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Everything posted by twowheelsgood

  1. Discussions behind closed doors - really? Isn't this what we've been criticising the council for for what seems like forever? Further, if those subjects discussed then can't be discussed 'in the open', what is left? Casual visitors (and those that value their privacy or their contacts or their jobs) who might feel drawn to comment at the moment will disappear and what are you left with? Is admin going to guarantee absolutely that data will be confidential and secure?
  2. I've not posted here since the unpleasant Cardin incident and I won't be posting again. In my view, if there are discrepancies they should be dealt with in private, not public, until such time as guilt has been proven. dippyhippy's contribution to the forum has been enormous and this is no way to repay that, regardless of suspicions. Likewise this last response to GridKnocker is uncalled for. The voice of reason that is bobby47 has called it right once again, but to no avail it seems. It's Colin's forum and he can deal with matters as he thinks fit, but I'm out. That said, I can't see any way to delete my details - is this like facebook where you can check out but never leave?
  3. They've hung on for a year since my original post, but it's coming. Balfour Beatty cuts 400 staff to drive down costs As part of its drive to cut costs Balfour Beatty has announced 400 staff members will be made redundant… Chief Executive of Balfour Beatty Leo Quinn revealed yesterday that 400 members of staff will lose their jobs in an attempt to cut costs across the business. The firm has had a turbulent 12 months and sold off numerous assets including consultancy branch Parsons Brinckerhoff and Blackpool Airport in a bid to regain control of its finances. http://planningandbuildingcontroltoday.co.uk/planning-development/balfour-beatty-cuts-400-staff-drive-costs/19545/
  4. Coningsby St property up for sale at £350k.
  5. Internships I believe they are called now.
  6. Application has been submitted and approved ages ago - just no one interested in building it.
  7. It makes every sense to those within the secret circle - every one of them is a financial winner - those outside, ie you and me, merely have the trouble of paying for it all whilst reeling, slack jawed, incredulous at the madness of it all.
  8. Nah, these people can very rarely if ever cut it in the private sector - she's drawing from the public purse again and making a right old mess it seems - 140 staff left! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-31323526
  9. Agree - did it, but expected much better of the BID.
  10. There was no mention of the Edgar St trees - Grid Knocker was referring to the dire view of the moored container ship that masquerades as a shopping centre.
  11. The world's worst neighbours seem to planning a move to the old Odeon cinema - they have just submitted a planning application for a change of use, claiming they have outgrown the Coningsby Street premises (although they don't state what will happen to these). There's a load of supporting guff about 'community cohesion' - go tell that to the people in Coningsby Close who have to put with the noise - and 'engaging with young people' - but no mention of handing out sweeties at school gates. They claim to employ 29 people in Herefordshire.
  12. Environmental Health recommend a condition that the extract ventilation system must be approved by the local authority in writing so that we can be satisfied that no noise or odour nuisance is posed to neighbouring residential premises. The extract ventilation system must be designed and constructed in accordance with the DEFRA Guidance on the Control of Odour and Noise from Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Systems. ​This information should have been submitted with the application.
  13. Thanks for the vote of confidence - I'll happily do it for slightly less than the £80k currently paid to the man who does it at the moment … and it'll still leave me at least 3 days a week for cycling!
  14. Roger - go to https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/development-control/planning-applications and search for CE092576/F, go to drawings, look for 'Public Realm Masterplan' - this is the easiest to understand. The permission expired on 30 March - has a material start been made? Have all the conditions been discharged? It doesn't seem so. From Planning: "I would draw your attention to Conditions 9, 21 and 22 the discharge of which currently remains outstanding. These must be complied with prior to the commencement of the development." That was Dec 2014 - nothing else on file. I agree - whichever you dress it up, it is still a crossroads and there will still be delays.
  15. According to the approved drawing, there will be two lanes turning right here, one lane straight on. Yes, the bridge is a bottleneck, but no one is going to pay the cost of widening that. Maggie May - I make it a potential 7 sets of lights, but the approved drawing conveniently doesn't show any ... And imagine everyone's surprise, and then anger, on reaching Edgar Street to realise they can only turn left! That’s right, left only! What fun that will be ...
  16. Bill Wiggin received £160,538.32. The majority of it was from offshore Apex Fund Services Holdings, presumably acting as honest broker and conveniently hiding the reality. Jesse Norman received a staggering £279,006.01. It doesn't say over what period, presumably their length of time in Parliament.
  17. The lights are as dumb as the people we pay to manage them, or is it the other way round? Evening walk down the Maylords slip road last night - Maylords shut, a bus once an hour maybe, so no traffic at all, yet I watched the lights onto Blueschool St cycle through stop/go three times to an empty road, holding up moving traffic on Blueschool St for absolutely no reason. This is happening all the time all over the City - the cost to business and the environment (and public health) is massive and that we're handing over money for nothing is the final straw. I believe our Scoot is 'managed' by Worcs CC as a leftover from the old merged authority. Worcester has a working up to date Scoot. I've complained about this in the past to councillors and council highways officers - nothing happens, no one cares enough to do anything, they get paid regardless. But then its politically expedient to have standing traffic in the city isn't it?
  18. Looks to me as though the Shack is just outside that boundary.
  19. Ultimately, the man to answer all for of these issues is the Returning Officer, the invisible and silent Chief Executive Alistair Neill. I seem to recall the last election was plagued with irregulalrities under the management of Chris Bull and that we were reassured in the aftermath that inevitably lessons had been learnt. And forgotten again it seems.
  20. Having wasted £3m on a last minute pre-election spend on a bit of land locked land on the Three Elms Trading Estate, its not hard to see that perhaps the cabinet have cooked up a plan …
  21. Couldn't ever understand why he spent so much time here - perhaps he's banned in the Wirral? It's Hereford Voice - we can't deal with all the ills in the world, Hereford is challenging enough. Having been subjected to his extreme abuse, I blocked his posts so I didn't have to see them, but that doesn't make it right. If you have banned him then that is absolutely the right thing to have done. Sorry bobby47, but I am certainly no poorer for it.
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