Herefordshire singing Samaritans are rehearsing hard in preparation for next Thursdays Christmas Concert at All Saints Church & Cafe, Hereford 12th Dec. 6.30pm.
Led by the wonderful Choir Master Fiona Evans and along with members of Hay Community Choir who will be joining Hereford Samaritans to sing festive favourites, carols and poetry readings along with a special version of Bill Withers 🎶 Lean On Me 🎶….. Not to be missed….. full of emotion it raises the hairs on your arm!
The more people the merrier so please come along and join Hereford SAMs for pre concert mulled wine and mince pies before the 6.30pm start! They’d love to see you there. 🎶🎄🎶
Tickets are selling well and can be bought at the door on the evening or via the official link below £5 adults (under 12's free) helping to raise essential funds for self funded Herefordshire branch so we can continue to be there when callers locally and nationally are finding life difficult.