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Everything posted by Biomech

  1. Be sure to market this across all social media platforms and, if you can, get the Journal to pick it up, you should blitz the target then. I wouldn't waste my time with the HT.
  2. They appear very big those Bath street offices
  3. I think you could be right! ... now we need to see if JWT are on the board... :P I would like to add, ref Jess Philips, that I have no problem with young journalists making their way. What I do have a problem is is someone who publishes an article about a friend taking stupid photos of themselves in place of relevant and ignored local business and interest news. We've seen the HT blow off important issues in place of crap like "Doris grew a 4ft flat cucumber". stupidfrustration, I can't help but notice that you reply to each post separately - you are of course welcome to - you can, if you like quote multiple posts in one reply should you need to. There's a few ways to do it, personally I prefer the cut and paste method and then highlight the quoted text and click the speech bubble icon in the bar above. Apologies if you already knew this, I know some people get a computer and find out new things every day (no names mentioned, dippy ;))
  4. There are no public toilets in the OLM?
  5. I can confirm that there are roadworks at the industrial end of Rotherwas, however, for me, the extreme gridlocked traffic started after the Wye Inn, which was well after the roadworks. I believe the problem there was that the A49 N was gridlocked so there was no where for traffic coming down holme lacy road to go and it just backed up - as it did past grafton
  6. You have certainly made it clear that you don;t agree with me, and that's fine. But you haven't said why. Do you think the temperature of food makes a difference to levels of violence? How? Do you think it's fair that cold food shops are allowed to open yet hot food shops aren't? I mean lets talk about dispersion, staggered closing times for pubs reduces large congregations of people. Likewise, give 5,000 people only 3 places to eat and you're going to get more problems than spreading those same people across 5 - 10 places to eat. I absolutely agree with Roger in that the police are here for - and paid to - serve the public. NOT for society to bend and change according to police rotas and budgets. As for the fights, I only speak from experience. I can list the last 5 fights I've seen in town, all of them were outside or inside Play. I haven't seen a fight in mamma jammas for, well since it was mamma jammas, the jailhouse I also have not seen a fight for a very long time. Saxty's occasionally outside. Fusion, you probably don't get enough people there for a fight :P I counted 30 people in there once on a Saturday night :P
  7. Glenda, when did they start? Because I was in and out of Ross via the Callow over the weekend and didn't see any
  8. I have to pop out now so I'll be brief... I still go out occasionally, so my information is not out dated. The last time I was in Play I saw in excess of 50 people thrown out for fights that were occuring about once every 10-15 minutes. One girl was knocked out on the dance floor by another girl and was carried outside. As I say, I work late, and often see fights immediately outside Play nightclub sometimes spilling into the roads stopping traffic. Colin will correct me if I'm wrong, but many door staff are responsible for their patch, once it's gone outside their area, they don't tend to get involved. I don't care what figures say, in my experience, current experience, fights have increased - to the point where I often avoid Play and prefer somewhere like the Jailhouse with its "pillheads" because the people are far ore pleasant. The Jailhouse has done a fantastic job with the drug problem, but it is a favourite haunt for drug takers because of their open mindset, and many people take drugs before entering (as with Play I imagine). In regards to food, the temperature bears no impact on violence levels - unless you're taking a steaming pasty to the side of the face. Supermarkets aren't "cheap", they are "cheaper" because the cost of going out, between increased alcohol prices in pubs to extortionate taxi fares. Again, I speak from experience and observation. We all know how easy it is to skew police figures. 20,000 public order offences in a week sounds bad, until you find out 19,995 of them were for someone spitting on the floor.
  9. and £20 says you're from the HT :)
  10. Well, if we had some transparency from the council and people actually bothered to answer the questions they are asked then maybe so many people wouldn't make assumptions. For what it's worth, I don't claim to know what is going on, I point out facts that I observe. I don't care who has what policies in place if what I see in the street are failings. There ARE too many potholes, they DO cause damage, they ARE dangerous, there ARE more traffic lights, there ARE more traffic management problems, the OLM lied when they said no current shops would be going into the OLM etc etc etc. I work all over the country I find Hereford to be in a complete state compared with other places with horrendous roads, a secretive lying council who constantly manage to balls things up.... I just call it how I see it :)
  11. Ooh I feel privileged :P Would the reason be that you wanted to post in opposition (which is fine :)) or did you get kicked out from the HT website as well as many of us here? :P
  12. I couldn't name them all, but Flames and good number of others from Union Street, as well as 3-4 in Bridge Street off of the top of my head. I mean Bridge Street is absolutely dead now, it's like walking down a deserted ally at night there. It used to be bustling with revellers and eateries - now even the street lights struggle to make an appearance. I actually posted not too long ago about walking all over town looking for a good takeaway burger (in the day) and succumbed to eating a tesco prawn sandwich in the car.
  13. I work late, sometimes I've missed dinner and look for something on the way home. As do many other people who haven't been drinking, security, police, ambulance crews that haven't eaten for 12 hours because of the work load, etc I appreciate your points, but when I used to go out a lot, the fights were outside the clubs not the burger and chip shops. In fact, when we used to go to charcoal grill (because the burgers in the clubs are over priced and taste like crap), the people in the chinese and burger places (customers) were always friendly and had a laugh together. And I'm talking 18-25 not older people. I certainly know that now things are more violent, we avoid places like Play - dubbed fight club because of the ridiculous amounts of fights in there now. You'll actually have a much better time somewhere like the Jailhouse which, granted, doesn't seem like the friendly sort of crowd, but it's full of non judgemental people who are very friendly or pill heads who are just loved up. You're more likely to meet a new friend in there than in fight club. I appreciate what you're saying, but again, we're talking about a warm sandwich being a national security issue :P
  14. stupidfrustration, that doesn't negate the fact that HC have issued only them with licences and not independent food traders which has created a monopoly. And monopolies are against the law. 15 years ago all the shops were open and serving and no one had any trouble or need for bouncers. In fact, it's quite ludicrous that people are arguing that security is needed for a warm ******* sandwich - don't you think?
  15. So one guy makes the decision? In some countries, that's called a dictatorship
  16. And notice, very extreme traffic delays and the HT is silent once again.
  17. You're absolutely correct. Half the problem is people doing things they aren't supposed to (like that) and half is people being forced to do things they aren't supposed to by the complete lack of traffic management. But imagine trying to get from the bridge to the doctors at the end of East Street without actually going down it :P
  18. It's absolutely ridiculous. I don't know what it was like this morning but it looked bad, I took a detour from the river, St Nicholas Street, wiggle through the back of M&S, past the fire station, up through Bartestree and out on the Worcester road. It looked the better option. I always come the Ledbury way back to avoid coming back through town and sitting traffic all day.
  19. Damnit, don;t talk so loud! HC will be installing traffic lights and 3rd lanes on the way to the moon now!
  20. There's no need, as we've seen with the HUFC debacle, the people of Hereford will pick up the bill for any outstanding amount.
  21. Or a tree, most people in Hereford will run over a flower:P I saw a guy yesterday purposely position himself over the double yellows on the new bridge when he saw a cyclist coming. Even after I beeped at him and he looked back at me and the cyclist being forced into the curb he did nothing. The guy on the bike consequently had to come around to the right of the idiot. So if the cyclist is reading this, I was beeping at him to get out of your way - not you :)
  22. I will take that under advisement, thank you :) ... she still writes pointless articles about her friends though :P
  23. Monday 14th April Worcester - Ledbury - Hereford, 32 miles 50 minutes Rotherwas to Broadleys Junction, 3.5 miles 20 MINUTES (it was probably more, I was being nice) I thought it was half term?
  24. I realise there may well be a policy, however, that doesn't negate freedom of information and journalism that has grounds in public interest. Like hot food at night, a policy is just another barrier they put up to hide behind when they want their own way
  25. I recall that it came to light last year that the modifications and third lane on Edgar Street were the result of a secret cabinet decision and the HA also stated then that they had no requirement for it to be done.
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