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Everything posted by Roger

  1. I think you misread my post. Maccies in Commercial STREET Late Licence Refused I'm no expert on planning but the Palace obviously operated as a food establishment before it went to the wall so maybe the existing use means it can just re-open as a takeaway even if it is larger as they are building an extension to it? Any planning experts out there? Rather like The Gamecock could transform from a pub to a shop. Or indeed The Buckingham. Without having to get additional permission for change of use.
  2. The Palace is within the Cumulative Impact Zone and I think the Council/Police have already said they will oppose any new food shops. A takeaway is a lot different to it's previous use as a restaurant. I think Munchies opposite was opposed on those grounds but did get approved in the end ... Maccies in Commercial Street applied for a later food licence and was refused as it was 'near' the Impact Zone.
  3. I don't think park & ride is an option for a supermarket shop. I wouldn't want to drag 4 or 5 bags of shopping on the bus to be dropped off back at the car. I wouldn't call parking on the surface next to Waitrose a premium perk. It's a basic requirement that a large supermarket provides it. About the only large shop in town that doesn't is M&S where it's not physically possible. 600 spaces is not a huge number of spaces for the size of the development so people, I suppose, might end up pushing trolleys across Blackfriars Street into the Merton Meadow and/or up and down the floors in the lifts of the multi-storey. I think with the employees at these new shops they are not going to want to pay for any parking. Who can afford £10 parking per shift? They'll probably just add to what already is occurring which is blocking up the side streets which have no restrictions. By me that's Penn Grove Road on that long bend. I suppose you can dump cars on College Road and KIngsway as well. I think the only guaranteed winners, in the short term at least, will be The Council who potentially will be raking in £1000 an hour at peak periods from that parking when you add up the revenue from the ticket machines and penalty charge notices.
  4. My take on it as well ... If I never posted it someone else would have. But damage has clearly been done. CPS has decided there is a realistic prospect of conviction. Which amounts to 'we are pretty sure he did it' ...
  5. Stroud News And Journal Hereford again! Can't believe the amount of negative publicity Hereford cops are generating for themselves!
  6. I've added my two pence worth to the Hereford Times item on this subject. Podge (the author) has revised that article at least twice! He has clarified tho that the charges are 24/7 ... The Council are strapped for cash so a warden climbing out of a bush at 5 AM to zap a ticket has not been ruled out! In my view anyway!
  7. I'm told that Waitrose is free to park at Monmouth. Although I've never used it. I don't know if any of these stores will refund the parking (for a minimum spend) if you can prove you paid for it? I don't know what type of parking ticket these Council machines issue as I can't remember ever buying one. Is it just a one part one that you leave in the car? Or a two part one like at Morrison's ~ which is private.
  8. Don't think so. According to The Independent newspaper Councils want improved powers to prevent betting shops 'clustering' in streets. They are particularly concerned about the Fixed Odds gambler machines that enables you to potentially lose £100 every 20 seconds. Independent
  9. The Jury have been sent home for the weekend. They will start to deliberate for day 8 on Monday morning ...
  10. Old Market Website link to car park prices The publicity for the pricing does not make it abundantly clear if there is a start/end time for these charges. I am assuming they are 24/7 unless someone could tell me otherwise. I wouldn't want to park at the new development at, say, 8 PM to go and nip into Waitrose to buy a sandwich if the car parking for 5 minutes was £1.20 and the sarnie was £2. The only thing guaranteed in this world is that the Council will be all over the enforcement of these spaces like a rash. They'll have 1000 spaces to play with what with the adjacent multi storey there as well. It wouldn't surprise me if they have someone permanently stationed there in maybe a hut.
  11. I got a Paddy Power Account ... on the internet ... There must be a motive for this application ... Attracting drunks/old folk who don't know how to use the Web?
  12. Can't see meself using this facility. On the basis that I've got more films coming out of my satellite box than I know what to do with! I know the cinema has a film a few months before Sky get it but I haven't even watched Skyfall yet! ... :-p
  13. The Jury have been sent home for the day ... They will start deliberating for a seventh day tomorrow morning at 10 AM.
  14. Digital Spy Into Day Six Tomorrow ...
  15. Looking at the dates involved I would assume that he was refused bail by the cops ... put before the Court ... and the Magistrates let him out ... Being cynical I would suggest it's a licence to commit more crime as ultimately a 2.30 AM knife point burglary must attract a period in the can when this eventually gets resolved? Any more stuff in the intervening period might just get a consecutive penalty?
  16. Roger

    UKIP Meeting

    I think UKIP will do well in the European Elections ... I think it's a classic opportunity to deliver a 'thumb' in the eye to the usual Parties as people don't consider it a 'real' vote! ....
  17. West Mercia Press Release At face value this character sounds lucky to have got bail ...
  18. Roger

    UKIP Meeting

    My post was just ever so slightly tongue in cheek! As you no doubt guessed! I do think tho that the average person in the street who ends up voting UKIP will have done so on the headline policies of coming out of the EU and reinstating control over our own borders. They wont have read those 96 pages. Rather like the Tory or Labour voters who wont have read their Party Manifesto's. This Immigration thing is ever so slightly tricky tho. If you restrict EU immigration (which is the current problem) what do you do with the people already here? The genie is already out of the bottle on that one.
  19. The 10 jury members have been been sent home after deliberating for 4 days. Back tomorrow for day 5 ... Analysis of the jury process
  20. Roger

    UKIP Meeting

    BBC news article Apart from leaving the EU and immigration control you could probably fit the rest of his policies on the back of a stamp ...
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