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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Obviously the story has got more holes than a Swiss cheese ... The photo has some fella brandishing a modern (broken) wooden bowl that has obviously been dreamed up to accompany the story ... You can only presume that reliable/believable intelligence arrived that convinced someone to authorise the warrant to search for the ancient bowl ... I doubt some diner has gone to the pub and had some crisps out of that busted bowl and thought 'this is the missing Holy Grail' ... Strange story update!
  2. Pub raided.....in search of the Holy Grail! Wednesday, 06 August 2014 The Forester
  3. They canvassed local opinion on Twitter after the offer ... Twitter Offer declined and a good decision I think ...
  4. Sounds like someone has snuck behind the till if it's scratch cards and f@gs that have been stolen ...
  5. 4.3 will be about the sports ground by the Oxford Arms off Widemarsh Street. The Police own that I think and were objecting (I think) to a compulsory purchase order ...
  6. The ground must have been in possession of a certificate for the last home game played or it wouldn't have started. The spreadsheet of creditors shows that the Police are owed £8,645.58 for previous services. If I was them I would refuse to cover next Saturday's game unless that was paid. No Police cover outside the ground would probably cause a problem with a safety certificate. Bulls Banter also reporting that no Safety Officer is in place ...
  7. Council apparently meeting HUFC today (Tuesday) at 2pm to decide on whether the ground is going to be approved for a safety certificate. It currently hasn't got one. First home game is scheduled for this Saturday ... Hereford Times
  8. Difficult is that one. If you are within the Organisation you are unhappy about the detected Net moan will be immediately filed into the 'disloyal' box of the Investigator for that Organisation ... Start point then is probably P45 and hope for the best! And thank you for your friendly greeting! :-)
  9. I actually agree with you there ... From day 1 I have always disclosed my real name ... Not just here but all over the place. That has previously led me to being 'called into the Office' to explain myself ... But I have very real empathy/sympathy with why people go under pseudo names ... Too much grief is a very real reality for a fair few people over Net comments! Not just talking about MI5 or Special Branch here! If Asda get a sniff of some bad mouthing on the internet you might get a P45 from the shelf stacking!
  10. Dope smoking would be legalised/relaxed if it was a vote winner ... Elections are May next year and cannabis will not feature very highly in the agenda ... Just my guess! I don't smoke dope but would generally advise against it if you wanted my personal view ... But I have smoked it ...
  11. I'm sure some people will save on the black bag and just lob the whole lot (nappies, Kitchen slops, sanitary products, dog cr*p) straight into the black bin ... Those bins are going to be pretty nasty and pretty quick ... My weekly sack at the moment is probably 1 Kg if that ... a small sack and probably half the size of the ludicrous bin liner size advice (just assuming the measures are based on the size of the previously issued liners'). Will the Council collect a very small sack off the pavement? As I don't really need a new black bin!
  12. 'Your bin will not be collected if it contains garden waste.' I have never measured bin bags and I won't be starting now ... If the bin lid is closed I don't think the bin crews would have time to root around the contents to measure/count bags. They'd just empty it. I currently put out about 3 black bags a month for the weekly collections as I'm quite into recycling ... but I suppose some larger families with young kids' and stuff might want to put out more than 2 black bags a week ...
  13. Hereford Times Will have to check this out ... But having to type in the vehicle number into the machine was a bit of a chore ... I never did and have never got a ticket from the private company that were doing the car park enforcement.
  14. The Council camera is situated over the Rank ... no additional cost to point it at the problem ... Possible small cost of downloading offending footage onto a DVD .... Taxi enforcement people calling people into their office to issue warnings/cautions based on the footage ~ for failing to move on if a rank is full on arrival ... No cost as they are employed for taxi purposes anyway ... Issue 1 month taxi bans for repeat offenders ... How expensive/difficult is this to achieve? People are fed up with Bewell Street constantly clogged up with a problem that could be solved with minimal effort ...
  15. The start of the rank is outside Oswin's ... And it's very often not full. Because the demand is low in that area.
  16. There is a rank on Broad Street ... approximately opposite the Green Dragon ... There are very few spaces and obviously the drivers' will gravitate to the most lucrative. Which in the daytime is Tesco. You can very often see a snake of taxis spend 15/20 minutes creeping down Bewell Street to one by one fill up the spaces on the Full Tesco rank as shoppers leave. This is contrary to the rules and doing that (in theory) attracts 2 taxi penalty points (page 33) from the Council infringement list. The problem enforcing the taxi rank rule is that it won't actually generate any cash.
  17. Yup. If you look at the current google street view image of Bewell Street (dated Sept.2012) it is probably pretty typical. 6 cabs parked on the rank at Tesco ... 4 cabs in the overflow on 'the wall' ... one cab outside the Tesco front door (indicating to others that the rank and overflow are full) ... and then various other taxis dotted along the street ... one driver even out of his cab talking to the driver behind whilst their incessant wait for a fare continues.... It's quite clear that its pretty tricky to give a parking ticket to the cabs as the drivers' are all with their cars and as soon as anyone turns up they either move 'around the block' voluntarily or after having been told to do so. The whole area is under a Council camera which could easily be used by their Taxi Dept. to act on the cabbies clogging the street -under the taxi rules. Just announce that there will be a clampdown and then issue a graduated series of punishments against the driver's involved. But you can't fit a quart into a pint pot and Hereford is saturated with taxis with too few taxi spaces ... I don't anticipate much happening with this issue to be honest ...
  18. If you go to the Sunshine Radio Facebook page you currently have a 1 in 84 chance of winning tickets (worth £200) to dine/meet with Sir Ranulph Fiennes on Wednesday 6th Aug 7pm at Pengethley Manor Hotel. Winner chose at random on Sunday morning from anyone who shared the post. Which is the top one ... Those odds are reasonably low for basically spending nothing ... ;-)
  19. When did the owner become an expert in selling pizza's? My gut feeling is this will fall flat on it's arse ....
  20. I could see this working in some circumstances ... weekend binge drinking yobs for example. But the street drinking alcoholics need booze to function ... In fact going from a lot of booze to zero might actually kill you is my guess. But obviously that is a medical issue that a qualified person would have to address ...
  21. Here's an old link from the HT website ... 62 kg of hand rolling tobacco seized from a house at Moor Farm in 2011 ... Haven't got a clue what the result was with that but that is 1,240 50g pouches which could have been shifted for something like £8k at street prices ... It's a massive industry. It used to just be the local chancers going round the pubs with a bag but it has now exploded ... I doubt these shops are daft enough to conceal in the shop their entire stock. Probably just enough they can afford to lose in a raid ...
  22. Yeah. Saw that ... The one comment from Hereford Voice has got a +7 rating ... The place is the old M&G wine shop that did change hands and the last time I went in it was run by some bloke from India/Pakistan. I found it had a poor choice of booze and was over priced. Plus he didn't take cards - only cash. Big mistake that as many people routinely don't carry cash. This includes me. I think the fella might well have been struggling to make that business viable as an off licence. There is hardly enough room in there to swing a cat so best of luck with making it into a duel food outlet. Regarding the door staff ... Does the Golden Galleon (bang right next door) have to provide door staff? If not then this applicant is not operating on a level playing field.
  23. Thanks for the reply. I only asked because when three similar Hereford shops (might be the same ones? Who knows?) got raided in February 2014 the news was up on the Council website within 2 days ... Link Here I don't think a lot can be done. You can remove an alcohol licence but you don't need a licence to sell tobacco. Here's a conviction for a Ross On Wye supplier ... Link Here He got some supervision/100 hrs unpaid work/£400 monetary penalty.
  24. So why is this news being announced on a chat forum when there is nothing on the Council website? Seems arse about face to me ...
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