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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Suggestions that all is not well in the Police Service ... Quote copied and pasted from FB ... Name censored by me ... Ubique ... I have upped you one ... ;-)
  2. Anyone fancy a round of golf at Sapey Golf Club?
  3. Shamed former police officer weeps as he is jailed for having sex with woman while on duty A former policeman took advantage of vulnerable women who rang the police for help – having sex with one while he was meant to be on duty and using systems to get another’s telephone number. Shamed and married Ian Langford was jailed for 18 months when he targeted and seduced two women he had met through his public duties before he began dating them. The 46-year-old cried in the dock as prosecutor Janine Wood said he had complimented and been supportive to one of the women, who had been midway through a neighbour dispute, before they began a year-long relationship in June 2012. She said the response patrol officer, who would be the first in uniform on the, regularly had sex with the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, while he should have been on duty. Gloucester Crown Court heard the relationship she had with Langford of Church View in Tewkesbury saw her legal battle collapse when the affair was discovered. It finally ended when she discovered Langford, a father, was engaged to be married to his second wife, who sat in the dock supporting him today. In an impact statement she said she was “saddened, distressed and depressed†by what had happened. She said: “I thought it felt safe with him, but he has left me with the old stereotypical view that dodgy police are still alive and thriving.†Ms Wood told the court in May 2012, Langford, an officer with West Mercia Constabulary, had been called out to a victim of domestic violence where he had been complimenting her immediately. He tracked down the woman, who had suffered years of abuse, on Facebook before their relationship ended in December that year. When police were called to her home again in August 2013, Langford later got her new telephone number from the police’s control log and began texting her. In a statement, she said: “When I look at my mental state (at the time) I feel sickened that an authority figure in our community took advantage of me when he should have protected me.†The court heard Langford had been disciplined and docked 13 days pay for a similar incident in 2008. Judge Jamie Tabor QC questioned whether West Mercia police should have dealt with that case more strictly. His current wife ran from the court room as the judge jailed Langford for 18 months. He told him: “Both victims feel let down and distrust for the police. “You had a warning shot in 2008 that did not deter you. “You targeted women when they were at their most vulnerable. “Your behaviour compromised a court case and you carried on the affair while on duty.†Defending Simon Hunka said he had shown remorse and shame of his behaviour. He said: “Had he met them in a bar it would have been perfectly fine. That is the professional boundary that should be in place and they (the women) opened up to him and he did the wrong thing. “If he truly was a predator, he would have a number of complaints for unsuccessful attempts to get women. “It is quite right that he is no longer a police officer. He accepts that fully, but it is not to say he did not do a good job outside of this. “This is someone who had a high standing in the community and he knows he has bought an element of shame on his family. “He is someone that has a history of depression. He struggles very deeply with the impact that this has had.†The court heard a decision is still to be made whether he will lose his police contributions to his pension after he pleaded guilty to two counts of misconduct in public office. Gloucester Citizen Meanwhile the whole situation is subject of a series of searching FOI questions which have been made to WMP by a Mr. MCJ Chambers FOI Request
  4. This is correct. I've been down there this morning and Penn Grove Road and Admirals Close both cut. What it will look like when the hay dries out is anyone's guess but today it looks better than it was. The Council Excel spreadsheet indicates Redhill is being cut this week (ie last week in June) so this work is out of sequence with their published data. It will obviously have nothing to do with the fact that pics of the said area whistled around the web and Twitter 2 days ago ...
  5. Bulls News Midlands Today sent their reporter Dan Pallett over last week so probably him again this week to cover the story ... Petition Link In other news the people who are owed money (cheques supposedly posted last Friday) have still not been paid and the Club has been spoken to about selling booze at the ground with the proper supervisory arrangements not being in place ... So just another routine day in the current chaotic world of HUFC ...
  6. I'm well aware of who my Councillors are for where I live. At the next vote (unless they come knocking on my front door with a plan to sort this grass out) then they won't have any prospect of getting my vote. I might just vote UKIP as a protest vote ~ if the option is available to me. I'm no fan of that Party but they can't be any worse than the current lot.
  7. There's something yellow under the grass on this island on Penn Grove Road junction... I'm not sure what it is ... Admirals Close ... Next cut is scheduled for the last week in August. So best of luck with that one!
  8. My son bought a simple bag of chips from Mr. Chips at 10 pm last Sunday. Got them home and I tasted one and I can safely say they were the worst chips I've ever had in my life. I couldn't even swallow it as it was raw. Not even partially cooked. The outer surface was hot but that was it! The whole bag got lobbed into the bin. Plus my son says he caught sight of someone out the back who looked like they needed a good wash.
  9. I'm aware of the Govt. grant ... Which makes me annoyed about a relatively small amount being shifted away from the grass cutting ... The result being that people are getting agitated ... This is a basic function ...
  10. Hooded Hereford casino robber forced staff to face a wall at gunpoint A HOODED gunman held up a Hereford casino and forced staff to face a wall until they handed over more £2k in takings. Worcester Crown Court was told two staff feared being shot by Ionut Juganaru who admitted robbery and a firearms charge. Juganaru, 26, of Ryelands Street, Hereford, was jailed for six years. The court heard how a customer slipped away from the early morning hold-up at Cashino, Eign Gate, to call the police. Hooded, with a scarf across his face, Juganaru menaced staff with a “life-like†pistol and forced them to face a wall, said Simon Phillips, prosecuting. Two staff who feared they were going to be shot have been unable to work since,†said Mr Phillips. Juganaru took £2,415 in notes, rejecting the coins, and fled to Victoria Street underpass where he changed clothes. Hunted by armed police, Juganaru was spotted and arrested soon afterwards in the city centre. His pistol was found to be a ball-bearing gun. John Dyer, defending, said the robbery had been “sheer stupidity†by Juganaru, a Romanian national, who was earning up to £400 a week at a plastics factory in Bromyard. Juganaru, said Mr Dyer, had not been able to give an explanation for his action beyond “being tiredâ€. The court was told Juganaru wished to apologise not only to casino staff but to “the United Kingdom†for giving him a chance to work. Hereford Times .
  11. They won't be as I don't think anyone is remotely interested in Guy Taylor's problems. Sorry to be so blunt but that is how I see it ...
  12. I've had a look at the spreadsheet and not every street is listed (like Penn Grove Road) but I'm assuming it's lumped in with something like Moreland Ave. My area around there (which includes the College and roads off Venns Lane etc) is pencilled in to be 'cut' in the last week of August. A little bit ridiculous because everyone has probably seen the length of the grass in College Road and around there. So another 10 weeks of living in a jungle! Anyone without Microsoft Office who wants to view their area on the spreadsheet can download the Excel Viewer for free: Excel Viewer Download
  13. Grass cutting schedule is available in Excel format. Although a lot of people won't have that programme installed on their computer ... link
  14. Who needs to draw up a list? The whole County is overgrown ...
  15. They are all in this together with the Community ... If they trimmed the grass then they would get flak for playing favourites ... i think all this grass should be cut as it's getting daft now! #ironicpost
  16. Tommy Agombar 'doorstepped' by HUFC fans' at Brockington Towers today ... 8 minute public video hosted on Facebook ... Video
  17. No. There's a Council owned Triffid behind my house that's taller than me ... And I'm over 6 ft. tall ... Usual Council tactic before they stopped cutting it completely. 'Cut and drop' technique. This is fine if the cut and drop is frequent enough. If it leaves a huge pile of stuff that turns to hay then it's not a good tactic. Some areas have previously been given the 'collect' tactic by the Council which has included Victoria Street just north of the New Bridge.
  18. I was behind a DRM bus tonight which was heading up Aylestone Hill. The advert on the back said you can travel all week for £18 between Bromyard and Hereford. Times are quite work/school friendly and the buses always look modern/clean/tidy. Not bad if you live in Bromyard and work/study in Hereford. But there are some really rubbish routes/times/frequencies/buses out there as you allude to ... DRM pdf
  19. I saw today that yellow signs have gone up at Penn Grove Road indicating that traffic regulation is proposed between Moreland Ave and Admirals Close. That's where the commuters/students/hospital people park for free just beyond where the existing yellow lines stop. The details of the restrictions are not yet on the relevant Council page (link here) but they are sure to appear soon and will probably stop people parking on that section of road full stop. I'll be quite pleased if this happens as the current free for all makes driving along there inconvenient and sometimes dangerous. This follows on from existing proposals to stop all that dodgy parking on Aylestone Hill (lines are yet to be painted) and a Public Meeting which was held at Brockington Towers on 30th January: Hereford Times Report When the lines do appear the cars that do end up getting shifted are sure to clog up somewhere else because the drivers' are obviously looking for free parking. Even using the new Council car park at Station Approach for £3 a day adds up to £60 a month (20 working days) which is certainly not cheap. Certain people think the Council are bringing on these parking issues themselves. Such as causing the fiasco outside the Leisure Centre where all the car park has emptied out onto the adjacent A49 ...
  20. It's not as simple as just dropping a League when you get to this stage ... You don't just automatically end up somewhere else! Hereford are reportedly trying to negotiate entry into the Calor Southern League ... If I run that League I wouldn't accept them unless they paid the old debts ... http://www.northdevonjournal.co.uk/Hereford-United-expulsion-Football-Conference-set/story-21212786-detail/story.html And how would it work paying new staff next season when the old people weren't paid last season? And who would cut the grass as the firm who do it now are owed £20k according to reports?
  21. David Keyte has spoken about the Football Conference ruling regarding the clubs future. David Keyte, who attended yesterday's Conference Board Meeting regarding membership for the 2014/15 season, has thanked the Conference board for a fair hearing. "I'd like to thank the Conference Board members for their time and for an extremely fair and professional hearing. We accept their ruling and conditions fully." Keyte told herefordunited.co.uk. "I would also like to thank Andrew Green for his support. Mr Green is Mr Agombar's accountant and financial advisor, and I'd like to clarify, not a club director as reported." David Keyte and Club Secretary Lee Symmonds will travel to Newport this morning for the Conference AGM "There is no requirement to pay funds this morning, but proof of funds has been requested by the Conference Board. Mr Green will provide the necessary documentation" Keyte confirmed. Hereford United Official Site Keyte now saying that nothing has to be paid today. Just proof has to be shown that the funds are there ...
  22. The HT item wasn't very 'abridged' ... It just basically missed out the 'Eastern European' angle ... Plus the website has an 'edit' button and following concerns about the missing content it has still not been used to insert the relevant information by staff. The story obviously didn't make this weeks HT as the press release was issued long after printing ~ a problem for weekly papers when a biggish story is released virtually a whole week before it might get printed. It will be seriously old news by next week ...
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