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Everything posted by Roger

  1. There is always a Political agenda going on if you are a Councillor ~ and this 'stunt' will be welcomed 100% by the people who use that area .... Personally I feel that Jim Kenyon probably is trying to care for the area ... the fallout will always be that he's trying to get votes at the next ballot.
  2. Herefordshire Housing were up Tupsley today (at The Quarry) cutting the grass. That looks like a top drawer job to me ~ also collecting the clippings. This is totally contrary to the half baked Council efforts ... The photo was publicly posted via Twitter by Jim Kenyon ...
  3. Dunno if the new Editor has any views on reinstating the HT discussion Forum ... ? It got binned after certain comments (due to no proper Moderation) and it was also getting spammed ... But I suppose that idea might be redundant as everyone is on here! Clive Joyce went out from the Kidderminster Shuttle after 'retiring' ... So I doubt he will try and install a Tidal Wave of change ... If I'm wrong then fair enough!
  4. SATURDAY, MAY 31, 2014 No More SecretsBy Bobo Bulls News understands that, while the investors have 'started the process of making payments to football creditors', as announced three days ago, no money has actually been transferred. Several players and staff took to social media yesterday to express their frustration at delays. Fans are calling for clarity from the investors. The latest official statement last night stated that the group had taken on a 'major shareholding' in the club, failing to mention David Keyte at all. Keyte appears to have been cut out of the picture at Edgar Street despite apparently remaining as Chairman. He denied that a trial game had been arranged only for the announcement to appear on the official site yesterday afternoon, while his claims that Peter Beadle was in the frame for the manager's job were also proven false. The club appears to have been sold to new owners, but the fans do not know who wields the power or who will be representing the club at Monday's Court hearing. The fears amongst the fans are that the investors are property speculators, keen only on the 4.5 acres of land that make up the Edgar Street site. Having paid no money so far they could conceivably transfer the two development pieces of the site from the club to themselves, and disappear into the sunset within a week with their names and faces unknown to the fans of the club - leaving David Keyte, and the rest of the board, to face the full wrath of the fans and the authorities over the demise of a 90 year old football club. Or they could be the greatest thing that is about to happen to this club, and it is mere misfortune that has delayed proceedings. They may sort this mess out, have ambitious plans for the stadium and club, and fund the growth of the Bulls into a proud force once again. It is time for our investors, and David Keyte and the board, to come clean and state the facts. They are the custodians of this club and must be accountable to the fans. No more secrets. Bulls News
  5. The top of Churchill Gardens in Hereford is still awaiting cut #1 for this year ... I'm not holding my breath! (took that picture today)
  6. I do believe in a long term strategy but you got to base that on what you can currently offer ... as a basis to build on ... What probably annoys me is that 'Herefordshire Council' have spent time forming a 'partnership' for a pie in the sky speculative bid when the County is currently on it's arse!
  7. Firstly my apologies to Jim Kenyon for having a brain fade moment on the link. Can Colin edit it? Not because I look a t!t but just to get it right! I think there are three issues here ... HH are stepping in to do unpaid work to improve the area which is to be appreciated on any level ... Secondly HH are doing work that Tupsley people have already paid for! Thirdly ... This sets a precedent that could easily morph into a normal chain of events ...
  8. There are now 4 times as many replies on the HT Facebook page about parking than this subject ... I suppose it reflects the fact that you are far more likely to get a parking ticket in Hereford than you are to get a copper at the door who wants to get you into bed ....
  9. Yeah ... Saw this the other day ... It was reported on a HUFC themed football website ... The new Editor is a veteran of The Kidderminster Shuttle so if you ever read that then you may have an idea about the content he has previously overseen ... SATURDAY, MAY 24, 2014 Hereford Times Gets New EditorBy Bobo The Hereford Times is getting a new editor, with current chief Fiona Phillips leaving for a post in Newport. Phillips, who spent just over four years in the role, is being replaced by news veteran Clive Joyce. He spent 21 years at the helm of the Kidderminster Shuttle before 'retiring' last month as the local office was shut and production moved to Stourbridge. He returns to the grounding of his career at the Hereford Times where he began working in news in 1969, spending ten years at the paper including reporting on Bulls games: “It seems incredible now, given the clubs’ respective places in football’s pecking order, but I covered United when they played Chelsea in league games in 1976-77! That season we were also playing Southampton, Hull, Wolves, Fulham, Nottingham Forest, and Blackburn. How fortunes change in football?†Bulls News
  10. I was wondering this! Actually got confused today around St. Guthlac St. in my car as the street sign was hidden by grass! I haven't been down that area for a while and it's quite astonishing how the neglect has took hold!
  11. There are levels of 'vulnerability' and I cant begin to know any details of this case ... But my gut feeling is that Ian Langford is the last person who needs to be in jail ... I hope the Judge does not get swayed by the 'Plebgate' ---> 'We'll blame someone else' so send someone down argument. I hope he does not get jailed. If he did I would not think that was proportionate.
  12. This topic is not about me. It's about a current Court case very local to this area. I think your comment that a Police Officer caught out having sex with 'vulnerable' women was 'unfortunate' is condoning the whole practice. Do it as long as you don't get caught is the message you are sending out. Also both you and Ubique moaning and speculating that I tolerated and failed to report sex wrongdoings has evolved in your own vivid imaginations from a general overview of the 70's80's by me saying ... It was all portrayed in tv shows like The Sweeney ... I think you both need to get a grip and read posts' before you fire off comments' !
  13. I haven't spoken to anyone who agrees with Michael Gove on this one ...
  14. Vast majority are honest. I know as I was one for 30 years! In the older days these sex on duty incidents were common place. Times have changed tho and you just can't do it! And I'm not saying I'm condoning the fact that it did happen as I'm not! I am surprised he hasn't deactivated his Twitter account tho ... It's quite publicly available and showed he got married 2 weeks ago ... Pics included ... I will add tho that if he had sex with a gun around his ankles he may have kept his job ... Gwent case
  15. Former Herefordshire police officer admits sex chargesBailed until 24th June for pre-sentence report Hereford Times
  16. Grass cutting meeting is tomorrow ... A Meeting about the grass that is still growing ... I don't think the locals expect Wimbledon type results but I expect nothing less than a full update on here about the result of that meeting ... End Of Rant!
  17. You got a clickable link for that? I think the Council Tax has gone up 2% but whatever money is in the pot is being either thrown at Plough Lane or Adult Social Care. These vulnerable people who end up being housed in guest houses ... I think the Bouvrie on the ring road is one ... Who is paying for that? Yup the Council ... The amount of money thrown at these businesses is eye watering ... Probably cheaper to stay at The Hilton ...
  18. I agree with your post 100% ... If this length of grass was growing in a field it would be cut (using suitable heavy duty equipment) and a tedding machine would be out ... Then dried out and fed to the livestock ... So the current situation is is beyond a few petrol strimmers ... Balfour have got access to tractor machinery but I've seen it used and the result they produce is so poor that my opinion of their handiwork is not really printable ...
  19. A couple of residents have obviously got cheesed off on College Road as they have mowed the Council grass in front of their properties' !! ... The wide bit where ball games are banned! Rest looks rubbish tho! On a side note I went to the Council tip today and the approach verges to it had just been cut by 'Countrywide' .... They had also done a portion of the main Hereford to Holme Lacy Road ... They were just packing up as I left ...
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