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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Gas hole at Tesco roundabout? Chaos for ages then ... But a more minor road this time ...
  2. Smallest sinkhole ever reported I think ...
  3. Hole is next to where the demolished Ladies Council Toilet Block used to be ...
  4. Facebook Nothing 'Official' out there yet but might appear in due course. But this appeal is obviously genuine ...
  5. Got it in one ... + house prices have now priced out the next generation ...
  6. Here's a related issue from the Worcester News ~ Trying to build a new Co-Op in a pub car park ... The Broadley's is one of the 202 pubs bought so they must have a strategy over their network over what to retain as a pub, what to adapt, and what to just turn into a shop ...
  7. I hope that the HT properly report this impending trial case as it is of interest locally ~ and probably wider than that ... With a reporter in Court ...
  8. The Council have replied to the Tweet and are looking into it (at the end of the conversation) ... Twitter
  9. A resident at Nicholson Court is unhappy about this rubbish that should have been collected last Friday ... He's sent the photo's to The Council via Twitter ...
  10. Why are Ministers now concerned about pubs in the death throws of the current administration? Lib Dems are now blaming pubs closing on Somali immigrants! Telegraph
  11. I'd love to know how all the Worcester incoming traffic diverted down the new link road from Aylestone Hill is going to be accommodated over that narrow bridge! It must have been factored in but until it's all open I suppose no one will know! Probably chaos!
  12. MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 2015 Merton Meadow Capacity Slashed By Organic Bull The capacity of the Merton Meadow car park, which is right next to the Edgar Street football stadium, is to be slashed. This from Herefordshire Council. Due to the construction of the Edgar Street link road the number of parking spaces on Merton Meadow car park will be reduced from around 763 spaces down to around 190 spaces. Therefore the council is suspending the issue of season tickets for Merton Meadow car park to new applicants. Existing season ticket holders will still be able to renew their season tickets but may wish to consider whether they want to renew given the reduced number of spaces. Occupancy counts of the councils other public car parks and the private car parks within the city show that there is enough spare parking availability for vehicles that have been displaced from Merton Meadow car park. Bullsnews
  13. Yeah ... I like the feel of this programme ... Very enjoyable ... I'll either watch/record it.There's obviously no railway station anywhere near the cider place now. Nearest stop is Hereford. But the relevance is probably The Golden Valley Railway Line which did stop at Abbey Dore ... Wiki Last train on that line was 1953. On a side note I got on a northbound train at Hereford in 2010 and there was about just one other person in the end of the carriage I was in. Yup. It was Michael Portillo. No sign of his Bradshaw's guidebook. Just his blackberry mobile phone on the table ...
  14. I looked at the figures this afternoon and Greece is €323 billion in debt. This includes the €240 billion bailout by the eurozone countries/ECB/IMF. The exposure of the UK to that debt is €1.6 billion ~ ie our contribution to the IMF. If Greece paid none back (which is impossible) then we would be exposed to 0.6% of the bailout. Which is getting off lightly in my book.
  15. That 70's vote somehow morphed from a vote for a 'Common Market' for trading to 'free Movement' ... The free movement bit being without a referendum ... Lots of people unhappy about that ...
  16. My last visit to Athens ... I took the video ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ltv91K0RETs
  17. New wood facia went up today ... I went into town for the first time since November today ...I noticed that ...
  18. Pointless delivering it quite honestly ... You need a microscope to read it ... ----> bin
  19. Yates to Saxty's by taxi is bone idle ... ;-)
  20. Here's The Pope in a rain cape ... Millions follow Religion ...:-p
  21. The Council aspirational programme is £2.5M with money dreamed up out of a hat. The 'Bid' money is £205k ... I'm not sure fancy paving is required outside Greggs/Barclays Bank in Broad Street when other areas would benefit more ... I don't think there's a single pothole in the area due for a revamp outside Greggs.
  22. Last night of trading tonight ... Drinks from 50 pence ... Twitter Facebook
  23. Age of the flats' is not the point obviously ... I live in a house built in the 50's and no bulldozer at my door! .... We all know why all that got built ...
  24. Roger


    On another thread it has been mentioned that this area (Oval Flats) will undergo some serious upgrading ... Unclear as to whether this persistent weed is included in the equation ...
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