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Everything posted by Roger

  1. That post was not an advert by the way .... It's all very vague at the moment and Ian Davies is on holiday in America as we speak. I hope the proposed feeds/streams live up to the hype!
  2. A fledgling new Radio Station is being set up in Hereford (covers Worcester as well) .... For info ... They are aiming to broadcast on the internet and DAB radio .... Like Radio Crowd Funding Page likeradiouk.co.uk DJ Ian Davies is heavily involved.
  3. Colin? Do an element of the forum protect 'paedo' people? I know it was an internet 'rant' but that was getting near the edge I think .....
  4. Was Paul Keetch a well oiled machine? I seem to recall he had a seat up until 2010 .... I think he wasn't a Tory. Turnout for South Hereford this time was 66% with 52% voting Tory. Hardly an apathetic Public .....
  5. The second paragraph was a moan about the voting system. I replied. I didn't lose the plot or post on the wrong thread ....
  6. I went to the polling station and got asked if I wanted to be issued with all of the available papers' (3) ...... In hindsight this sounds less than transparent ......
  7. Evening Dippy! Those are the PR percentages .... for last Thursday ..... That would equal 30 SNP MP's .... and 82 UKIP MP's .... Based on a totally PR system .... That would mean 29 non SNP MP's would be parachuted into Scotland to even it all out! Who would sit where? Obviously a total non starter! Precisely why the AV vote was tendered as an alternative. To keep it a bit more realistic. Rejected 2 to 1. In a referendum. You can .... And accepted by me!
  8. Labour won a Landslide victory in the 1997 General Election under Exactly the same system that rejected them last Thursday. I never heard many Leftie moans after that Victory! The next best voting system was put to the Electorate after the 2010 Election in a referendum. The 'AV' system was pitched as the potential alternative in 2011. On a turnout of 42.2 per cent, 68 per cent voted No and 32 per cent voted Yes. Basically 2 to 1 wanted to keep the current voting system. A resounding vote of confidence.
  9. He won by 30 votes .... Maybe the last minute effort made the difference! Bobblestock result
  10. Postal votes is a good starting point. I had a shed load thru my door and I could have rigged the ones that weren't mine if I was minded to. I obviously didn't but you get my point .... Really? Ed's brother was on tv today saying that Ed's tactic of moving left cost them the Election. I expect a lurch to the right imminently to try and rebuild what they had with Blair when they moved so far towards the centre that they were basically left of centre Tories. They will change/massage any Policy in order to regain power for their Party. Plus Lord Sugar (a Labour Lord) has fired The Labour Party as they are anti business.
  11. Ed Balls? He has no grip on reality and got voted out. ...... His wife would be fairly toxic if she run for Leadership. Labour is officially in chaos in my book. Their only hope is to move right ~ like it was last time. Indistinguishable from the Tories! They all just want Power !!!! .....
  12. I can't believe you posted that. For information purposes only I am a major critic of Jesse Norman. I did, however, vote for him in the GE as he was the least worst candidate. I also voted non Tory in the local stuff. I hope that clears that up. ps. I appreciated the 'fishing trip' type post! pps. Chelsea 'away' was a boycott from me due to cost issues. Not my end. Their end.
  13. You are not my Ward Glenda. But I am well aware that anecdotal evidence is all out there that suggests that you were very good and very caring. Reality is tho that in these small Ward elections then additional Candidates can dilute support for others ..... There has got to be a strategy and co-operation for a Ward otherwise support just gets spread about.
  14. My elected Councillor is now Brian Wilcox. Congratulations to him on his win by the way ..... I have no idea what, if any, Church he attends or relates to. I doubt that many people will have had the First scooby do as to Jon Johnson's connections (current or otherwise) with the Freedom Church ..... They may well have just rocked up at the ballot box and voted for a 'Party' candidate.
  15. At post #16 on this topic I did post his linkedin entry which lists what he is currently doing and what he did previously. In fairness it quite clearly indicates 'Freedom Church' in the 'previous' section.
  16. I couldn't agree more. I live in the College Ward and we had both an IOC and an Independent candidate standing against an established Tory Councillor. They both appeared to me to be credible in their own ways but neither stood head and shoulders above the other and I told them to their faces that there was a very real danger of them splitting the non Tory vote. Which is exactly what happened. So something to learn from for next time.
  17. Same scenario on General Election Day evening. 2 days ago. She parked in the same car park and covered all bases by buying a ticket way in excess of what time she would actually use. The car park is quite large and could possibly hold 80 cars? She reckoned there were 3 cars in it when she parked. Came back .... (still virtually empty in there) and she had a £100 fine on the window for 'not parking in the bay' .... She reckons she parked normally. I can only imagine some gobsh!te spy there has pedantically seen a tyre touching a line in the car park. The ticket will not be acknowledged, or recognised, and if a Court summons chasing an unwarranted invoice arrives then it will be fought ... Just giving the heads up really that there is zero tolerance at that car park and they seem to have some sort of person living there to issue tickets.
  18. It's not my Ward (and I have not had the time to research) but are you suggesting this was a printing error?
  19. As I remember it public opinion was mobilised yesterday .... It was called a vote. The record of The Council was well known over various issues (you didn't need to be a total internet geek to be aware of various issues) but people put their local 'X' in the Tory box regardless. It was quite possibly more to do with the National Trend as opposed to giving a mandate to a particular candidate for a particularly good record or engaging leaflet that looked promising. And I think it's fairly safe to assume that various voters' will vote for the Tory Party regardless. I think people will have to live with what the Locals have voted for. Where could any confusion have crept in from about voting was allowed for two candidates? It wouldn't be from an official source. It's been known for ages the new system was 53 seats with just one vote for each. As stated on the ballot paper. 400 of spoiled papers is a lot tho and it seems unlikely a protest vote would have been mobilised in those numbers. I suppose people on the Ward will have to enlighten us as to why this weird event has happened ...
  20. I'm not really a fan of 'The Heckler' ..... But I resonate with their implied concerns about the 'Freedom' Church' ..... I put on the other thread that there are influential people who work with the youth in The Shire who have bought into this concept. There seems to be a 'theme' here.
  21. I expressly told the non Tory Candidates in my Ward (College) that I was worried about them splitting the vote ..... I will watch the trends until the last moment in the local election (before voting)..... General stuff then Jesse is home and hosed. But,like you I will drill down into the hard figures .... In about 24/36/48 hours .....
  22. Ta .... The other Election is not worth watching locally as everyone knows!
  23. Obviously all with a backdrop of the fire ravaged River Island bomb site .... Fair now paying it's fifth visit to it .... Queen even paid a passing visit to it ....
  24. I think you have been too vague here .... I might have a friend in the Freedom Church, via a social media site, and not know it as I am a friend for a different reason ... Is this trawl of FB lists? On a separate issue Roger Goodwin delivered me yet another copy of his leaflet tonight. (College Ward).... The pic I took is pretty rubbish but the added detail is the hastily added sticker that says he is is the only person who lives on the ward he is standing in .... Sorry if you can't read it but that's basically what it says ....
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