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Everything posted by Roger

  1. I don't know what they are there for but they appear to be similar to the Bridge Street sign that got flattened with a nudge ... Pic from the other thread ...
  2. Yeah ... Done that one ... With wine ... Bit of a novelty and I never even did it for cost purposes ... I got bored as you have to put too much effort in ...
  3. Usual drill there today ... Some bloke in discussion at the kiosk about countless bottles of wine in his trolley. Not quite sure what was happening but he was there for ages. Supervisor involved. Woman in front of me was returning hired glassware that she had received in damaged/smashed/chipped/dirty condition. I went and selected my loaf of bread and went to the beer aisle where amazingly a 4 pack of Export lager was advertised with a shelf banner as 'cheaper' at £4.25. Technically correct as it was £4.50 for a short time but had been £3.50 for ages before that! I then went to the self serve as minimal tills open. Only 4 machines and one was broken completely. Typical visit. Morrisons Price Cuts ps. 4 cans is £2.77 at Asda when you analyse what the 18 pack costs per 4 cans. £12.50 for 18.
  4. I've no doubt Bill Tanner will be all over this report for the Thursday printed paper. Not quite quick enough probably in this age of instant news ...
  5. Services to protect children in Herefordshire "require improvement", Ofsted inspectors have concluded. The grading is one better than in 2012 when services were branded "inadequate", the lowest rating in the four-point scale. It means there are no serious failures but the authority is not delivering good protection, help and care for children, young people and families. The council said it was on target to achieve a "good" rating by 2016. Councillor Jeremy Millar, cabinet member for children's wellbeing for Herefordshire Council, said: "We are very pleased that following our recent inspection we are no longer rated as inadequate and reassured that Ofsted are stating that no children being cared for in Herefordshire are at risk of harm." Ofsted said the leadership and experience of care leaders "requires improvement" but rated the authority's adoption performance as "good". The grading follows an inspection last month. BBC The latest Ofsted report was published today and is available to read in pdf format here (37 pages) Ofsted Herefordshire
  6. Councils to be forced by law to bring back weekly black bin collections Ministers have decided to act after attempts to spend hundreds of millions of pounds paying councils to reinstate weekly collections failed to change behaviour among many councils.Local authorities could be legally forced to empty black bins every week if the Tories win next year’s general election, The Sunday Telegraph can disclose. Ministers have decided to act after attempts to spend hundreds of millions of pounds paying councils to reinstate weekly collections were largely rebuffed. Under plans being worked on by the Conservatives councils would be required to meet a “minimum service standard†when it came to waste collection. The Household Waste Recycling Act 2003 already lays down minimum service requirements for recycling. Ministers are now looking at expanding the service requirement to include black bin collections by changing other laws. Half of councils have switched to fortnightly collections, and the vast majority have reject the offer of cash to pay for the cost of returning to weekly collections. The news comes as just families across the country who have their black bins emptied every two weeks are struggling with maggot infestations caused by the hot weather. Eric Pickles, the Local Government secretary told The Sunday Telegraph: “The UK Government will continue to standing up for hard working people who deserve a decent bin service. Telegraph
  7. If you extrapolate £500 a day over the course of a year that would be a £130k salary. The Prime Minister is on £142k per year ...
  8. There is room, and indeed a need, for alternatives to the mainstream type of stuff that is churned out by the BBC. Just look at the 50K marching outside the BBC last week in protest at austerity. The BBC either never noticed them or it didn't fit in with their agenda to report it. But they did manage to find a single Scotsman in Brazil who cheered the goal against England in the World Cup !!!
  9. This is the Pizza Punishment .... American ... As opposed to the three shags and you are .... etc ...
  10. Why can't this crucial new job be filled at £85K and not £90K ? Or £80K ... Cynics would probably suggest the person lined up/selected is near the £90k mark already ... There are plenty of people who could deliver a decent return for far less than this suggested yearly return ...
  11. This is a real dilemma. The Safer Neighbourhood Team for the City Centre is on this link. You can make of it what you will re: people deployed and area covered. They are of course assisted by response teams (shift cover) but I would suggest they are more reactionary and sent out in response to phoned in moans. Apart from 'events' like the May Fair, football or whatever. Managing a wet zone would obviously cost money and would obviously lead to local opposition. So I think the current situation will just lurch on as it has been doing ...
  12. I did view that Guy Taylor video before it was taken down and the TV studio segment was constructed to resemble a tv newsroom. The TV style 'news' host was possibly the most biased I have ever seen and his female co-presenter merely seemed to nod in agreement with him. ATVOD has been delegated powers by OFCOM to regulate certain on demand video for anyone who doesn't know. It was arranged under a Labour regime. If you look at the internet coverage of this UK Column video removal episode then the people moaning are people like David Icke who is that well known fruit loop ... Nothing has really hit the radar of the mainstream press. What exactly has caused these videos to be removed? Is it that they are imitating tv? Have they not paid a required fee? Anyone got a link to any ATVOD contact where they outline the alleged infringements?
  13. Jesse Norman MP is at Cusop Hall tonight where he appears open to listening to grass cutting issues ... For info ...
  14. I contacted Nick about the grass situation in Aylestone via Twitter recently ... The reply was fairly hard to understand .... (pic in the other thread about grass)
  15. A licensing objective. You always got to meet that one ... DASH is in Commercial Road (help point) so the Graveyard next to it is an obvious choice for an Official 'Wet Zone' ... The walk to avoid it is not too long either ...
  16. Liverpool is trying this ... Residents and local businesses were left outraged after the city leaders approved plans for a wet zone for alcoholics in the middle of the city’s Georgian Quarter. Liverpool Echo Fairly hard to create a drunk tank in Hereford City Centre tho as most of it is an alcohol free zone in theory ... Can anyone suggest a location for drunks to hang out legally near the City Centre? Or should we just zero tolerate them and throw them in the cells ?
  17. The Scales are currently balanced against any wrong activity by serving Police ... No surprise as #plebgate is an issue. And many may agree that they should be... I could go on ... I was reading the paper today (online) and someone got battered senseless by someone who had done it before (domestic) ... Hey ho ... Suspended sentence ... But they were not in the Police ... I think 18 months is harsh for what he did ... But I have to Counter Balance the fact that 99/100 cops who arrive at your door to sort the problem out don't have an under the surface sexual motive agenda. I feel sorry for his missus quite frankly ... Ian is a father ... three other extremely dodgy liaisons along the way and now married to someone else ... It's like a soap opera ... All very bizarre ...
  18. The Hereford Times is currently preoccupied covering the Hereford United saga ... Funeral March to Brockington tomorrow ~ with coffin ... Unfortunate timing as the March happens a full week before it can put it in the printed paper!
  19. Sounds like 'One Man Went To Mow' ... But at least I got a reply from Nick ... No reply from my MP yet ... But I think he was busy today in The House ...
  20. I'm sure many of the very varied 'viewers' of this forum have jobs and one contentious post in the wrong topic might cause grief ... I can moan at The Council all day and won't get any grief as I don't work at The Council ... I suppose I've moaned at The Council quite a lot so my chances of getting past a paper sift for a job application there are minimal ...
  21. David Keyte is second left. Colin Addison is far right ...
  22. Top of Churchill Gardens unbelievably still awaiting the FIRST cut this year! I have sent this photo to the Council and Nick Nenadich this morning ... Photo was taken today ...
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