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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Looking at the map again you're right. Rowberry's butchers is covered and 20 yards into Bastion Mews. I dunno how much this affected the application because Maccies had an extension turned down (for the old CIZ) on the basis that they were near the zone. They are now well within it as it's got bigger.
  2. That just sounded like a late night rant .... possibly after a couple of pints' .....
  3. Drinks List £3.50 for 'Lawless' lager (pint) is a lot for 4.5 % ABV ... in Hereford ... Pizza Menu No pizza size mentioned. I suppose 'feedback' will trickle down .... I'm not tempted yet ....
  4. The Shack Revolution is a new Alcohol LIcence within the CIZ (which is approved in it's extended state as per the map) ... Worth a separate mention in itself ...
  5. The 'sounds' were too loud for the cops today. 'Horrendous racket' at 4PM led to a visit with 'polite advice given' ... Info from the Police Licensing Officer on a Twitter post late this afternoon .... The venue is slap bang next door to their building ...
  6. That would, I agree, be their first thought. Mine would be to remove the car park charges instead. That would move those problem cars off the road and back to where they should be. In the car park.
  7. Roger

    Grass cutting

    Some people are up at the top end of Churchill Gardens this morning cutting some grass. They are in two unmarked white pick up trucks so they may be sub-contractors? At any rate there seems to be 3 fella's with strimmers' and another on a ride on mower. Generating a lot of noise ... but very little grass being cut ... Wrong ratio of tools I think. But it is quite lumpy up here (due to years of neglect) so maybe that's the reason.
  8. Lorry in collision with parked cars in Hereford city centre HT Where about's was this? Holmer Road is quite long! I'd be interested to see if it was anywhere near the Leisure Centre .... Anonymous file story indicates the road is in the centre of town .... Nope! Plus a Droitwich Fire Engine? Crazy!
  9. I figured that. The light sequence at the Tesco roundabout tho means any southbound blue light run from there would meet a wall of lights and blocked lanes in even the most vaguely of busy times via Edgar St. I read everywhere about this 'Scoot' system of intelligent lights but the phases all seem to last the same length of time to me regardless ! That said the FB still have to go south via the same island from their existing location.
  10. SLR is about housing I think. Hereford is just in the wrong place for roads I think. If there was an easy solution it would have happened already .... :-p
  11. Selling off the Police Traffic Garage, which was on Newtown Road, (together with the Farriery College) may have seemed good at the time but land is quite valuable as a space for yourself. It's now Pizza Hut and PC World etc. I think the money received is perceived to have been spent unwisely. It was spent on short term stuff. That space is a couple of hundred yards from where they are now sniffing around ...
  12. The Fire Station has for ages been deemed as not fit for purpose and it doesn't seem unreasonable to build a new one instead of trying to patch up the existing one. The people who appear to be in the know have deemed that it's not viable to do so. Same could be said of the Bath Street Police Station. It's been too small for a long time. Everyone knows that they had to rent two floors of the BT building on Barton Road as office space as a result. I always thought they should have bought the car place next door that was flattened some years ago and turned into what is now the private £1 an hour car park. They could have extended into that space. Instead they soldiered on in an unfit building by changing room shapes around inside and shuffling people about. It got really bad tho when they had to close the bar in the top of the building (really cheap drinks in there) and turn it into office space. The Organisations should have got their heads together 10 years ago and sorted out what they're trying to sort out now. Instead what ended up happening was the Police soldiered on even more with Bath Street. The cell block became so unfit for purpose with it's inadequate number of cells and crazy steep ramp outside to get into it that they then spent 2 1/2 years and £8M building a new cell block in the back yard. Link here It opened in the summer of 2009. If this new combined Fire/Police Station gets built then we could end up with an £8M facility that would quite probably of got flattened within 10 years. Not a great use of the money. In my view.
  13. Precisely why I posted her details that are transparent on the Web. Links to the said Church etc. I'm staggered I never had a comment before yours Glenda!
  14. People in The Freedom Church have included in their profiles (on Social Media) that they want to eliminate pornography They are targeting the Very young on their Website propoganda .... Obviously they have a money generating model in place .... Successful it would appear .... An organisation to keep a close eye on I think .....
  15. This is the real problem with litter. No point creeping around trying to catch someone dropping a cigarette end. The clapped out mattress is a far bigger problem. And a battered door for that matter. There don't appear to be any bin bags to microscopically sift through to get an address from so it should just be shifted away.
  16. They should run a Football Club! Financial Fair Play Rules and all that!
  17. West Mercia website updated today ... West Mercia Police News Item Suspect is no longer a suspect ~ released from bail. No appeal for any new information. And Colin's first post said :- Case doesn't appear to have taken up an extortionate amount of time ..... Which is good ....
  18. A vague start date would be helpful I think .... I also think throwing money at DAB is a bit of a mistake .... Just my view! Internet Radio is the way forward. That said some channels transmit via the Sky Box. No delay in the signal. Radio is a booming zone I think ....
  19. Map The people who have filled the Map are on record .....
  20. Roger

    UKIP Meeting

    Nigel Farage on the Question Time panel tonight .... Should be worth watching ....
  21. Yeah ... I hope he reflects on that sort of drivel and moderates his comments accordingly. That said then if that is how his brain is wired then he will not rewire it anytime soon! I suppose that technique is the realm of Politicians who will rewrite/rewire anything if it gets some more seats! If WirralPC came back then that would be fine in my book! But I would probably fall out with him if he did. As quite clearly he has parked me in a certain Political Area! I don't think he is getting a 'kicking' in this thread by the way ...
  22. Nice gesture by Gary Barlow. A totally positive visit which means a lot to people. As you can see in the photo.
  23. That Midland league was won by Basford United this season. They got promoted to the Evo-Stik First Division South for next season. So that is the projected path for HFC .... Evo-Stik League
  24. Precisely why I haven't commented on the thread about the alleged bullying/abuse of Council Staff. I haven't worked at The Council and have absolutely no idea of what internal machinations may, or may not, be going on down there. Other than reading the various allegations that pop up on the internet. Which are as reliable as Wikipedia. ie probably right most of the time but you wouldn't stake your house on it. I thought WirralPC made a good few points along the way. Probably outweighed by his irrational and illogical (and I would say on occasion abusive) reactions if you didn't type the reply he wanted to read. I never felt it necessary to 'report' anything to a moderator as the stuff is there for anyone to read and people can make their own mind up!
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