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Everything posted by Roger

  1. I'm in that day Glenda! I think! If I'm in I will be the one to answer the door! I will turn my ears off to the spiel that might come my way but I will vote for the least worst option I think .... I'm never gonna be swayed by some joker at the door with a piece of paper .... Or leaflet .... As you would expect! I hope!
  2. I forgot to mention .... I had a Jesse Norman campaigner at my door about a month ago .... Posh accent and looked like a younger version of Jesse Norman. He gave me a leaflet and I offloaded my local concerns on him. Including Jesse worrying about the Air Balloon Roundabout at Birdlip .... Which is not his patch. The bloke knew absolute zero about that subject! I can't remember what the fella tried to promote to be honest. I don't know if he knew himself! The only Tory visit I might get at my door pre-election! Who knows!?
  3. A cynic might argue that the cops are failing their own licensing objectives by having a 4 AM Club and not catering for the obvious and predictable occasional fallout that happens around the corner when clients have left. Little deterrent so it is going to happen. How far down the road are these door staff expected to control? We've had this with the football. Leeds United an obvious example LINK The Police lost the Court case. Rolling up in the week and just trawling the computer to build a paper case is just a cheapskate way to control the night time economy. Not going into Mamma Jammas after perceiving a problem is also an error. No unannounced spot check interior visit evidenced in that review document. No direct Police evidence of what is actually going on in there ... Contrast this to Garlands Nightclub in Liverpool where it looks like they built a proper case. LINK I know money is tight but West Mercia and Warks Police have basically merged (called a strategic Alliance) so I have no sympathy on the money front when they can still operate two Chiefs ... With two PCC's and all the hangers on ....
  4. Council: 'Recycling will solve overflowing bin problem' Hereford Times The Council are quite clearly not encouraging recycling if they allocate the equivalent of a 330 litre rubbish bin to each flat when regular households get a 180 litre bin. The massive bins get full because they're there and will attract any old disposal. People will just lash stuff into an overflowing bin cause they can.
  5. That's exactly the point I made in the comments section on the HT story this morning. A figure of zero is never going to be happening. And if you apply that logic to Mamma Jammas then you've got to apply it to Play Nightclub as well for instance. I seem to recall some fella got his face re-arranged there in January 2014 after 2AM which is precisely the time frame the cops are jittery about. Link With regards to the 41 'incidents' listed if you make an assumption that no 'drunk' gets past the door staff to enter the venue then the assumption is that a proportion become drunk inside. The review doesn't seem to contain any direct reference to any bar staff serving inappropriately though. It just seems to me that the approach that is being taken here is throw enough mud at the wall and some of it is going to stick.
  6. I've got no objection to the murals or the people painting them .... I do object to that farce that has left those buildings bombed out since Oct. 2010!
  7. There are hundreds of people who could be shifted in to 'front' up new Management and take the next conviction when it comes .... Just organised crime ....
  8. Mural suggests the hoarding might be there for some time! WW1 theme ....
  9. The review application for Mamma Jammas is obviously listed on the Council Website here The 41 'incidents' are listed in short form .... #8 is a bit flimsy as it seems to suggest door staff refused entry to a male who had turned up drunk from elsewhere. He refused to clear off and the cops were called .... Seems to me like the venue was trying to adhere to the Licensing Objectives .... Other items on that list are, at face value, worrying .... To compare and contrast I'd like the HT to put in a FOI request in for all nightclubs in Hereford City Centre for the sake of balance .... Including the now defunct Jailhouse ....
  10. Whatever 'Organisation' is behind that shop is now £800 out of pocket .... They might go on their computer to compare that to the profit they made from their Enterprise to date I suppose .... (debit the seized stock). If worthwhile they will ship in a new guy with a clean UK record! I'm sure there are one or two available!
  11. I suppose the best indication would be their opening hours sign on the front door .... Not been in town to check for a few weeks ....
  12. The most recent Licensing Application for Wok & Rice here (from June 2014) seems to indicate a 01.00 finish apart from Fri/Sat where it's 01.30. I generally keep an eye on the Council Licensing page and I've not noticed a 02.30 application for that premises. I'd love to be proved wrong but that's all I can see. Their website Wok & Rice indicates their actual opening hours are 12 - 23 apart from Fri/Sat when it's 12 - 01
  13. Anecdotal evidence on the internet suggests that this shop now has a security guard .... Just an update! Not been there to see for myself tho ....
  14. A 737 was driven into Hereford in February 2013 ... Ended up at Pontrilas for Army training purposes. Hereford Times The Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard says there will be an identical operation on 21.02.15 as well ...
  15. Ridiculous .... What's the delay this time? Paperwork? You can almost guarantee it will be adjourned next time as well ....
  16. There must be a list of creditors for that bust company. Usually HMRC is high up on the list. How much money will be left to rebuild the eyesore? Just a shambles ....
  17. I don't know anything about the insurance settlement over this fire but have the insurance company paid out to a company that effectively has gone bust? Has that settlement possibly just been swallowed up and lost? Anyone know anything?
  18. The gigantic loads are set to leave Cotswold Airport at Kemble at 7am on Satruday, 14th February and will join the M4 at junction 15. Anyone travelling on the motorway should give themselves plenty of time to get to their loved ones as the plane fuselages make their way along the M4 to Bristol, where they will head up north on the M5 through to Gloucestershire, heading to a breakers in Herefordshire. Exeter Express and Echo
  19. Forgive me but the language is not overly clear .... Is this application just trying to restore a pub to a single dwelling house?
  20. Police Appeal Following Assault In Hereford West Mercia Police are appealing for witnesses following an assault in Commercial Road in Hereford. The incident occurred at around 2am on Saturday (31st January) outside the Model Shop. The victim, a man aged 19, was punched and then admitted to hospital with slight injuries. In connection with the incident, a 24 year old man from Hereford has been arrested on suspicion of inflicting grievous bodily harm. He has been released on bail until Monday 23rd March, whilst further enquiries are carried out. Police are urging anyone who witnessed the incident to contact police on 101 quoting incident number 84 of 31st January. Information can also be passed on anonymously through the independent charity Crimestoppers (0800 555 111 or via their website: www.crimestoppers-uk.org). Issued: 1.25pm, Monday 2nd February 2015 West Mercia Police
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