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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Agreed. Just leave the Coffee Cart there all night ... I'd probably prefer that to all the vehicular movement (morning noon and night) moving it out then in again. The amount of vehicle movement in what is a pedestrian precinct is crazy. Cart gets towed in, gets towed out, then ten minutes later it is towed in again ... The venue struggles with the Christmas light switch on .... Various people selling glow sticks out of shopping trolleys .... With the entertainment supplied by Sunshine Radio. Just a crazy tacky event ....
  2. A 'small fee' on top of what we already pay? Nope from me .... And slop buckets are not brilliant. They would attract flies if outside and if kept inside would stink .... With these new black bins you can lose almost anything inside .... grass, garden rubbish, rubble ... etc .... (if inside a bag in a bin with a closed lid)
  3. I think it's morphed into a bit of a 'rip off'. But I'm still, basically, a 'fan' ..... Based on the fact that I was taken around there very frequently by my Mum when I was small!
  4. Ideally what we need is a scan of a Jon Johnson Election leaflet. To see if he has mentioned the Freedom Church at all .... Any Wormside Ward voters out there?
  5. At Liverpool v QPR .... Have a great time everyone!
  6. Non Tory Candidates have the opportunity to do so .... In the Wormside Ward .... Hardly a high profile issue for next week but their call in my book ....
  7. I suppose it's quite relevant to find out how 'official' that leaflet was .... Is it from The Freedom Church or a misguided supporter or someone stirring the election pot? Political activity must be undertaken by a charity only in the context of supporting the delivery of its charitable purposes. The Freedom Charity is Registered Charity Number: 1008459
  8. linkedin I think the 'big cheeses' live (or did) in two big houses at Breinton not far from the river. Not aware of whether they are owned or rented.
  9. How have the binmen got time to check the contents of the black bin? I can understand if they drag it to the wagon and it feels overly heavy ... But 2 bags and a paint pot? I would have thought they would have just put it on the hoist and emptied it ...
  10. Complaint was binned immediately .... So all the hyperbole on the web was inaccurate ..... Or there was something in it and it was binned as a complaint?
  11. I'm not being snobbish but the College Ward has been lumped in with housing that I would constitute as fairly Tory around Penn Grove and Moreland Ave .... I'm just making a Ward shape point. A line has got to be drawn and with so many lines' being drawn then loads of people will be unhappy .... With the ward shape ....
  12. I was there yesterday .... The lights out of Asda very often only let 8/9 cars out per lane. But yesterday, admittedly, all cars got out ~ when I was there. Traffic is very finely balanced at that roundabout and we all know it's a nightmare .... Next week you won't escape the leisure pool car park as the May Fair is here so remember that!
  13. He caught me at the third attempt. I did appreciate his visit. Spent 30 minutes chatting. Seemed a very nice chap. Resonated with me with football straight away.I have now spoke to 3 of 4 candidates for the local Election. :-)
  14. RIP .... The lady died as well as Toby ..... Just wrong .... I hope people will be held to account ....
  15. I will also add that the appeal of a 'local' ward resident will dilute the support of the 'It's Our County' Candidate .... So voting is pretty Marginal I think .... It may lead to Brian Wilcox getting in by default. The guy is nice enough but some of the Council decisions in the last few years have been so poor that he would never get my vote ....
  16. Hi Roger .... I wish you would have engaged more on this site prior to your first post as it came after a fair few postal votes may well have been posted back! Those envelopes arrived on Saturday! Although I am well aware you met my wife the other day when I was elsewhere! A week last Sunday that was! I relate to the fact that you live on my ward but how can you convince me that you are better than a strong 'It's Our County' Group' ? ps .... I did like the bit in your leaflet about the grass cutting .... Not worded in those terms but you seemed to be aware of the grass problems ....
  17. A poll worth watching is this one ... It was featured tonight in Panorama on BBC 1 at 20.30 tonight ... Current predictions are Tories 286, Labour 267, SNP 48, Lib Dems 24, UKIP 1 All just for info!
  18. Hereford Times link to the Inquest story .... The story does not give the date of the tragic event but it was June 6th Hereford Voice readers may also remember Cllr Rone was appointed as a 'Grass supremo' after a Public Protest about long grass 'everywhere' ~ and also after Rhys Evans crashed his car at Tillington. The long grass was so widespread that it was impossible to individually report every verge. And it would have been pointless to do so. Link to the story here (link dated May 30) The Hereford Times also ran a story on their website (dated June 5th) where various contributors (including Cllr Chris Chappell) said that the lack of grass cutting was 'putting lives at risk'. Link here I think it's shameful that BBLP are attempting to distance themselves from this tragic event by highlighting that they had not received a direct complaint about a particular overgrown verge. The complaints had been so very vocal that the Council had reacted. Not by cutting much grass but by making an appointment of an official. To report an overgrown verge the link to the Council page is here
  19. Welcome David .... Glad to hear your input .... But there is no clear link yet posted to this rule about these Candidate adverts .... How close can they be and what is the timescale they are allowed?
  20. Link to the actual legislation? I'll look later if not posted sooner .... Been off the radar a bit today!
  21. I see where you are coming from. But a fire site boarded up since 2010 is not acceptable. Nor is the indulgent design of the guy who did Widemarsh Street .... Gaffer tape to stop people falling over? Or the stark makeover of Eign Gate with the light sabre's ! ? Plus I am on record about not liking the squeaky kids' ride outside M&S and the shanty town of gazebo's that sell stuff instead of the unused shops in High Town.
  22. I've not been there. If I could park for free to collect potential 'shopping' I might have. I just perceive the site to be a very small scale gimmicky copy of what is offered elsewhere. The cinema doesn't interest me as I got a tv at home that covers the wall. Thousands of channels on it. Can't believe the City Centre is basically structured around offering coffee ...
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