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Everything posted by Roger

  1. I didn't think Councillors got a salary as such .... Just expenses or similar. Strange point I think!
  2. I think there is also a duty on the elector to find out at least the bare minimum facts about the candidates (Local or National) in their area. Not overly applicable to Brian Wilcox and Jesse Norman (track record) in my area but there are some new faces in a newly shaped local ward where I'm sat and I will be scrutinising who they are! And what they stand for!
  3. The Council don't give out these late night food licences very easily. Certainly not 02.30 ones. And they are very hot on the 'four licensing objectives'. Below is how the applicant is anticipating how rigorously the Council will look at this application in that respect. The 'security' at the shop is a bit vague but I'm assuming it's going to be one SIA approved guard. No mention of how any extra litter will be dealt with at, and near, the shop. No mention of CCTV. I wouldn't expect the Council to nod through a 02.30 licence based on the written evidence on their website. It would set a precedent for other shops/outlets to submit poor applications and get approved. Buttery Licensing Application
  4. To qualify to be a Councillor you have me meet certain criteria like being 18, being a British/EU/Commonwealth Citizen. Also resident in the Community. Disqualifications are working for the Council/bankruptcy/recent imprisonment for more than three months. So any Church element is not covered in the rules. For any type of Religious organisation. Neither with regards to praying/working there. The question within the current rules' could be 'should candidates disclose certain facts if they are running.' As a sort of moral duty. Or as to be transparent. Some electors similarly might prefer to know if any of their candidates was a Freemason ...
  5. I haven't been past the bomb site for a while but is any scaffolding left? I read in the HT that the scaffold licence wouldn't be renewed after the 80 day enforcement period which ended on 12th February. It was still there on 2nd March as you can see it on the picture earlier in the thread ...
  6. Paul Andrews rung my doorbell today in The College Ward where he's standing for IOC. Seems a nice enough chap ... I forgot to ask the Housing question but as far as he's concerned he wants an end to The Council selling assets. More local to his ward he wants a 20 MPH speed limit in the area without humps. Not sure myself that is worth doing as I'm not aware of an existing speed problem ...
  7. The picture speaks for itself. Unless that was the incumbent MP's lunch (doubtful) then free food handout's appear to be in his campaign tactic. Illegal ... Subject to legal opinion I suppose ....
  8. I can't see an issue with applicants' names being published .... If they get a Licence then they are driving around with their badge on their top anyway .... The HT doesn't suggest any 'exempt' information was published .... like 'convictions' .... if indeed there are any!
  9. I spoke to the person who took the photos on Twitter. Apparently the truck was there all day. Looks bad on the surface at it's a 'Loading Only' bay but it's redundant between 10.30 -16.30 as nothing can park there. I can't see anyone having been inconvenienced by it in that 6 hour period. To book a static spot in High Town would be more expensive than the parking ticket I would guess. So some cheap publicity I suppose. Probably outweighs the negative publicity he may get for flouting the parking regulations!
  10. After the Kim Rose 'sausage roll gate' episode you'd expect Jesse Norman to steer clear of any situation where he could be accused of 'treating'. some kids under voting age may have had a bakewell tart but they have got parents who will be of voting age so his explanation is a bit lame.
  11. It's not my ward but Candidates should be canvassing for votes in their areas. As opposed to being distracted by anything else. The topic quoted is just 'free speech' in my opinion.
  12. UKIP candidate campaigning in Hereford today ... His charm was obviously lost on the Council traffic attendant
  13. That sign should be given the bums rush ...
  14. I dunno why they've left this tree debris lying about ... It blew down about a month ago in that windy spell we had ...
  15. I've used Hereford Station a couple of times in the past week and those lifts are still being 'tested' ... but nothing visible going on. However a couple of vans (with guys inside) have been parked up outside, marked integral.co.uk, which appears to be the sort of company who would test lifts. On a separate note I'm in London on Sunday and the earliest Hereford ---> Paddington train is 10.06 getting in at 13.53 with two changes. However if I get a lift to Malvern then there is a direct train which is 09.20 getting in at 12.06. Just demonstrates, I think, that the single track between Hereford and Ledbury is hampering Hereford customers ...
  16. Have households in those side street got black wheelie bins? If they have the Council won't even pick up one loose bag off the pavement. Or are they properties where wheelie bins won't fit?
  17. Brian Wilcox has just been leafleting my street again today. He's obviously trying to shake it up a bit as he went around the cul-de-sac in a clockwise direction as opposed to anti clockwise last time. Still couldn't find my doorbell tho ...
  18. On a positive note the work/refurbishment on the old Palace restaurant in Commercial Road seems to be progressing. Several workers there tonight at 18.30 doing painting and stuff ... Front door was open and it appears to have been 'gutted' with a new interior being fitted ...
  19. Yesterday the Council turned up to 'cut' Churchill Gardens for the first time this year. Basically they did a sort of botched 'half a job'. So same old story ...
  20. Jesse was parachuted into this area as it was a 'Marginal' .... Spent some time 'banking' .... Old news really. I don't think he has to get out of bed to win his seat again as the Lib Dem support will have collapsed over the tuition fee stuff ... But he has mustered the troops anyway ...
  21. I just have a son who is able bodied and he doesn't understand the concept of a bus. He just rings a cab (private hire normally) as he can't be bothered to make an effort to walk to the end of the Street .... :-p
  22. I was pulled up on this earlier on in the thread. Obviously if someone is mobility impaired then it makes sense to get a lift. I was making a general point that really short trips are sometimes just laziness. The way the thread is going you would assume that everyone wanting a short trip has a broken leg or similar. Just petty point scoring in my book.
  23. I would never get a taxi for that length of trip. But that is not the point. How far is minimum for certain drivers to be interested? The queue of waiting taxis can get fairly long so this must cause friction in the Rank if the front car refuses to go ? There must be some sort of etiquette going on or it would all fall apart? What are the Council doing?
  24. Candidates for South Hereford ... Link All White British ... Across the spectrum ... So throw the mud in all directions as opposed to just Jesse Norman. What are you looking for in a picture to demonstrate diversity?
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