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Paul Neades

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Everything posted by Paul Neades

  1. The BID team have been in Commercial Road a few weeks back, they did a really good job with the tools at their disposal, the issue will be keeping this cleanliness up! They scrubbed all the items that get missed like bins and swept in all the doorways & gaps that the street sweepers missed. Hopefully when the BID gets fully up to speed we will see funding for this regurally.
  2. Natwest & RBS are again having problems with people not being able to access their money or wages not reaching their account. This all sound familiar, you would have thought they would have fixed this issue. Here is a statement from them. --------- NatWest has confirmed its customers are again experiencing the effects of a technical glitch as account payments go "missing". A resolution time has not been provided by NatWest: "sadly we currently don't have a set time scale on when it will be fixed however it is being investigated NatWest communicated instructions for affected customers on its Twitter account: "If you have been affected and need to access funds today, please contact us 03457 888444 or visit your branch" RBS have confirmed that the issue is group-wide therefore affecting RBS and Ulster Bank customers as well as Natwest's.
  3. Agreed Colin and Paul, I walked along here today on the way to the leisure centre. They do cover the entire length even the uneaten parts so it certainly looks like a shop window exercise.
  4. Still Here
  5. This is a really good thread with excellent impartial input from Tommy and others, it's great to see open mindedness and debate. Long may it continue.
  6. I drove by there today and the cones are covering some raised drains where the road has sank around them.
  7. In for me, controll the boarders and immigration to an acceptance and responsible level/system. What we would loose In trade would out weigh any fines and benifits. It's all about the bigger picture.
  8. Jimbo that would make sense but then the Tories have their own logic. Let's see where we are in 5 Years time.
  9. This also applied to party advertising, IOC removed all banners and signs Within 250m of the polling stations across the county the night before. Other parties left banners & signs up next to stations & signs on and in cars parked up close. At least we played by the rules. But you are right there seemed to be no enforcement of the rules.
  10. Hi Denise, no candidate was allowed in the station during voting endless they had removed their rosette and there were no voters present. It seems like there were different things happening across the county.
  11. Hi Colin, do you know if the new administration will be looking at this, it's a great idea that needs some serious consideration.
  12. No sign of the newly elected ward counciller supporting this? Sorry no Politics on this thread.
  13. This is great to see and a huge lift for all those that met him. Well done everyone for the hard work involved in the campaign
  14. This is still happening, I reported a Blueline cab for refusing a trip for a young lady from commercial road to the stagecoach. The council need to keep acting on this and the taxi firms need to keep putting pressure on the drivers to stop this practice.
  15. I also know that Mike will make an excellent candidate for IOC, he made a huge impression in my ward. I would support him joining without hesitation.
  16. Is like to Echo Mikefitz comments. I fought to move the conservative hold on the ward and did not know when I stood that Mike was standing and visa versa until weeks in when we mentioned it in an email conversation. We both wanted to make change and worked really hard to cover the ward and speak to everyone knocking on the majority of doors. Had there not been a general election on the same day in positive the Torie turnout would have been lower and the double ticking would have been less giving the IND & IOC a fairer chance, I'm proud that there were only 20 votes between Mike & I which shows that the ward do not want the CON in control. I do have to say that if I was not running Mike would have had my vote. Going forward Mike and I I'm sure will meet up soon and formulate a plan to represent the ward in other ways and along with our other IOC / IND colleagues get our wards voices heard and the CON candidate can continue to do what he has and way done and serve in his way. Eventually IOC /IND will need to harmonise to become and effective team for change. Thanks Mike for being a great opponent and thankyou HerefordVoice for your support.
  17. Amazing day in the ward, I got across to Withington & Bartestree. Very busy and and amazing turnout. IM humbled by all the people that have voted for me and I hope tomorrow brings the result they voted for and IOC do well.
  18. All votes MP, Local Wards & Parish Council are all tomorrow 7th at your local polling station. The main count for parliament starts after 10pm and hoes through the night then Friday the local counts for Ward start at 10am then the parish councils are counted after.
  19. Thank you Dippy we are all hoping for the right result on Fridays count. It will be great to see the county move forward.
  20. Most of the candidates including myself have put money in the pot to pay towards printing and the running of the office. We are not supported or sponsored by big businesses or doners. And I'm pretty sure that both of our maximum expenditure on campaigning is identical. We do have a hidden talent with Jim who is excellent at making bus stop signs and chicken pens.
  21. Great to see new little businesses opening across the county. I wish them all every success.
  22. I've had lots of people as I've been canvassing mention other candidates in the running but I find it unprofessional to comment on them and only express my views on the benifits that IOC and I can bring to the ward and City. Time is indeed ticking. Good luck everyone.
  23. Morning Dippy yes your correct. It certainly is, it's a shame the rest of the development is ugly. Any idea why they have covered the car park area?
  24. Just a foot note, Border Oak turned down the Costa Build and the contract was awarded to another local Oak Framing company but it escapes me who it was? I've been over there a couple of times but find it soulless with no character, no doubt tho that the cinema has brought people into the city but it will be interesting to see how long shops last once the rent reduction finishes.
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