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Everything posted by Roger

  1. For what it's worth I would guess that the button on the screen was 'closed' as any remaining staff in that area were dealing with a deluge of paper/emails or whatever in a back office ... The very same areas which everyone says are overstaffed and need trimming. Very ironic ...
  2. Will the appearance of The Oval flats with shops underneath have an exterior makeover ... ? Always thought they looked awful ...
  3. Roger


    Someone needs to get to the root of this issue ... Probably will take a few manager's and a lot of forms to be filled in before that happens ... Just the way it works! I could kill it once and for all tomorrow if I was inclined to ... Which I'm not. I'm probably snowed in with 4 millimetres of snow ...
  4. Having seen the photo (thanks Colin) I think smartieno1 has a point ~ if 4 members of the Solutions team did indeed come and sort out the queue then why was the sticker on the machine? I'm not sure the situation is as simple as that tho. In addition the reception staff could possibly have been briefed with an answer to give if asked 'why' the relevant department was closed early.
  5. I'm not sure if this £13M saving is before or after you include the apparent £7M it will cost for the overall replacement of the equipment. I'm not too bothered about the potential of being fried alive by these new style diodes but over the course of 20 years the saving is peanuts. It's rather like celebrating because you've found a quid down the back of the sofa. But I won't knock the carbon reduction intentions ...
  6. As Bill Thomas has said the FB link is not working. What is this photo of the sticker? Can the photo be loaded up on here for scrutiny?
  7. Interesting subject this one. I regularly complain to Arriva Trains Wales when the train I catch from Hereford (northbound) is only formed of two coaches and is already rammed when I get on. These small trains regularly coincide with increased passenger numbers that could be anticipated for that route at that time. Arriva obviously don't check the Liverpool/Manchester football matches that their company service. Although they pull their finger out for Wales at home in Cardiff for the rugby. The standard response I get is that they are running at Capacity with their rolling stock and it's the fault of the Welsh Govt. for not subsidising more trains. I have previously looked into this and the Arriva contract was signed off in 2003 (until 2018 I think) and they were under no obligation to increase their trains/services in the event of rising passenger numbers. The numbers did surge and the Welsh Govt. had to step in and buy more trains and it is alleged that it is subsidising Arriva by over £150M a year. The franchise has very few trains that do the first class/buffet car thing (I was told one but it may be more) which they call the 'Arriva Premier' service and which travels the Cardiff ---> Holyhead route and back. Over the course of 5 years the Welsh Govt. has subsidised that by £22M. Welsh Express Link I do sympathise with people who live in places where sometimes the train stops but it may rush thru. Craven Arms and Church Stretton are the obvious one's on the route I use. But if every train stopped at every station then it would be impossible to get longer journeys done in a reasonable time. Complaints have also previously been made about trains stopping less often at Ruabon. It's all down to capacity. I don't know what the poster was on about in the first response to the HT article on their website. Obviously no clue who has the franchise for the Hereford to Shrewsbury route.
  8. So new paving in the areas you have outlined? Those letters in the slate will always be high maintenance! Just basically this just sounds like expensive road surfacing work .... Adding on bits at the edges ....
  9. I read that Hereford Bid briefly and it would appear they've got £207,000 to spend and want people to vote for their choices of where the cash should go. This seems separate to the Council £2.5M. One they suggest is making the Church Street/East Street junction more friendly to pedestrians. In theory it shouldn't really be an issue as it's 'access only' down East Street from Broad Street for motor vehicles. But as we all know no one pays any attention to that sign. Hence the pedestrian issues.
  10. All the paving is newish and the town centre is like a jumble sale with all the pop up tents ... Plus that irritating squeaky kids' ride ... What needs £2.5M thrown at it? That the Council Own? Other than the Buttermarket ...
  11. You have been absent for a while! Are you in a recognised position to speak on behalf of people? Or are you just helping out?
  12. Where would you direct the money at Bobby? Other than the Buttermarket .... ? The Plaza (High Town) and Eign Gate have already been remodelled recently at great expense ...
  13. Telegraph has deployed a new tactic today ... Answer a silly question to read the web article ... Not gonna answer those questions ... Plenty of free news out there ... I think they must be testing the water as it wound up a fair few people straight away!
  14. I think the bin men are great! The bin stickers tho are pretty useless ... I never even stuck mine on!
  15. Hereford's High Town set for £2.5m investment More than £2.5m is to be invested in Hereford in a bid to boost the local economy. The funding, from Herefordshire Council, will be used to redevelop streets and pedestrian areas in High Town. Statues and the Old House museum will also see work over the summer. Caroline Preedy, who runs a gift shop in High Town, said the area urgently needed a "facelift" and bringing into the "21st Century". Councillor Paul Rone, in charge of roads and transport, said: "We need to do this, we need to have a vibrant city centre and a smart welcome in the city centre "Empty shops, empty pubs, empty buildings are not good for the town and by investing this money, and making it a lot more welcoming, hopefully people who are looking to invest or open a shop will think it's worth the risk." Herefordshire Council said it was also working with private landlords to improve the appearance of other buildings in the area. BBC
  16. What is being done about this? If the family have kids' then you can't evict them onto the streets ... Obviously this unacceptable situation has to be addressed ...
  17. I like Bill Tanner's contributions ... But they need to be shorter ... After about 3 or 4 paragraph's they segue into a rehash of a previous story ... Just an observation ... I'm sure he will read this so there we go!
  18. The video that started this thread is 'private' and not viewable ... Bins were discussed at length of BBC Hereford + Worcs last night ...
  19. Tesco shares are up a fair way today (store announcements) and they are pushing heavily on FB tonight ... Branston Pickle and Tetley's Tea Bags all over their own website as well. Tesco Seems they are all over the Worcester News as well ... I think it is way over the top!
  20. Spartacus shows up the farce of getting a parking ticket on private land nutsville.com G24 replied to the above email ... Reply here
  21. I actually put a small bet on Sarah Carr (Lib Dem) winning in 2010 ... Lost bet! The Lib Dems have blown it on a serious level Nationally over various stuff ... Local UKIP people have had some in-fighting ... Labour around here have never featured in a General Election ... I doubt Jesse will even need to knock any doors this time to drum up support ...
  22. There is an army of Council traffic warden type people available to report back about taxis during their working hours. Plus cameras covering the problem areas out of their hours. Very little revenue to be had in chasing taxi offences in my opinion. Easier to get some cash elsewhere ...
  23. I perceive this as a Council Issue. Chances of any action there are minimal to Nil ...In my opinion ...
  24. Best of luck with that! Whole City is clogged up with taxis .... Chance of sorting that out at some meeting is NIL ...
  25. Drivers' should know the routes .... How large is Hereford? People seem to want to make this into a racism issue?
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