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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Interesting point. I don't know if the alcohol free zone has been amended so as to extend to the new development. I suppose if it has there will be signs to say so. But I haven't been down so don't know ...
  2. I was driving on the inner ring road, down Newmarket Street, today and I couldn't help but notice Costa Coffee ... The outdoor seating area is admittedly a 'suntrap' in good weather (and it was full today) ... but what you see whilst sat there is not great ... That's the current image from google 'street view' and I know it's out of date, as the area has been remodelled, but I'm pretty sure you just get a view of the traffic ... Anyone used it and can recommend it's current location?
  3. Just a bad advert for this 'prestige' store I thought. I'm not a busybody! I just drove past the situation! I think you are just trying to pick a row! ... :-)
  4. I came south down Edgar Street at about 4pm today and in fairness the traffic was not at all bad. I drove past that massive vertical Debenhams sign but was then held up by the roundabout lights. What did surprise me was that a crowd of uniformed Debenhams staff were immediately outside their rear fire exit door either stood on the pavement, or slouched on the exit step, smoking cigarettes. They may well have been on authorised breaks, and probably were, but I just thought it gave the wrong impression to whoever was in that queue of traffic a few feet away on the A49. It could give the impression of idleness. They need to relocate that smoking area to somewhere more sensible. I told Debenhams this by way of feedback on their Twitter account which was acknowledged in the spirit in which the info. was given.
  5. Dereliction of duty! I completely agree! Driving down Aylestone Hill today into town the grass is shockingly long! And masses of dead dandelions! Loads of long grass everywhere! Churchill Gardens is a disgrace with that grass. If I let my own back garden fall into that state I'd probably attract a neighbour complaint and an enforcement notice off the Council! Perhaps they should receive one themselves for their neglect!? I read somewhere that the grass cutting has been reduced to 3 cuts a year because of the budget but if you visit and try and cut it when it's too long you just end up with a complete mess from the outset. And probably so much grass waste that you need a baler to remove it! Complete shambles!
  6. Saw this contribution to the Hereford Times Facebook page today which is self explanatory ...
  7. That split bag of rubbish has been outside the front door of The Town Hall for a few days ... Apparently it was still there this afternoon according to a comment on an article on the HT website ~ even tho the spokesperson for the Council said it should have been shifted by BB at 9 AM. If they can't deal with a bag of rubbish in town they are less likely to sort out rubbish strewn on the Great Western Way ... Hereford Times
  8. Max Clifford sentenced to eight years' jail for indecently assaulting four girls Publicist found guilty of eight charges of indecent assault against women and girls as young as 15 between 1977 and 1985 The celebrity publicist Max Clifford has been sentenced to eight years in jail for indecently assaulting four teenage girls. Clifford is the first public figure to be jailed under Scotland Yard's Operation Yewtree inquiry into sexual offences stretching back five decades. The sentence, of which the 71-year-old is expected to serve half, seals the downfall of a man who had been instrumental in some of the most high profile tabloid scoops of the last few decades. The PR man stood in the glass-fronted dock as his sentence was passed down by the judge, Anthony Leonard. When he finished speaking, Clifford removed his hearing loop and turned and smiled at his supporters in the public gallery, some of whom were in tears, before he was led to the court cells and into custody. Guardian
  9. I didn't go down there today as I never needed to. I'm not going to knock it as most of the feedback I've seen on the web today has been positive. However you can't get away from the fact that in the big scheme of things (even when all units are up and running) it is relatively small. I don't think it will attract shoppers from Shrewsbury/Worcester/Gloucester for instance. I think it's fairly and squarely a facility for the 'locals' ~ to include Ross/Leominster/Ledbury/Hay. It will be interesting to look at what is happening overall in 12 months time. After everything has settled down. As there will be an impact on the existing Centre. Can't imagine M&S will be pleased after their multi-million pound basement refurbishment a few years ago ... Just as a side note some folk were down Asda today trying to scrounge stuff for the Food Bank ... Not that the hordes down at the Waitrose shop are Food Bank patrons!
  10. That flimsy keep left sign looks a bit pointless to me ... I haven't been down that part of town for a while but the pic seems to suggest that whoever designs all this stuff has been absorbed into the World of 'blue-sky thinking'. Maybe also to do with the fact that the Mayfair ends up there and it's less work to move the thing if required ... The above pic is what it used to look like ...
  11. The police are failing to record more than 700,000 offences - including cases of rape and serious sexual offences - according to the first official inquiry into crime reporting. An inspection of 13 forces found 14 rapes were among offences not recorded by officers, including an allegation made by a 13-year-old autistic boy which was written off as "sexual experimentation". Another rape was not recorded due to "workload pressure" as recording the crime would "entail too much work", the report by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) has found. The police watchdog also found some offenders have been issued with out-of-court disposals, such as cautions, when they should have been prosecuted. 'Unethical behaviour'Inspectors said they could not rule out "discreditable or unethical behaviour" on the part of officers for the failure rate. The Home Secretary Theresa May said the report exposed "unacceptable failings by the police" and warned that once HMIC concludes its work in October, official figures may show a spike in police recorded crime. Channel 4 News Seems we have found out why the crime figures are down!
  12. Roger

    UKIP Meeting

    Twitter inundated with calls to flood Ukip 'Freepost' address with bricks and party flyers Independent
  13. The tone of that post suggests you have got an inside track on this?! Have you?
  14. The Council tweeted a link to their website today ... Herefordshire Council 20,000 seems a lot. That's approximately a third of the City. Taking a bicycle is not practical either if you are going to Waitrose for a food shop.
  15. Done & dusted ... so a token 'open day' ...
  16. Licensing Act is specific on this. Hot food licence is needed for sales between 11 PM and 5 AM ...
  17. Might be worth asking Dave Throup about this ... He's from the Environment Agency for this area and he's very active on Social Media Twitter
  18. Fixated with this 1.30 rule! I would post more about various stuff but I don't need to get arrested!
  19. The proposed extension to the Dot Com facility at this shop might generate some more noise possibly?
  20. Nothing showing yet about closing times for the various food places yet: Old Market Food & Drink Nando's in Liverpool City Centre (Liverpool One) is near to a massive new multi-screen cinema and it closes 22.30 hrs in the week and 23.00 Fri/Sat. The Worcester one closes 23.00 hrs as well at the weekend. So I imagine Hereford opening times would be similar to that. On the Council website there are no applications pending for any premises wishing to sell hot food after 11 PM. Current Licensing Applications
  21. Yeah. I was at the ground for the game ... Unfortunate ... :-S
  22. Max Clifford poses for the media before the jury returns guilty verdicts on eight counts of indecent assault. Photograph: Matt Dunham/AP Max Clifford found guilty of indecently assaulting teenage girls Millionaire publicist manipulated women and girls into performing sex acts with promises he would introduce them to showbiz stars The publicist Max Clifford has been found guilty of eight charges of indecent assault against women and girls as young as 15 by a jury at Southwark crown court in London. Clifford, 71, was convicted following a six-week trial that exposed the "terrible, festering secret" that he was a paedophile who bullied and manipulated teenage girls into performing sex acts. After deliberating for 32 hours, jurors found Clifford guilty of eight counts of indecent assault between 1977 and 1985. He was found not guilty of two other charges of indecent assault. The jury could not decide on one further count. Clifford was granted conditional bail but told by the judge that that should not be taken as an indication of the sentence that would be passed on Friday. The Guardian
  23. I haven't got much time for Owen. Especially after he run his contract down at Liverpool. They were forced to sell him to Madrid for a derisory £8M I suppose Owen was always going to comment on the Chester/Hereford situation as he was born in Chester and he works for BT Sport who were televising the Chester game.
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