19. Went past there today. The yellow flaky paint in the picture has been painted white. Other than that the place looks the same.
  20. If I had any decent levels of savings and I lived in Greece the money would not be in any part of the Greek banking system. Interestingly interest in Bitcoin digital currency has surged recently. Probably some Greeks involved there.
  21. I have been out. And I still get out. I agree with your point.
  22. If these bus pass people get free travel then the Operators should get subsidised accordingly ~ proportionate to the approximate bus pass usage rate on the routes concerned. My Aunt is nearly 80 and lives in the City Centre. I don't think she would bother with a bus pass application as she is not on the breadline. I can't see her waiting at a bus stop for an unreliable bus anyway. I know she uses buses to visit friends in Wales for holiday type breaks but for City Centre travel she'd ring a taxi. On the subject of First Buses I was going northbound on Victoria Street this evening at 18.20. When I was stuck at the lights by Steels corner I saw a single decker First bus turn down towards Whitecross. You could clearly see that there were three passengers on it. Obviously that route, at that time, was earning the bus company next to nil. The three people on there might even have had bus passes!
  23. Are they paying the bill? How do you differentiate what electric is being used on the bridge compared to, say, the lights on the nearest residential street? Is it all wired up different or do the HA maintain the lights but The Council foot the electric bill? I don't know!
  24. The outlay for that, with no real demand for existing buses, is a pie in the sky idea. Not happening. Ever.
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