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Everything posted by Biomech

  1. Actually I had to stop following them on twitter because it was nothing but a blow by blow (and often repeated) list of football tweets. What they need to do is setup a separate twitter account for the football news. I tell you what, I'd have that paper whipped into shape!
  2. The HT website has had badly delivered ads for years. I use Adblock Plus
  3. ooohh, what's all this about?
  4. There is a section on the complaints page of the waste section of the council website to report bins not being returned, so I would say it was the binmens duty to return them to the correct place "Report bin not returned to collection point - Hide section The collection crew will return all bins to the boundary of the property or alternative collection point where agreed. However, if your bin has not been returned to your collection point you can tell us by using our online form. We ask you to set up an account with us to report things like a bin not returned to your collection point - so we know where you live. If you don't have an account yet you can register with us through our online system." Glenda, according to the Council website this is not true, it specifies that bins must be put out on the day of collection before 6.30am.... "You should place your general rubbish and recycling out by 6.30am on the day of your collection" ....and people have been fined for not doing so https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1ASUM_enGB507GB509&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=fined%20for%20putting%20bins%20out%20early
  5. The councillors generally only respond when it fits in with their agenda. Isn't it funny how the council refer to "savings" when to everyone else it would be an increase in profits. Charging people more for a service isn't a saving, it's a higher turnover.
  6. I have to agree, there is a visible difference between the old lights and LED lights lighting up the spaces in between. Whether they are up to spec or not is another issue, but there is a difference. If you're really lucky, I'll even go and do some testing :)
  7. My guess is that the council take a cut on the admin fees
  8. It seems a bit of a stupid place to put one, it's hard enough trying to get out of the hospice shop car park let alone trying to get in that 90 degree ramp into the Broadleys car park Will they be moving the co op from down the road then? Seems stupid to have 4 shops so close to each other
  9. I had a friend over from Australia, he was surprised that we went out "so early" at 8pm and shocked when the pubs closed about 11pm. He said they normally don't head out until 11 and clubs from 1am
  10. Sticky Carpets by any chance? ;) heh
  11. To be "choosy", you first need a choice. Hereford has no choice, even less so now. And there are certainly plenty of people who refer to Play as a fight club, the last time I was in there there were at least 4 fights resulting in blood and throw outs, the time before 7 fights including a girl knocked out on the dancefloor. By contrast, I hadn't seen a fight in the Jailhouse for over 2 years (which I frequented more often) and I saw 1 scuffle in Fusion
  12. They're already closing early? Absolutely Colin, the trouble is, Hereford no longer has any choice, so people don't look for it. To have a choice of food at 2am, you need a choice of reasons to be out at 2am
  13. Two comments on this; 1 - Let's not be too hasty, being able to apply for a licence to serve hot food late doesn't mean the council will approve the applications 2 - With the news of the Jailhouse AND Fusion closing down, stupidfrustrations points become a lot more valid - there just isn't going to be the people out there anymore (I don't agree with him entirely, love a bloody charcoal grill and I would choose that over McDonalds easily)
  14. Somebody on facebook said that with the pubs opening so late, people don't find a need to go to a club, which I can see as a contributing factor
  15. To be fair Rebecca, Saxty's is really a pub as well. The only "clubs" left are Mamma Jammas, which is smaller than my house and not my ideal demograph inside. And Play, which is commonly referred to as "fight club" because of the excessive amount of violence caused by teenagers. Agreed that it used to be great, lots of choice, all of the clubs were full. Nothing like leaving the Rooms in the early hours and then having that little post club street party outside Jamals. You're lucky if you can get a sandwich in Hereford after 12. I think I mentioned before that Bridge Street seems abandoned at night with the closed venues and poor street lighting
  16. Sorry, yeah, I was in the wrong place :P Feel free to delete my previous (I frequent the Open Forum more). A shame, there's going to be nothing left soon what with the Jailhouse closing down. I can see Play becoming problematic with the shear numbers who will be forced to attend now, to the point where people just won't bother because it will be too cramped inside with long queues outside.
  17. I've noticed that they don't fill the light from one post to the next
  18. Sounds like a good idea, but from what I've seen the LED's don't give off enough light to light post to post, someone always said that the lamp posts are too high for retrofitting LEDs That's exactly what I thought. I that's to come off, that £6 million pretty much covers the costs of their biscuits for 20 years
  19. Just being awkward if you ask me, now they can't even be assed to move a bin ON WHEELS and have a HYDRAULIC MACHINE to the lifting. Ridiculous I did mention this before the whole fiasco started - that these wheelies would require the trucks to be retrofitted with lifting mechanisms and how that cost would impact on any saving. only1dean - so I hear, but if there's a 4 bag maximum, is that 4 black bags? Or 4 bags, if it's just 4 bags, then we'll just get less in by using carrier bags. And if there's a weight limit, it makes the point fairly mute either way.
  20. Didn't take mine this week.................. AGAIN
  21. Cue the transfer of ownership, then the next raid in 3-6 months. Ah, As Millgglalaiamandlandman points out, its already in progress.
  22. I don't know about that, but I saw street cleaners still working at around 8pm in the OLM this week. In contrast, of course, to the reduced service in high town - what was it, 1 man to do the whole of high town?
  23. Everything deserves a complaint until they get their act together
  24. Hopefully they are coming to the conclusion that I'm fed up with it and will be extremely verbally abusive towards them
  25. I COULDN'T AGREE MOOOORREEE!!! These leeches really wind me up, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME I go to town, hassled, not just once, but by every one of them - often 6-7 in just a walk from M&S to "Chadds". And then again all the way back. I also now avoid high town - and consequently the many shops - because of them. I have complained to the council about this who said there is nothing they can do and implied that they couldn't care less. These people also aren't even from here, they come down from Birmingham, Bristol and Nottingham to leech on the shoppers. The AA, Sky people... they stay in one place and don't hound the public. Why can't these charity people be assigned 1 fixed point instead of chasing people down the street with their forced sales pitches!!!!
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