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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Pursuant to Article 5.2 of the Ltd Company Articles of Association, a quorate meeting of its Board of Directors today met to consider matters of membership ahead of its Annual General Meeting. In the case of Hereford United (1939) Ltd, (Company Number 355272) being represented by chairman David Keyte and director Andrew Green the Board unanimously agreed that the club can retain membership of the Ltd Company and their place in the Football Conference Premier providing financial payments are secured as directed by the Board. Failure to meet the financial conditions imposed the clubs membership would be revoked. Football Conference Statement They don't mention a specific time frame in their statement but you can't fail to find it very strange that having given HUFC an ultimatum to pay up that wasn't met (5 PM last night) then they let them retain Conference status anyway! Certainly appears like the tail is wagging the dog here ... If BBC H+W said the new deadline is 10 AM tomorrow then I'm not going to disagree. The cash is not certain to clear across by then being the weekend but I suppose HUFC can show quite easily if any buttons have been pressed to transfer cash if needed. AGM is tomorrow ...
  2. I think you are out of line. At no point have I suggested anyone is getting 'bunged'. You obviously aren't bright enough to appreciate my ironic humour. I don't think anyone, apart from you, would try and interpret my comment literally. This has everything to do with grass cutting as the Council has an overall pot of money and they have decided that grass cutting is taking a hit but they pretty much have their hands tied with paying for adult and children care and some of it has gone to The Bouvrie in the past. I just plucked their name out of the air but you could easily substitute the name for one of another guest house or a care home. The money going through the letter box (or via internet banking I suppose) of the total of these premises probably hits astronomical proportions over the course of a year. I took this screen grab of payments to one guest house for September 2011. It happens to be The Bouvrie. The money seems to amount to £6050. I dunno exactly what was being bought for that but it may have just been for the rooms that people were occupying. The current benefit cap is £350 per week for a single person and £500 for a couple and my perception is that these premises in general will be trying to maximise their take from The Council. All within the rules but these private landlords or providers of temporary accommodation are on to a nice little earner with this situation.
  3. Plus I got to forgot to mention that by 'airbrushing' out Eastern European content then the HT was minimising the impact on hovering voters who might be tempted to vote UKip at the next poll ...
  4. The new Editor needs to look at the whole website operation ... It seems chaotic at best ... My primary irritation is that there is no author attributed to virtually anything that's published! I know it's hard to attribute an author when it's a straight copy from the WMP website but when the copy is warped with a sneaky edit then it morphs into an agenda! Don't forget this will soon be the only weekly paper around here and I'm sure a few people buy it religiously and treat the content as gospel ... !!!
  5. I looked at the CSV format on the ipad as it was actually viewable ... But my eyes are pretty rubbish and it was too small ... On my desktop computer the same click generated a downloaded file that was impossible to even start to look through! It was formatted in an unreadable way!
  6. There is nothing sensible coming out of the Club at the moment ... It all seems to be the same old empty promises ... I suppose that the fans' can only wait for some sort of decision from the Conference people who are meeting tomorrow and on Saturday ... The new owner says he actually has the cash to settle the wages so how on earth that hinges on some sort of 'assurance' of Conference inclusion for next season is laughable ... He took on ownership knowing the position the Club were in ... Wages are owed ... They should be paid!
  7. Yup ... I appreciate why no comments are allowed on that item (they have insufficient time/staff to Moderate any potential xenophobic comments) but the accents are highly relevant to the appeal ...
  8. I was driving down Broad Street at 18.50 tonight and noticed it was seriously deserted. Half the parking spaces were empty but a Council parking attendant was being paid to seriously check over what was there and as I passed he seemed to be in the process of ticketing a white van outside the Green Dragon. The Council seem to be concentrating on solving non existent problems (issuing tickets to boost their own coffers) but ignoring what is causing grief. Which is the grass. I'm sure visitors to the area, who see a half empty Street in a rural City, would just park up to go for a meal without giving much thought to getting a parking ticket in the evening. The Council are getting all this wrong ...
  9. West Mercia Police Both suspects spoke with Eastern European accents which is highly relevant as it rules out anyone who speaks with a local accent. The Hereford Times has got straight onto this press release and has produced it's own story which has edited out the reference to Eastern European accents: Hereford Times
  10. Govt. cash injection has reduced across the board (we all know this) ... But no mention in that piece that the top dog at The Council gets paid more than the PM ...
  11. You can view the expenditure on The Bouvrie for 2011 if you type 'herefordshire Council guest house expenditure' into google ... It's an Excel spreadsheet and I haven't got Excel installed on my computer ... So if anyone can view that then it will help I suppose ...
  12. Where did the grass from The Quarry end up? As the pic on the other thread suggested the clippings were being collected? Did HH have to buy a permit to go to the Waste Site?
  13. I'm not suggesting any illegal activity ... I'm just pointing to the fact that The Council is paying quite large amounts to the Bed & Breakfast type providers for pretty rubbish accommodation so as to house the usual people who end up there ... If you asked the Council to say how much they were paying for this today with a FOI request they would obviously refuse for the usual reasons ...
  14. I'm sorry for anyone losing a job over these cuts but I never found very much of interest in The Journal. Being a weekly paper all the stuff was old news anyway ...
  15. A MAN, suspected of overdosing on drugs, collapsed in the middle of Hereford yesterday afternoon (May 3). Ambulance staff worked on the 41-year-old, who was taken to Hereford County Hospital and remains in serious condition. Police were called to East Street public toilets – which had only been reopened two weeks ago – to assist at 1.45pm, blocking off the road and later closing the toilets. A 36-year-old man from Hereford was arrested on suspicion of supplying heroin, and released on bail pending further inquiries. Hereford Times That toilet block has always attracted drug users ... It was always going to attract them when it re-opened ... And street drinkers as well ... They regularly held drinks parties in the disabled toilet as it was large enough to get a few people in ...
  16. Seen it with my own eyes (payments) ... albeit historical ... I have no reason to believe things have changed ...
  17. No report of this development on the HT website ... The usual guy who does it is on holiday ... I think the operation must be operated on a budget worse than a shoestring!
  18. All the grass cutting savings are probably being delivered thru the letterbox of The Bouvrie Guest House ...
  19. Jim Kenyon seems to have got this philanthropic freebie arranged for The Quarry ... Hereford Housing & Jim Kenyon are the two common factors so I'm sure that if there's some hidden agenda it will emerge ...
  20. I obviously haven't yet received this black coloured bin which seems (according to the blurb) to come with some instructions on how to use it. Do you have to put the stuff in a bag and then into the bin? I bet some people will just launch the whole lot into the wheelie bin minus any sort of bag ... We're talking fish bones ... soiled nappies ... dog sh!te ... chicken carcasses and all sorts of menstrual fallout ... The whole lot brewing in this bin ... Oh ... And if the lid is shut when this lorry comes round then the chance of the lid getting lifted for a compliance check is zero ...
  21. Hereford United's new owner it would seem ... Thomas Agombar Very little evidence to contradict the fact that he appears to be a man jailed for 7 years in 1987 for being heavily involved in a lorry hijacking organised crime outfit ...
  22. Brandon Lewis gets confused by recycling rules Brandon Lewis has admitted even he gets confused over what he can recycle at home, after making a mistake on television this morning. The local government minister was appearing on BBC Breakfast to discuss how councils can make it easier for residents to recycle at home. Despite claiming his local authority make it ‘pretty clear about what you can and can't recycle’ he got confused himself when questioned about what is allowed to go into his green waste bin. He told presenter Charlie Stayt he could put yogurt pots in his recycling bin but was later corrected by his wife. He then took to twitter to clear up the confusion and admit he had got it wrong. BBC Breakfast tweeted: 'Seems recycling IS confusing. Minister @BrandonLewis said he could recycle yogurt pots, but has since admitted he got it wrong.' LocalGov YouTube So the yoghurt pots have to go in these new black bins ...
  23. Herefordshire residents will see a change to their general rubbish collection service from November 2014. The service will move to alternative weekly collections, meaning that recycling will be collected one week and general rubbish will be collected on the other week. The decision has been taken in order to reduce costs as council budgets reduce and to increase recycling rates to come into line with Government targets. Householders will be allocated a black bin which can be used to safely and hygienically store general rubbish between collections. Bins will be delivered from August 2014 and residents will receive instructions and a collection calendar ahead of the go-live date of November 2014. Herefordshire Council Most residents won't be happy that Council Tax goes up by 2% which results in no grass getting cut and black bin collections reduced by 50% ...
  24. So the Council gave Amey's old contract to Balfour Beatty after a tendering process. Paperwork will reflect what the bid was and what was paid and what was being bought. A certain level of grass cutting would have been factored in to the bid and it probably wasn't 3 cuts for essential areas and none for the rest. I don't think it's at all clear about these goalposts getting moved. With all this grass not getting cut is it the case that The Council are paying a reduced amount of money because they've asked Balfour to stop cutting the grass? And these bins. With £500,000 being saved by cutting the collections 50% then who's pocket is that going into? Presumably Balfour Beatty tendered for weekly collections of black bins. The Council just hide behind excuses about confidentiality over this bid process so will anyone ever get to the bottom of all this stuff?
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