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Everything posted by Roger

  1. The Council has designated the following areas within Herefordshire as being subject to a special Cumulative Impact Policy: The full length of Commercial Road from its junction with Blueschool Street to its junction with Aylestone Hill. 100 metres of Blueschool Street, West from its junction with Commercial Road. 50 metres of Bath Street, East from its junction with Commercial Square. 50 metres of Commercial Street, South from its junction with Commercial Square. 50 metres of Union Street, South from its junction with Commercial Square. Taken from the Council policy document ~ page 92 McDonalds in town had their application to open until 4 AM thrown out in 2012. The premises is just outside the 'No Go' area but imaginative wording by the cops makes it sound like it's right in the middle of it! The argument put forward by the cops was that if they had to provide potential additional cover for it opening late then other parts of the County would possibly suffer. McDonalds late night application refused
  2. Play has got a liquor licence until 2 or 3 am. Or something like that. Their primary licence is for the sale of alcohol so the legislation does not require them to have another licence to cover the ancillary act of selling food. Leon has outlined the point again that this draconian cut off is ridiculous. Welcome by the way! I cannot see the logic of how the late night economies of all the towns/cities mentioned are so different. They aren't. Everywhere else copes but the cops are just like a dog with a bone on this one. I just think the cops are just fixated with this cut off. It must be so that it fits more readily, to their mind, around their shift patterns and lap overs and possibly inadequate late night staffing levels. Don't forget that late at night all the CSO's are off duty and just the bare bones are left. And maybe a few die hard Specials padding out the numbers on no wages. I'm sure they could press a few buttons on the computer and print out a nice map showing all the aggro is in the Cumulative Impact Zone ~ and that we should be grateful to them for allowing anything to open at all ~ but that is where people are slithering around drunk having left the Clubs and boozers. Nil to do with food. Fred Spriggs, the Council Licensing man, is someone I know and I don't think it's any secret that he was previously a Police Sgt in Herefordshire so my perception is that they are all stuck on the same page on this one and are unlikely to shift.
  3. There is a room now free on Ryelands Street ... :-p
  4. The current answer seems to be CSO's doubling up to drift about in cars. Or cycling somewhere ... Total token effort .... Also there must be a strain on the system with all these people coming over? Schools, Doctors .... Social care when the family goes wrong after arrival ... There is a big problem here I think ... All badly thought out ...
  5. I'm not familiar with that individual but it's obviously a Romanian name. He's from one of the bedsit capitals of Hereford so I am assuming he is a fairly new arrival to the City ... The more general point I would wish to make is the people from that area seem to parachute into Hereford having left behind any baggage they may have in the Country they have left. They seem to arrive with absolutely no one knowing what they may, or may not, have been up to before! The general first contact with the cops might be drink related on the streets. Or shop lifting. But the Police Computer does not reach as far as Eastern Europe! So they climb up the local system from a clean slate! This Ionut Juganaru character might be a usually decent guy but he might be some really dodgy guy who originally arrived having left some stuff behind! Who knows? At any rate, if he's guilty, he'll be costing the tax payer hundreds, if not thousands of £££'s , per week for 5 years ...
  6. I think a 'Marriage' should be reserved for a man + woman ... I'm a non religious person by the way! Even tho I got Married in Church. Don't times change quick!?! Just my view!
  7. I don't know how serious this incident was (or indeed what actually happened) but something happened. Which generated this topic and indeed an item on the Hereford Times website. Seems something nasty happened on the face of it. And it will now be a local concern until fears are put to bed. The WMP website has been silent on the issue. Tweets to the usual accounts have been ignored and the HT has not been kept in the press loop as no update is on there. The very least I would have expected is some sort of reassurance message to have been spread by WMP. Even the generic 'nothing much ever happens around here and this is unusual so don't be alarmed' stuff has not been pinged about. I suppose it is Saturday tho ... But a poor response in my view ... As far as engagement is concerned ...
  8. The date (last Thursday) has gone for a points deduction to apply this season. Any Administration now would lead to a deduction starting from next season. After today's result the Bulls are 1 point above the drop zone. Recent record is 3 points from an available 30. So relegation form in anyone's book. 6 games to go and the 3 home games are versus teams above them ~ two in play-off places. Looks pretty grim from my viewpoint.
  9. 90 people viewing on this forum topic ... It has been shared on FB tho ... !!!
  10. More like HMRC I would suspect ... But I'm not an accountant ... :-S
  11. I think they tried to ban Munchies opening as it was something selling food AGAIN on the The Cumalative Zone. Which is generally town on the Commercial Street/Road side. To include Play Nightclub. Maybe it got a licence as it's just selling food and not booze? Which is really what the current booze rules are for. The Council type people variously discuss this sort of stuff ... Here's one report I found at random that doesn't even touch on 130am food closures The food issue seems to have just been thrown into the drawer that can never be opened ... Or maybe it's just a sledgehammer type tool that is being used that does not warrant an agenda item as it cannot be justified?
  12. I appreciate your loyal and passionate support of the Club silent bull but what ,realistically, will another whip round achieve? Possibly partially fill a small hole in the HMRC collection bucket? At most? The mistakes have been made already ~ which have resulted in the current situation. The recent home gate's have been about 1000 have they not? That is probably a good acid test of the loyal supporter base in the most leanest and desperate times here. Bringing in so little revenue which has left even the players' unpaid. I hope the gate is a good one against Grimsby. And I hope the Club survives. But I think it's spiraled into a lost cause ...
  13. Ranelagh Street ~ Liverpool City Centre. There's about 15 pubs within about 100 yards of it. The Council are realistic and it's open around the clock. No issues at all. I don't agree. Public moaning on here, or facebook, or Twitter very often gets a result. I've put pictures of potholes on the web and then strangely they get fixed. Not brilliantly but something gets done. I've also moaned at a certain Educational establishment on Twitter about litter. Next day there was a litter pick arranged for the affected area. Also the moans on here about the Bath Street Offices have generated interest from the Council. If this barmy 130 am food rule is bumped into the public eye often enough then it will come under further scrutiny.
  14. I was up at stupid o'clock this morning and went to this establishment to get some breakfast. I knew it would be open as it never closes. It says so on the window. Obviously not in Hereford. I
  15. If I was getting my £832 monthly rent paid by somebody else (so basically living rent free) then I don't think I'd bother getting out of bed to look for a job. As I might lose the £832. The benefit cap is in now tho ~ which I think is £500 a week for a couple. So £2000 a month. That might not be a lot in the South East (with the sky high rents) but it's probably manageable in The Shire. It might not cover foreign holidays and global travel but would probably sort out some food, the Sky box, booze and tobacco ...
  16. From a cynical viewpoint, one I would frequently take, the rent is probably set at a really high level (for rubbish accommodation) as the Housing people know that most of the time it will be covered by the tax payer. ie me and you. They will charge what they can get away with. I have a very good friend who works at a sort of Housing Association type company (in a totally different local authority area which will remain nameless) who tells me that 75% of the rental income for their portfolio of properties (which is a VERY large portfolio) is paid by the Housing benefit system. ie The Govt. ~ which means basically the taxpayer.
  17. I'd be interested to know who is paying this £200 a week rent ~ which on the face of it does seem high. Is it the tenant or is the Housing Benefit system picking up some or all of the bill?
  18. Very good Dippy! ;-) It all went downhill after the abolition of the Nit Nurse ... Petition there to bring them back ... :-)
  19. You can see a fine example of this in Churchill Gardens every day Monday to Friday when the colleges are open. Scruffy students dossing about, digging holes, smoking dope, ripping branches off trees and dropping litter. Daily problem.
  20. The HT quite rightly highlighted (or re-reported) this infection story which has appeared on the Council website. Another section of the website suggests the people infected are all men. Free testing is available at the Gaol Street clinic which, I suppose, would be a good idea to do for any sexually active (especially young) people who have engaged in unprotected sex. Or I suppose sex with multiple partners. This subject should be on the radar a bit more as there are very often no signs that you might have a sexual infection. And there are a few out there.
  21. I can see why Tesco were attracted to this site ... You can easily make that a shop and it has ample parking ... It will obviously impact on Craig Bradbury's shop which is on Cotterell Street which is probably only 100 yards away ... But my perception of that shop is that it is seriously tired ... Probably handy for getting cigarettes or a paper but I can't imagine it has much of a food selection other than a few staple items ... Plus the parking situation is a bit dire ... I think Craig runs (or did run) Wathen's Newsagents in King Street, Hereford as he seems to have a small empire of these small shops going on. I particularly liked the Mothers Day window display in Wathens last year. It was inspired ... :-) As mentioned in the HT article there is no issue turning a pub into a shop as regards to planning as you don't need to apply for a change of use. Tesco won't be bothered one bit that they will further saturate an area with another shop as they are purely looking at whether the venture would be profitable. One shop that might get seriously hit is the Co-Op up by bargain booze because that slip road outside the shop is a nightmare to use with a car. Any car customers could easily switch to somewhere more convenient to them.
  22. Shrewsbury Town held an Elton John gig at their ground 2 or 3 years ago and it was great ~ and I think a sell out. That was with no stadium parking available as well. But it is near the A5 ...
  23. ... HT signed off with 'more soon' ... Soon appeared to vapourise into nothing ... That publication is very poor at times ...
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