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Everything posted by Roger

  1. That is all ... As you say! ... This comment is directed at Bobby ... Please use a few more paragraphs as my brain can't cope! ;-)
  2. I got sent this update today ... Guy Taylor Video He is shuffling more paper around ... I think it's 7 minutes in duration if you have the stamina ... Basically an update ... His perspective obviously ...
  3. People aren't stupid and they buy smuggled fags in Hereford ... You can tell instantly if the goods are kosher ... I don't know anyone who buys the stuff that's made out of camel droppings and bus tickets! .... Obviously any smoking is bad for you tho ... So I'd advise any Hereford Voice readers' not to take it up!
  4. When the area is a side street area then I would fully expect dodging of signs ... If I saw it myself I would probably give it a go if I thought the attempt was workable! ....
  5. That is the camp you would find me in ... The sceptic camp ... I could go into more detail but ..... how long have we got!? Guy Taylor waving loads of pieces of paper about on UK Column is not going to help him much in the long run ... Unless he has some concrete facts that are plausible ... I have an open mind and if he was stitched up then I hope he sorts it ... But internet ramblings via some dodgy website are not the best way forward ... In my opinion!
  6. Ubique ... Thank you for taking the time to type that out! A good summary! All the people you name are decent people who are trying to do their best with whatever budget is available ... I will take issue tho with the operation name ... The computer throws up 'Castlemain' as the next name for a job ... Which happens to be about hitting the boozy people ... Did no one twig it was slightly not the best name ever? Surely this computer can have a button pressed to get another random name? That was less of a source of mirth? As regards the booze itself that Super Strength lager is really unpleasant to drink ... I tried it once years ago and it is really awful ... Special Brew or Tennants ... 9% stuff ... You can fit 4 booze units into a 440ml can but not a 500ml can ... I don't think many people will moan about restricting the sales as described ...
  7. Someone I know (they will be nameless) watches these trash niche property shows on satellite tv where someone buys a house at auction after barely looking at it ... etc etc ... If guilty Guy Taylor won't have to pay for the helicopter but I will compare the costs awarded with the Minnow drinking fella ... He got stung for £500 odd ...
  8. I think I've previously looked at this offence ... It's a summary only offence that presumably will be heard at Hereford Mags Court ... Obviously not a forum that would attract much publicity ... Other than the HT and UK Column ... The cost element of the enforcement is highly relevant here I think ... It will run into thousands for the total operational expenditure ... The new Manor owner is probably grateful for the response to his problem ... And if it took thousands to sort it out then I suppose that's the way it goes ... I don't want to guess the result of any Court case but if Guy Taylor was found Guilty of his charge then how many helicopter hours do you punish him for in costs? This story has the potential to attract increased attention I think!
  9. I was up there yesterday ... Total chaos. Queensway and outside the Co-Op being resurfaced. Queensway people had moved their cars to park on College Green by the College Road junction near the blind college. Just a massive jam as the contractors were using that massive machine as big as a combine harvester ... It has to be done but area best avoided until they finish ...
  10. I've not investigated the link but I would suggest that sort of error is incompetence ... But I share your concerns over the Utillity people ...
  11. The owner was on my FB friend list ... Dunno where he went! Into the ether!
  12. Is Cotterell Street Street stores still trading? I remember you could go there and buy 10 Embassy from the machine outside ... That was the 1970's tho ... !!!
  13. 'At what stage that should have been picked up is something that I'm overly interested in' 'NOT' was the word missing there ... dunno what happened there and this 30 minute correction time frame needs addressing ... Colin?
  14. This 'incident' today has caused me to look at the internet ... Guy Taylor's run in with British Gas is discussed here It seems he was taken to Court over a disputed electric bill. He was being charged the wrong tariff for energy ... At what stage that should have been picked up is something that I'm overly interested in but there seems to be a suggestion that he was owed a refund over the tariff ... Obviously gloated over on the thread as some sort of win ... I don't like the tone of the celebration .... And I would not class the Utility Company as 'fraudulent' for charging an incorrect tariff ... These things happen ... British Gas have lots of customers' ... Mistakes happen ...
  15. I haven't had time to listen to all that interview but Linda Taylor says her husband was not trespassing as it was his property. The property was repossessed in April and sold at auction to a new owner. So he is viewed by the new owner, and the system, to be be a trespasser. Guy Taylor knows this at the moment but has gone back in as he disputes the repossession made on the back of what he claims are fraudulent documents. There is no other way to progress this other than going through the proper legal process regarding this alleged 'dodgy' loan and alleged forged signature. There is no mileage whatsoever in bursting back into Bodenham Manor and squatting. Because that will lead to something like today. Some people have suggested that the Police have gone beyond their powers by getting involved as they did but this new 2012 Squatting Legislation gives them a specific power of arrest for what they did. So they went in and exercised their powers. I have looked at the new squatting legislation and it's a summary offence only (max. 6 months jail) and can only be heard at Magistrates Court. However if there was damage caused/electricity abstracted or if a burglary is alleged then there is scope for the defendant to elect a Crown Court job. Depends very much on what he's charged with as to whether he could elect a jury trial.
  16. Anecdotal reports on Twitter that 70-100 Police were involved today ... No reports of trouble. Presumably because of the numbers of Police involved. I find Guy Taylor very hard to watch on tv because he just rattles on about corrupt this and corrupt that. The whole lot is portrayed by him as a conspiracy ... I don't know what claim he has on that property and I don't know who this 'owner' is that apparently 'bought' Bodenham Manor. Who did he buy it off? Anyone got the potted version of the timeline of the recent history of this disputed property?
  17. Police End Illegal Occupation of Bodenham Manor, Herefordshire West Mercia Police officers have entered the site of Bodenham Manor in Herefordshire this morning to deal with people who, it is believed, have illegally occupied the property since Saturday afternoon (16 August). A man in his 50s was arrested for burglary after a caravan was broken into on the site over the weekend. A man his 40s was arrested on suspicion of the offence of squatting in a residential building* and seven further people were summonsed to appear at Hereford Magistrates’ Court to be dealt with for the same offence. Three people who were in the grounds of the manor, but not in the manor itself, were directed to leave under criminal justice and public order legislation served notices to leave the site, which they did. Superintendent Sue Thomas, policing commander for Herefordshire, said: “Since this group of people moved into Bodenham Manor on Saturday, officers have maintained a small presence there while we assessed their legal status and whether any criminal offences had occurred. “Throughout, we have liaised with both them and the owner of the property. He is a private owner who bought the manor this year and has been attempting to renovate the building while living on site in a caravan, which was broken into this weekend. “The last week has been very distressing for him because he has felt intimidated by those on the site and unable to enter his legally held property. It is not acceptable that a group of people can take over someone’s home and claim it for themselves. “The operation was generally peaceful and the majority of people we dealt with were co-operative and we thank them for that. We are satisfied we have cleared the site and it can now be returned to its lawful owner.†*Section 144 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LAPOA) sets out, with effect from 1 September 2012, a specific offence of squatting in a residential building. Issued: Thursday 21 August 2014 West Mercia Police
  18. I can't say too much on here but from the news report (from memory) there were high levels of contact (was it 137 or something ludicrously high) that ended up not being joined up as being an issue? There is obviously a bigger picture and we could talk all day about that unfortunately ...
  19. And if he doesn't pay that? What then? I'm sure there are loads of people who can't pay even the small percentage of the Council Tax due to their individual circumstances ... Whatever they may be ... I don't know what the lifestyle of Dennis Gillingham is ... In fact I don't know the fella at all ...
  20. The situation with that is on the internet ...link Two PC's listed ... As a dedicated SNT for the City Centre lumped in with an area that is quite vast ... Not the whole 'response' story obviously but makes you think!
  21. This operation castlemain seems to be rumbling on longer than I thought it would ... I am only evidencing that by the hashtags on Twitter ... It already seems to have been going on for weeks!
  22. I can only guess that the budget for this will not impact on individual forces ... There must be a centralised separate fund for it ... But obviously the abstractions are going to impact on some day to day stuff ... Obama will probably have his own vehicular transport flown in with his own armed team ...
  23. Yeah ... Saw that on Twitter ... £12 an hour ... Not bad for someone wanting some part time hours ...
  24. Unless they are covering a big story! I think they had a reporter and photographer at Court today for the fella who was accused of cruelty to 4 fish by drinking them down in a cocktail ...
  25. I was driving back from the shop tonight and noticed that the large gravestone in The Commercial Rd. Burial Ground was encased in rather imposing fencing ... So the Baptist Church drinkers' won't be sat on that anytime soon ... Sorry I haven't got a pic ... I was driving ...
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