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Paul Neades

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Everything posted by Paul Neades

  1. Signed
  2. Ironic that all the conservative farmers came out In Force to vote in May, they now are reaping what they have sowed.
  3. It will be good to catch up.
  4. Thanks Bill, you have a great Christmas too.
  5. I can't comment any more sorry but business as usual. It a shame the hop pole is not open for Christmas to add some more nightlife to commercial road. I don't think FC in the old fusion site will be adding to the night time economy.
  6. It has already been passed Bill and we are using it currently with no issues, so business as normal.
  7. Glenda I'm not sure who's ward it is off the top of my head but I will find out and see what action can be taken.
  8. Rather than any negativity Bill is right lets get the ward councillors onnthe case and make a difference. Fix or replace lighting, I'm not sure CCTV will happen any time soon but if the better lit & clean that has to be a great start.
  9. I don't understand why they did not build a cash machine into the wall by the lifts to the car park. This would have been so easy to do in the initial stages.
  10. Good to see "Its Our County" councillors taking the lead on this amongst other clear-ups across the city they have organised. The conservatives making the cuts and leaving others to pick up the pieces. Well done Jim and Laura. I wonder if our local MP will or County Council leader will roll their sleeves up and get involved?
  11. A part of this application will be trading history will be considered, have they opened till 4.30am in the past and have there been any issues associated with the premises when they have traded later, also the residents will have an input as to wether they want a premises trading until 4.30am where they live. Lots of factors to be taken into account. I wish them the best of luck with the application.
  12. Banners on railings around the city, signs on every lamppost and traffic light. Where does this stop, where is the enforcement? I'm fed up of Hereford looking like a mess as you walk or drive through. Surly all this advertising which tendermounts to fly posting has to be addressed and stopped. Business owners should be fined and organisations brought to task that litter our city with advertising. What are your thoughts?
  13. A great win for IOC last night. Congratulations Mark Dykes and thanks to Glenda for stepping aside and letting IOC take the seat, next time Glenda maybe not stand in the first place and save the city some money. I have attached some stats for interest. There was a strong fight from the Lib Dems, Jacquie C run a good campaign.
  14. Good luck Mark Dykes in tomorrow's election im sure you will do a great job should you be elected.
  15. Congratulations Tracey I know you will do a great job.
  16. It's a shame they did not choose to open in the heart of the city being a local firm this would help rejuvenate the town centre and show some confidence in the original core.
  17. What I wanted was an answer as to how you can be forced to stand against your will if you are independent or unattached? Was this not a clear cut question??? I don't doubt Glenda's hard work and commitment to her community is to be commended but I feel her actions make a mocery of the electorial process and added extra cost to the city. Maybe Denise or Clarkester have seen the answer to this simple question I asked and I missed it?
  18. Whial I agree agree with GK's comments it does seem that you have thrown your toys out of the pram because the make up of the councillors was not to your liking and you are not prepared to give an honest answer on here as to why you falsely agreed to stand for office knowing full well you would potentially resign. I personally feel you have let down every person that put tick on a box for you and you should be held to account for the financial implication of your actions. I'm not obviously going to get an honest answer so I'll rest it there.
  19. Still waiting for an honest answer to my question if that ok before we end the discussion!
  20. Glenda is right in some respect that we "It's our county" are a party but we are independent of national government politics, we don't have a whip and pretty much all do and say as we feel is right whilst standing up for the values that we set in our manifesto and if anyone wants to donate to the party then great news and keep it coming for the next challenge in 4 years time. My worry is how a "Independent" candidate can be forced to stand against their will, this to me blows a hole in their claim to be independent????
  21. I don't doubt for a minute and can see from the support you have on here that you indeed help the people of Newton farm but again you have not answered my question. How were you forced to stand against your will? Why did you stand and get people to vote for you on the city ballot when you knew you would not fulfill the position if the people you wanted to be in with you did not get voted in? You are independent??? Please answer my simple questions? How were you forced to sign an application against your will? Are the independent candidates truly independent as stated on the doorstep? Your actions because it did not go your way with regards to the make up of the city council are costing the residents of Herefordshire. If you go for it you stick to it and honour every person that ticked your name on a piece of paper on May 7th.
  22. I'm not sure that really answers my question, how did you allow your party and you sign the application form and get nominations for something you were not prepared to do. Every IOC candidate was in it to fulfill their position of office to the best of their ability and no one was forced to do this against their will. This worries me as to how independent the independs really are? I'm also sure the electorial dept would be worried by this practice which potentially wastes funds from the public purse.
  23. There was a great buzz around the city on Saturday and it was great to see so many people out, I think most businesses saw trade increase. A 2am licence will help their function facilities. All income for them has to be good.
  24. Hi Glenda. With all due respect how can you be forced to stand for city council against your will? You had to sign your paperwork and as a independent you are not tied to a political party and you are your own person. I'm surprised by this or are the independent candidates not independent and free from political whips as they were stating on the door steps? Either way your decision is costing a huge amount of money that could be better spent at Number1 Ledbury Road or other needy organisations in Herefordshire.
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