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Everything posted by Roger

  1. I saw this story trend on the internet generally this morning and looked at the Council site to see the decision. I saw the date was 2nd October. I don't know how long that had been there for viewing. Seems a big delay between the decision and the story breaking. The parking decision might well be valid but has anyone seen the parking provision behind Eignbrook Church on Eign Street? Not very brilliant in my view. But it has been there a very long time. The Colleges up Aylestone get adaptations which I assume attract more students and The Council are quite happy there to approve stuff and swamp Whittern Way with students' cars. Regarding planning (I'm no expert) it seems you can change a pub into a shop but you can't change a shop (Magenta) into a religious meeting place. All very confusing to me. What if Sainsbury's moved into the disused Magenta shop? Would they even need planning permission? This would attract cars. That being said I am aware of the local opposition to the application for a 'mosque' type building. The profile of the population in that area (1% declared Muslim in the census) would rule it out on common sense grounds I would think.
  2. The Bill Longmore + his unelected deputy saga has rumbled on from the start so I'm not going to rehash that sorry state of affairs again ... But I think Barrie Sheldon might have been fatally wounded in his bid for glory next time. He is surrounded by the toxic fallout of his appointment to his current role. The fallout seemingly generated by more people than turned out to vote for his 'boss'. The PCC system itself has been mired in grief ever since it appeared. Not least in the inability to have a system to shift out of post a Commissioner who later appeared unsuitable. The makeshift method currently used is to drag them through the mud in the papers often enough so that they resign out of pressure/shame. The system obviously needs replacing/amending before next time ...
  3. Police and Crime Commissioner tells "farcical" meeting that he won't stand for re-election by Bill Tanner, Senior Reporter WEST Mercia police and crime commissioner Bill Longmore has confirmed that he will not be standing for re-election in 2016. The confirmation was one of the few answers Mr Longmore gave to a Q&A session with Worcestershire County Council described by turns as “heated, farcical and bizarre.†The £75,000 a year figurehead appeared before a meeting of the council for the first time in 18 months to be grilled by politicians. Amid the scenes that followed: - Mr Longmore turned up late for the meeting, meaning his appearance had to be delayed by around an hour. - He asked his unelected deputy Barrie Sheldon to answer questions for him, leading to furious exchanges in the chamber. - Mr Longmore then got into a dispute with Labour councillors, where he accused them of "sniping at him" and suggested they were trying to smear the police as "racist". - The chairman of the council, Councillor Pam Davey, apologised to him for "discourtesy" and said the rows in the chamber were "showing a bad example to children". Cllr Richard Udal got things started saying: "It's been about 18 months since you were last here, at the time you said there are 'no racist police officers' and that racism in the police 'didn't exist'. "You also said, and I quote 'domestic abuse didn't exist in the 1970s'." Cllr Udall called the comments "insensitive and inaccurate" and asked Mr Longmore for his views. Mr Longmore was also asked a list of questions on budget cuts, the paperwork faced by police officers and the impact turning off street lights could have on crime, before his deputy stood up to try and answer them instead. Cllr Luke Mallett said: "Nobody in Worcestershire elected Mr Sheldon to any role - he is an unelected aide. "We all know Mr Sheldon will be putting himself up for election in two years, but it is up to Mr Longmore to answer these questions." During the row, Cllr Davey intervened and said Mr Longmore has "been invited as a guest" and could stay quiet if he wanted to. Cllr Peter McDonald said: "We cannot stand this farce, he didn't say when he was elected that he'd refuse to answer questions. "We want to hear from the organ grinder, not his monkey." Mr Sheldon then stood down and Mr Longmore got on his feet to say he had gone to County Hall to "listen, and not be sniped at in every way". He said Cllr Udall's views on his comments were "completely misconstrued", insisting he meant domestic violence was not reported as widely in the 1970s. He added: "And to think you've tried to insinuate that West Mercia Police is institutionally racist is just wrong." Hereford Times
  4. That bin should (in theory) not get emptied as it's too full ... rule breaking bin .... But ... you see my point ... Piles of rubbish will just get fly tipped if they want to restrict stuff at The Council ... That must surely cost more to sort out?
  5. I must say that I have never been a fan of the street pastor people who give out love and flip flops ... I will probably get a few down votes but I just don't agree with that approach ... And I never will ... I disagree with the concept ... Not the people who do it ...
  6. Good point ... How long is that cosy agreement for ? Never thought of that ...
  7. I tend to agree actually ... (although you are not commenting on Guy Taylor) You need to have a bomb proof case to present in a concise manner in a timely fashion to dismiss a charge I think ... I think the UK Column Channel is unhelpful to be honest ... Entitled to their views but they have a certain agenda ... I still think this squatting case is dragging on far too long ...
  8. I posted this up 2 or 3 years ago on another forum but I was staggered how many weather vane's they were shifting on the internet ... Philip Morris are all over that stuff it would appear ...
  9. Re: Your last post ... Did anyone visit and did you get any feedback?
  10. Not entirely sure where that is ... But apparently a Herefordshire Council shared bin ... Both seem overloaded to me ...
  11. They are on tonight in the new bit ... Seems a bit pointless having a switching on ceremony if they are already on ...
  12. Gomond Street and Maylord Street are public streets. They were long before the Maylords arrived. I would seriously doubt they could ban Pedlar's from there if that was tested in Court.
  13. Pic taken tonight ^^^ That one is probably not moving but is clearly on wheels ~ and will move as and when he feels like it or has to. If he's got any sense then he'll have a £12 Pedlars Certificate ... I fully agree with your point tho that these people will be competing with stores who sell similar items. That's just the way it is. All of that is happening under a manned Council camera so if the Council were inclined to enforce any potential illegal street trading (ie not moving enough) they could. Will they? Probably not. As regards business rates places like Saxty's and the Mocha Bar will be paying that to sell their coffee offerings but the Coffee Cart bang in the centre of High Town will not be as it's a movable wagon. Is that particularly fair? But the Coffee Cart will be paying the Council to rent their spot. I haven't a clue what that fee might be.
  14. The judge in this Bodenham Manor eviction Court case originally gave the parties 42 days to gather together their documents about the ownership of the property. Why didn't they do that and crack on? This seems to be dribbling on ad infinitum. For no good reason in my view.
  15. I used to enforce these so I know a bit about Pedlars Certificates. You get them from a main Police Station and cost about £12 and last a year. They enable someone (17 years and over I think) to go anywhere in the UK selling goods from street to street/door to door - for immediate delivery. Or to provide a skill. Like knife sharpening. The only ones I ever had problems with are the transit van loads of people who arrive in Hereford (generally from Nottingham) who get dropped off and who then go door to door selling ironing board covers/dusters. They are very often criminal types. Rarely do they have a certificate and they try to fob you off with an ID badge provided by the company they work for. You also get the Chinese street sellers who target pubs a lot selling counterfeit DVD's. Happens in Hereford that does ...
  16. It's the same old faces selling the same old stuff every year. The pashmina's sold off the wheeled trolley is normally Shady Scarratt and/or his kids'. They also operate the helter skelter in High Town at the May Fair. Then you have the old fella selling the perfume. Which I don't think I'd even use to kill the slugs on me lawn. They've all got the proper pedlars certificate in my experience. Simply because they are so cheap to buy and so there's no point in not having one. I don't have a problem with these people as I've never found them 'in yer face' and the rules allow them to trade for free so long as they have that certificate. The only condition is that they have to keep 'on the move' (as has been pointed out). That's a bit of a subjective decision to enforce. And if the cops are about then they make more of an effort to move. Obviously parking up and being in virtually the same spot for hours on end is 'having a laugh' on their part and I know full well they'll do it if they can get away with it. I would then class that as illegal street trading which I would suggest is the domain of the Council to sort out. But rather like the taxis in Bewell Street it's just that bit too much effort to deal with. Especially as there's much easier low hanging fruit to pick on that's easier to prove.
  17. Hereford County Hospital patient Ebola test comes back NEGATIVE 18 November 2014 This afternoon Public Health England has confirmed that the blood test result for Ebola on a patient at Hereford County Hospital has come back negative. Susan Lloyd, Herefordshire Council’s director of public health, said this news will come as a great relief to the individual and their family. Herefordshire Council
  18. I imagine the Officer won't see very much different to whats in that picture. A pointless waste of fuel. There's only two options here. Leave the pile of trash. Or send someone up in a truck to get rid of it ...
  19. Thank You ... I know some cases are more difficult than others but justice delayed is not justice served in my opinion ... I do think tho that Guy Taylor has a Mission against the system ... I think he needs to sort all his current stuff out then move on .... Life is too short ...
  20. Communication from the Authorities is crap as usual .... Excuse the pun ...
  21. Yeah Jim ... Two separate light ceremonies ... Divided City ... Old Centre has one switch on ... New centre has a different one .... The old Centre has Sunshine Radio tho ... I am a big fan of the old centre until it died!
  22. I started watching that ... The presenter said today's show was 17th December ... Strange as that is a month away ... Guy Taylor then starts rambling about loads of stuff ... When is the squatting trial starting? That's all I'm interested in ... The dispute over the gas/electric is just not relevant ... It's old news ...
  23. Wasn't parking free/unrestricted after 6PM in the streets/car parks until recently? Seems a lacklustre attempt at attracting trade if the offer is 4 evenings free out of 365 ...
  24. Hereford Campus Parking Might be slightly out of date because clamping is illegal ... The residents of Whittern Way are always moaning about clogged streets. I don't think there are restrictions there but I haven't been that way for a while ... Aylestone Hill itself is now restricted ~ as are all of the nearby streets north side of it ... so I suppose the student parking problem will just move to the nearest free area ... which is probably the Whittern Way area ...
  25. That large convoy of Ambulances/Police passed someone I know at 5.45 pm ... Going towards Commercial Sq via the ringroad. Must have been the worst case of diarrhoea in history to get that response ... Isn't the usual advice to keep away from the hospital if you have this stuff? As you just end up spreading it about there?
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