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Everything posted by Roger

  1. How is Bewell Street recently? Not been down there recently. Largest unofficial rank in the World exists down there .... Going slightly off topic dippy I would guess your reply was prompted by the re-ordering of the topics as this was suddenly near the top having been dormant for nearly 10 days .... Manipulation. Must be a reason!
  2. I see that there is an application in for 'The Buttery' sandwich shop in Maylord Street Hereford to have a late night refreshment licence (no alcohol) between 23.30 and 02.30 on a Thur/Fri/Sat. To include indoor and outdoor provision of what I imagine would be hot food/coffee type stuff. The applicant says approval is needed to 'guarantee it's survival'. Application The application looks a bit 'woolly' to me. To have a chance of getting a 02.30 stand alone food type licence I think you need to be all over covering the licensing objectives which the applicant has covered by saying 'security' will be provided. No mention of CCTV/litter provision etc.
  3. At 2 PM today I was sat in my front room when I saw Councillor Brian Wilcox briskly walking up the pavement towards my house. I walked through to my front door to speak to him as I had a couple of things I wanted to raise. However when I got to the door all I found was his rubbish leaflet half pushed through my letterbox. He was already two houses further up the street. Moving at the speed of a gazelle. I suppose that is what he considers as engagement with his electorate. I don't. The image below is the actual leaflet he left.
  4. I've used it when it was both the gents toilet and latterly a shop. I agree with you. It might be a struggle to fill it. It's very small inside as well. I don't know what the rates/rent are there compared to other empty stores in the nearby area that are of a similar size.
  5. Licensing application for Play Nightclub on the Council Website Application End of drinking at 03.30 hrs. Premises to close at 04.00. Additional hour on various other days along similar lines to the Yates application. Which is drinking until 04.30 hrs and close at 05.00 hrs. Plus a round the clock application for New Years Eve time ...
  6. tripadvisor ..... Favourable review .....
  7. Theoretically would 'Joe Soap' get in as an MP in Hereford if Jesse Norman wasn't the candidate and incumbent? If he was the Tory Candidate? Lib Dems have suffered a hit everywhere because of various stuff .... I think Labour might pick up a bit around here but I think Jesse Norman is home and hosed. This 'Play' debate ended up clashing with a major tv event along the same lines so rather unfortunate ...
  8. The current image on Google Street View is from 2011 I think. It shows a previous intervention was a sort of side swish to stop the bush overhanging the road ... The more drastic action seems better to me!
  9. Can't fail to notice that can you?! I'm not a tree expert so maybe someone can say if the extensive pruning was well timed. I think 'deciduous' trees are best pruned when asleep so if they were budding then that sounds like bad timing. Parking is an issue on College Road tho. Did the tree surgeons have access issues?
  10. Double yellow lines have appeared today ~ running along Penn Grove Road from Moreland Avenue to the junction with College Road. Also in Admirals Close. Limited waiting has been created between Admirals Close and Moreland Ave on the outside of the bend which is the other side to where the commuters used to park. So basically the issues there may have been eased. But a good few cars will now have to find a new spot to park for free.
  11. Some filled today in Audley Crescent ... + Moreland Avenue .... May have been yesterday .... Reasonable job done .....
  12. That location is directly under a Council camera ...
  13. It's fly tipping and a fire hazard ... I don't know if it was a temporary situation or if it's there tonight ...
  14. Bewell Street ~ opposite the entrance to Tesco ...
  15. So a sofa getting dumped instigates 'extra attention' ? Commendable but .... Is sofa dumping even a cop issue anymore? That is the Council remit surely?
  16. How widespread is this condition ? Locally ? The news article in the HT seemed to extrapolate small numbers into a 'timebomb' .... That's the quote .... All very vague and just picking quotes to suit the story I think ... There may be sexual ailments in Hereford but the figure I would want to see is a comparison with other areas. Is it worse here than anywhere else? 'Timebomb' seems a strong phrase to highlight.
  17. Same here. I hope my jest about pancake day earlier was taken in good part .... I think it was! Thanks! Hereford ain't a bad place for Nightlife if you live here. I was born here. I firmly believe though that no amount of measures could stop an occasional battering either inside or outside of a venue.
  18. I'll put my cards firmly on the table and say that I have no spare cash to spend in any of the late night venues being discussed on this thread. I spend spare cash on football as anyone who remotely knows me appreciates. I keep my ear to the ground and from what I gather everywhere is trying to keep a lid on any bother but I don't live under a stone and know that bother happens when people have been drinking. You can run as many award winning schemes as you like but that ain't going to stop a one off situation. The point I am making is that I personally perceive that the cops are going to be in a difficult corner if they try and review a licence when they pose for photo's with award winning people ... LINK (dated Oct 2014) Dan Guerche is the only person in that photo on the link that I don't know personally ...
  19. Just looking around the web and a Major gong was awarded to Play .... In Oct. 2013 . Link Which was given just a short time after this assault happened .... Which has only just been resolved to a degree ... Sentenced awaited .... Anyone have any views on this?
  20. I thought we had DASH on Commercial Road .....
  21. Website now full of Tiger Bread and Butter ads .... Link Subject to change .....
  22. Is this £1000 from WMP from them or from Crimestoppers? I thought WMP was struggling financially so why is the broken wooden bowl getting the reward?
  23. Maundy Thursday was last big in Hereford in 1976 ... I doubt the attendees then went for an all nighter after getting their coins! I would have added Mothers Day and Fathers Day to that list of Special Days! Also Pancake Day .... Ash Wednesday .... Also 'Talk Like A Pirate Day' .... September 19th ....
  24. I read that application with interest. Link here I think that the impact it will have, if approved, may just change where people decide to drink late. There is a proposed last entry time of 1 AM ... With alcohol to be served until 2 AM and a premises closure time of 2.30 AM I also interpreted that the venue is applying for an additional hour on about 42 other days so that alcohol would be served until 3.00 AM with a closure time of 3.30 AM ... There seems to be a one off all nighter where the application seems to indicate continuous alcohol sales from 8.00 AM on New Years Eve until 3 AM on New Years Day (into 02.01.16) ~ which seems to be 43 hours of continuous sales. I think it's stretching it a bit to say that Burns Night is big in Hereford ... Or bonfire night ... But hey ho!
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