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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Despite the plethora of views expressed everywhere over the last 12 months about Balfour Beatty and their grass/pothole stuff they are now going to embark on a pointless County wide roadshow to canvass opinion from the locals about what people think they should be doing ... I read it in the Hereford Times Topics that might crop up are grass cutting and road maintenance ... Just a wild guess ...
  2. From a business point of view it doesn't make sense to go on the Western side with this relief Road ... I would imagine far more business would get attracted from the English side as opposed to Mid Wales ...
  3. Traffic should be fun on Aylestone Hill tomorrow morning ... A massive hole was dug there about Friday by the Southbank Road junction. Appears to have been no activity around it over the weekend ... Just dug ... coned off ... and left!
  4. That could only cater for low level internal City use ... We all know where that bridge is and it is no good for relief of very much at all ... Comes out in Sainsbury's car park ...
  5. I live half a street away ... If I was next door I would have been round there already! You can't just leave trash lurking! Multi-occupancy places can blame it on someone else .... Naples has got it worse tho .... Lots of rubbish in Naples ...
  6. If you look on google then there is no simple link to a basic map to show where this road is situated. The other thread has a map (on this site) but any decent level of consultation would have generated something more to easily click on ...
  7. This YouTube sound clip floated across my Twitter feed today ... From 2011 ... Guy Taylor in Court at Hereford using a dictaphone ... So it suggests ...
  8. Am I right in thinking that the Council get an estimated £1.5M from selling Brockington and have to spend £2.8M doing up the Shire Hall to move there? How long will it take to recoup the £1.3M difference with the revenue savings they hope to make by losing Brockington?
  9. The bags on the pavement I pictured at post #89 yesterday remain in situ ... So whether the Council want to turn that into a fly-tipping matter is up to them. The householder has took their bin back in tho. I suppose so it don't get stolen ...
  10. I'm always walking up and down Aylestone Hill and it's rare to see cyclists using that cycle lane. It's a bit pointless as you suggest. I did see a car parked across it for 8 hours tho the other day. No ticket issued. I have got issues with the bit by the entrance to Churchill Gardens. It diverts cyclists off the road to bypass the lights. Straight into the path of anyone using the crossing or leaving Churchill Gardens. It's always struck me as being potentially dangerous.
  11. The lines are legal ... Holmer Road Traffic Order It will probably just move people to the next nearest free spot. Somewhere like Perseverance Road ... It's just like a balloon. You squeeze it and it'll bulge somewhere else ... Of course if they weren't greedily charging at the Leisure Centre there wouldn't be a problem ...
  12. Shouldn't be an issue as all of Moreland Ave is restricted to deter students/Commuters. As is the town end of Penn Grove Road. The only problem on Penn Grove Road is on the bend where the lines stop. And the Council have warned that yellow lines are going down on that to stop the parking there as well ...
  13. Parking complaints prompt double yellows on Aylestone Hill Hereford Times
  14. You don't like deleting stuff ... Colin ... But I agree with you ...
  15. These groups will obviously be speaking to each other and know the system/risks/fines .... Balancing Act on their part ...
  16. I don't know a figure but Metal must be a really big earner ... That's why people steal drain covers ... When I go to the football people emerge during the match to hoover up all the discarded beer cans ... I don't see this as I'm watching the football ! (not here by the way)
  17. ASBO people get threatened at Court that it's 5 years inside for breaching it. The chap last week who breached his (multiple times) got 12 weeks. Which is 1/20 of the threat he'd been issued with. He'll serve half of that so 1/40 of the threat. You can get 10 years inside for stealing cheese from Tesco and that never happens either ... This propaganda is just hot air spewed out as a deterrent ...
  18. The Immigration people were also spotted parked up at KFC over the weekend ... Looks like they were checking out multiple places ...
  19. The Council provide a pest control service which is charged for. A visit to sort out rats is £79.95. Concessions available. Council Website
  20. I walked up Aylestone Hill today and there is a multi occupancy house there (opposite Southbank Road) with two Council badged sulo style bins outside. One green and one black. I imagine you get these if you qualify ...
  21. Bin wagon has just been round my way ~ Aylestone. They emptied the bin with the raised lid but left the sacks on the pavement. With a note. I think there are 5 sacks which is already too many for the next collection in 2 weeks. In the meantime they are just lying there attracting vermin and a few cats ...
  22. I live on Aylestone Hill and I've not yet been to this new development ... Car parking is an area I don't pay for ... Not in somewhere like Hereford! Dead on it's feet then trying to drive people away in the car parks! Crazy logic!
  23. 'appears to co-operate with the Court process' ~ I've just seen internet reports ... Guy Taylor appears to me to be turning up when required. I wasn't at the Court to see his appearance and I don't work at the Court. I'm not questioning his right to dispute his Charge ... My point was more of a swipe at the Court process. Crime is allegedly going down a lot and 'out of Court disposals' seem to be eroding the workload of the Courts ... So why does everything still take Months/Years to sort out?
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