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Everything posted by Roger

  1. On what basis was the ticket issued ? ... If you have an unattended car in a parking bay you can only know if there are no kids' involved if you see it arrive with no kids' getting out ... Even then you might arrive in a child bay to collect kids' already at the shopping place who need to be driven away ... All seems very complicated there ... Pay to park to shop as well ... I won't be driving there ever! And I live at Aylestone!
  2. These crime recording methods/stats aren't constant and shift about I think ... But over 95% of these 517 allegations are uncategorised as a crime and I think that is an unrealistic ratio of bogus/mistaken/malicious reports ... You will get some but that is very high ... Some might have been recorded as an offence but not as a 'crime' tho ... depending on what the rules were at the time I suppose ... I don't read very much into figures as I perceive the goalposts get moved to get figures manipulated about if it suits ... I'm thinking about card fraud and mobile phone theft ...
  3. Worcester News Similar debate ... You could also argue all day about S61 Powers ... I think the venue is too high profile to be ignored ...
  4. Yeah ... Noted that in my memory bank!
  5. I might go down there meself tomorrow if they haven't gone ... confront them and moan ... Tell them to clear off or whatever ...
  6. Saw this story on the HT website obviously ... They need to go ... Not wanted in that location ... Rude gesture by them and taking the pi*% in my book ... I am as equally annoyed at the HT for not allowing comments on the news item ... Worcester News has a similar item which allows comments ... There is a general randomness about comments being allowed, or not, on articles on the HT ... What is the bloke drafted in from the Kidderminster Shuttle doing ? He's the Editor ... He should sort that paper's website out I think ... We also had the seagull story today that appeared and disappeared ... What is going on?
  7. New Tesco Express granted alcohol license Alcohol licence granted for this new Tesco Express subject to a condition of record keeping of under age sale refusals ... No hours given but the application was for 0600 - 2300 Hereford Times
  8. Report alludes to grooming over the web ... Another example of why limited resources are stuck in the office investigating the web crime ... Unavoidable ...
  9. The HT went back to this article and edited it this morning (taking out the comedy headline)... removed comments ... and blocked any new comments ... Obviously a power cut is too controversial to talk about ...
  10. The answer amused me ... Jason has fully digested the corporate reply manual ... :-)
  11. Power cut puts more than 650 Hereford properties in the dark Hereford Times It was approx. 12.30 ... I am in HR1 ... Had to get the candles out! @wpduk
  12. I did see that write up by Bill Tanner in the HT about this ... I don't think anyone would argue that the Council are not just dealing with your average punter here ... And an unpaid £65k bill is obviously not going to send the Council to the wall ... But to the General Public it sends out the wrong message ... Loads reading the local paper won't care less about football and will just wonder why £65k owed is not being chased more urgently ... There may be a reason but it certainly is not transparent to me ... As others have pointed out [elsewhere] the Council chase up pretty sharpish the Council Tax defaulters and if anyone deprived the Council of £3 for parking at the new Rockfield car park they would get a penalty notice from the Council and if that wasn't paid then the Council would be like a dog with a bone sorting that default out ... All very unsatisfactory ...
  13. Licensing Application in for consideration ... Application Seems to be applying to offer a 0900 - 2400 venue as a general rule ...
  14. I do agree that Hereford is not Dundee ... So no real comparison ... !!! This debate will hopefully run a bit further yet! .... !!!
  15. I think the cops are on the back foot here .... The crime is now day to day street stuff and also net stuff ... Have they got enough office space to investigate the internet locally? You got to be in the office all day to do that! I suppose you can throw out a pointless CSO to go to a meaningless meeting to paper over some cracks .... but struggling I think ...
  16. Not sure what point you are making here ... If you let the take outs open later you would spread it out even further .... ?
  17. Dundee ... Same story but some facts' ... I found that guardian article lacking in locations and detail! Daily Record
  18. This is a very old story ... It was in the Worcester News ten days ago ... Very dodgy ground this is because re-tweets on Social Media show knowledge of a complaint/person .....
  19. I have never had a problem with the Santander Internet banking ... Getting back to the point of the thread ... Guy Taylor is obviously going not guilty on this one ... with a defence that he thinks he still owns Bodenham Manor ... and so was not trespassing ... How much latitude does he get from the Court when this comes up for trial? The CPS will possibly pitch up a current owner with the owner documents from the acquisition at auction ... Guy Taylor will want to suggest that the process was flawed ... This sort of stuff ... Should a panel of lay Magistrates be assigned to that decision? Squatting is a summary offence so it's gonna be at the Mags Court ... Panel for that will be specially chosen I think ...
  20. No one should have their money in these 0.1 % accounts ... The Santander 123 account gives you 3% interest (taxable) on balances between £3000 and £20000. If you fund it externally with at least £500 a month ... ISA (tax free) limit went up to over £15k (per year) in July ...
  21. The electorate are not engaging in this PCC process for a variety of reasons I suppose ... But this new one elected last week got 50% of a 10% turnout. So only 5% actively voted for him. My reason for not voting in our PCC election was that I don't believe in the system! I won't vote at the next one either unless it's radically changed. I would guess Bill Longmore got in because the initial elections were dressed up as trying to de-politicise the system. He was independent and looked reasonably plausible and probably got voted in on that basis.
  22. These are BASIC issues ... cutting grass ... it's not like sending a rocket to the Moon ... I would guess all the money is being wasted on the Management tier of people being paid huge amounts of money to decide how to cut the grass ....
  23. What is the point of rebuilding with no lined up tenant? I know this eyesore is p!ssing everyone off but rebuild to what end? The focus is now elsewhere and the size of the damaged buildings could never attract main names ... They are just too small and the area is dead ... Other than the street trading ...
  24. I totally swerved all events ... wife went to Cornwall for the weekend ... total non event for me ... I was sat at home looking after our dogs' ...
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