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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Shambolic. Whatever the rights and wrongs of this case the defendant appears at all stages to co-operate with the Court process .... Then the process breaks! Hope they knock this off any costs that he possibly might incur!
  2. So what is the score here? Ballot box is next May ....
  3. Thanks for the update .... What is the point of a 42 day lay off and then a holiday excuse crops up? Just a very broken system here I think ....
  4. Dunno who she might be ... My Green bin is scheduled to be picked up 6 days after the last pick up ... Mine will barely be 1/2 full ... New system .... I'm not really bothered as I'm not in the UK next Wednesday ...
  5. I think you need to get off your high horse George .... I don't think I need any internet preaching from your goodself ... You've obviously set yourself up as the forum internet etiquette expert ...
  6. The Council have sponsored a link on Facebook ... The bins update was so long I fell asleep but the link is near the top ... Herefordshire Council FB link
  7. He was apparently injured raiding Hereford United recently ... I don't know how we get him for the money ... Always on the case ... Probably sleeps hanging upside down in a cupboard at Plough Lane ... Ready to act at a moments notice ...
  8. Temporary lights/Multiple cones/Signs to protect what is a completed 2 foot hole ... which is accompanied by about 3 leaves ... Crazy ... Reminds me of the gas hole by Tesco a couple of years back ... Whole City stood still for days over a 2 ft. hole in the wrong place ...
  9. I agree ... 80 hours of unpaid work won't be a litter pick up the A49 ... He did get some suspended prison tho ... Which is more than the fella from the Zabka shop on the other link. He was up for a second offence and got no prison ... Suspended or otherwise ... All seems a bit random what they hand out at the Court ...
  10. This Michael Croke fella found it too difficult to keep to his booze ASBO ... The cops tweeted yesterday that he's got 12 weeks inside ... Not quite the 5 years he was threatened with but that's an empty threat anyway ... Sorry no news link available ...
  11. I read that timeline post when it came out ... I think I retweeted it ... Just a crazy situation is it not?
  12. I said farewell to my last black bag of weekly rubbish today .... Thursday ... I'm now going to be fight off the rats as my next black bag is being carted off in 13 days ... In the new black bin ... On a new collection day ... Wednesday ...
  13. I'm not optimistic .... Pricing structure will be more than I would pay .... Just a guess ....
  14. This 42 day adjournment for the Bodenham stuff seemed to fall on today ... Did anything happen?
  15. Wye Valley NHS Trust Response in full Plus a tie in with University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust which does not appear in the press release ...
  16. Wall Street is too narrow by the pub ... Almost impossible to get thru if you are leaving the ring road to go up it and Tesco traffic is lined up waiting to leave. Anyhow ... Having thought about it the Councils are as bad (if not worse) than the rip off private firms when it comes to parking. Whether it's parking for 20 seconds in a loading bay in the wrong type of vehicle or overstaying by 5 minutes in a half empty car park ... Or having a concession displayed at the wrong angle on the dashboard ... £1,500 parking furore for disabled Liverpool man who displayed badge upside down Oct 12, 2014 06:00 By Joshua Taylor A disabled pensioner claims he is facing a parking bill of up to £1,500 – all because he failed to display his Blue Badge correctly. John O’Callaghan, 66, parked in Crown Street, Liverpool , to visit a friend who was in hospital. When he returned his Ford Focus car had been slapped with an £80 ticket because his disability badge was the wrong way up. But he did not have enough money to pay the fine and now a bailiff company acting for Liverpool council is demanding he forks out a whopping £422 – or face having his possessions confiscated. And the retired factory worker, from Speke , claims he has been told over the phone the final bill could rise to an eye-watering £1,500. Liverpool Echo
  17. Traffic has been bad since Midday today for no known reason ... This was traffic at 14.45 hrs ...
  18. I posted the signage at this store in post #4 on this thread. It's still there today ... Multiple signs ... Quite high up to avoid vandalism/graffiti I would guess ... The camera's are there too. Covering the one entry and the two exits ... The letter from Mr/Mrs Supplied has more holes than a Swiss cheese. The don't make any mention of whether they knew it was 2 hour car park or whether they saw any signage (or were able to easily read it.) Also there's no mention of how long they were actually parked. I do have some sympathy with the recipients of this parking invoice because whatever they received in the post seems to have left them under the impression that it's a 'summons' and maybe something to do with the Court. They might just pay it I suppose. In fairness to Morrison's I was in their store this morning. Quite sparsely occupied in-store by customers but the car park was very full. So people basically taking advantage. You can guarantee tho that the computer will churn out £85 tickets to customers who have spent a good wedge in the shop! Not good for increasing profits when you alienate regular customers!
  19. @rwolfie777 (Twitter) reports that this bin at Station Approach has finally been emptied today ... As a bonus a couple of weeds were removed as well ...
  20. The Magistrates Court case was adjourned on, or about, 12th Sept for 42 days so that paperwork could be collated about the disputed ownership. This takes us to about 24th October. [see post above from 12th Sept.] So I don't know what case this is about. Maybe some parallel civil case? None of this stuff is being covered in the local paper as you suggest.
  21. Re: Your last sentence Colin I know this is correct ... Regarding the store name it is obviously derived from a long standing chain in Poland. Żabka (convenience store) ~ link from Wiki Even down to copying the frog logo which is the English translation of Zabka (small frog) I suppose in the event of a dispute about trademarks and stuff then that is an argument that someone else can have but I can quite see how 99% of passing trade, who probably don't use the shop, would consider it to be Polish ... If the store appear to be able to massage the truth about the origins of the shop and/or ownership then how transparent are they going to be about anything else? Is it good enough just to throw a few staple Polish tins of food on the shelves plus some Polish beer? And stick a frog on the front? First thing I would check is this Mr. Salh's recent history in running an off licence in this Country. Has he got a recent track record in this area? Anywhere in England/Wales. Or has he been parachuted in? I don't know where the revenue from these dodgy dealings goes to but there is every chance it is laundered back to Iraq. Either with consent or by some sort of racket going on that the owner has no control over. Islamic State has the potential to creep all over the place with it's tentacles and hidden agenda's ...
  22. Zardashit Karem SALH (Kurdish sounding name to me) is applying for an alcohol licence for this ZABKA shop ... Hours of operation 0800 - 2200 ... The intention is to sell 'foreign' beers to local/passing trade Herefordshire Council Website The applicant does not seem to feature in the tobacco story so maybe a different face has been shuffled forward to front up the application? Who knows! The application features all the usual promises of promoting the licensing objectives ... Any objections have to be in towards the end of this month ...
  23. I think both pictures were taken today ... Mine was and I think Leon's was as well ... What I can't get my head round is that the dog mess bins in Churchill Gardens get emptied at least once, if not twice, a day ... There must be a rota of work that doesn't factor in that bin ... Is that area in a grey hole tho? People seem to park in a line by that post box ... Is this free parking? Who owns it? It appears to be a Council bin tho ....
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