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Everything posted by Roger

  1. The Queen was driven past it (fire shell) in 2012 and I think I moaned then that it had already taken too long to rectify the situation. The first thing I'd do with this £2.5M tho is to pay off/get rid of that squeaky kiddies ride in front of Marks & Spencer .... Adds nothing to the City and is just trash in my view ....
  2. I'd be tempted to tweet the situation to the HT and the Police Chief for Herefordshire .... The worst that will happen is you get ignored completely!
  3. It's Ross-on-Wye ... You could probably argue until the cows come home about whether the zig-zags extend to the boundary .... ie the hedge ... Have there been moans about people speeding through those lights? The speed van must be there for a reason. Obviously if the vans position pops up on here as being debatable then there is a question that requires an answer!
  4. Charities get an automatic 80% reduction in business rates with discretionary powers to increase it up to 100%. Herefordshire Council Website It must hit the Council quite hard in the pocket. Just look at that large Subway sandwich shop on the corner of Commercial Square. It changed to a British Heart Foundation shop. They are a Charity so an immediate massive drop in rates.
  5. Excellent question. Freedom Church are a 'Charity' so the charge will reflect that surely?
  6. Mine too. This subject is on my watch list. I don't want to see The Freedom Church agenda creeping in via influential positions where most people on the street would be unaware of what was actually going on. I'm well aware tho that the bodies these people are within are aware themselves ...
  7. It's quite comical that Jesse Norman was being moaned about for trying to garner the odd vote with an innocent Bakewell Tart (from a voting pool of 50k? ~ a lot anyway) when Sepp Blatter was funding some football pitches in the Cayman Islands witch may have resulted in him getting their vote from a pool of 209 voters .... In the recent FIFA Congress vote ... NYTimes
  8. Agreed. It was ingrained into me at School. Just a fact. Luckily I have had an open mind about this for longer than I can care to remember. But this 'divide' is something that persists. And I think it will continue to persist.
  9. I forgot to ask this earlier. Did you leave the car park within the specified free period? You may have been touching, or been slightly over, a line but did you prevent another bay from being used? It seems to me that Sainsbury's (who are the land owner) have probably suffered no financial loss by the nature of your parking. That could only really happen if every space was full and you stopped another shopper from parking their car in the car park. The way it works is that in the very unlikely event that you do receive notification of an impending County Court Case you have 14 days to respond. By paying the alleged debt, or by admitting owing a smaller amount (in your case nil). Denying owing it and going to Court. If you ignore a County Court summons then the case will be awarded against you. If you don't pay their judgment (in full within 30 days) then you would get a CCJ that stays on record for 6 years. The only loan you could get in that next 6 years would be from Wonga :-p The letter should be ignored. It merely states that a process to take you to court 'will follow'. Call their bluff. Nothing to lose at all.
  10. I live basically at Churchill gardens. So it's a 10/15 minute walk in any direction to get to a retail or food outlet. No complaints from me. Anything is obviously better than that grotty defunct toilet block. Best of luck to Mr. Chung with his venture.
  11. So why are people at the 'food banks' ..... ? Obviously no people who live near The Oval are using them then .... Just asking ....
  12. The survey is meaningless. I filled it in but it was so short and loaded as to render it unhelpful. In my view.
  13. It's cheaper to cook at home. Is there enough money in that area to sustain the greasy takeouts ?
  14. Page 6 on this link I wonder where Mr. Chung will put his massive chimney?
  15. 2009 – Hereford City centre – SUCCESS -Having ignored his Warning Notice Kip Waistell took Herefordshire Council to court. By the time the case was heard the various locations he had complained about had been cleared. The complaint was therefore withdrawn and the Magistrates duly awarded Kip his costs. cleanhighways The fella clearly cares and takes action ....
  16. I dunno your start point for that journey but a right turn out of Southbank Road onto the Hill is a no go at busy times so it looks like the Pilley Rd/Clifton Rd rat run! ( at non busy times go straight across and use Hopton Road?).Traffic jams will just shift to somewhere else I suppose!
  17. Have you got a link to a computer friendly zoomable map ? However it's dressed up that railway bridge is a real problem. There's going to be a vast increase in traffic turning right. And I can see the traffic just backing up Aylestone Hill as it can only get to those increased lanes by going over that narrow bridge. If you increase the right turn light phase then traffic is going to back up down Commercial Road. Basically another road through the town centre will just generate more traffic going through the middle. The congestion will just shift about and increase. Especially when 800 new homes are associated with the project.
  18. The question is sourced from the DM ... The whole debate has been whether we should leave .... The question could be, but won't be, 'Should the UK leave the European Union' ....
  19. There may be something I've missed but inbound traffic from Worcester will be encouraged to turn right onto the new link road. That goes right at the bottom of Aylestone Hill. The right turn light phase is quite short there. Plus that railway bridge is very narrow.
  20. I remember that original Common Market vote well. I was very interested in the subject but was too young to vote. It was 1975. Loads of stickers were handed out to promote the campaign to stay in. I even had one on my coat meself. As I recall it was promoted as a trading situation. With a vote about trade integration. 67% voted to stay in. I bet Cameron has got a whole department of people working on the wording of the referendum question. You can psychologically ask the same question in different ways to load it in your favour.
  21. BB were in the traffic light box on the Tesco roundabout in town at 6PM tonight when I drove past ....
  22. There are so many lights spaced so close to each other on major routes that if the scoot system compensated then would it not screw up the lights 50 yards away? There are just too many cars/traffic lights to cope I think. Only answer is to build 1000 new homes to feed into Whitecross Road .... Should sort out the issue overnight! :-P
  23. Roger

    Grass cutting

    Churchill Gardens is a disgrace at the moment .... No 'membranes' to worry about. Just no proper mowing ... Any mowing that happens is weeks apart and is done in sections. Shambles.
  24. OUT is my vote. I'm historically a Tory voter and still am by the way. My basic issue is 'Free Movement'. It's not even an illegal immigrant or benefit issue for me. Too many people are arriving perfectly legally to do their stuff without draining the system. They have got to live somewhere. All the usual arguments. You cannot sustain 300k per year extra because Britain is more attractive. I'm not sure 'Free Movement' could be negotiated. Anything else is fiddling around the edges.
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