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Everything posted by Biomech

  1. So the person who downvoted my post. Would you care to let me know what it was you disagree with? Was it the that that type of roof design is known as Sawtooth? Is it that you don't agree with the historical facts I present? Do you not think that the roundabout end with the grey slatted blocks does not look unpleasant? Do you disagree that the thread I link wasn't started by myself? Or do you disagree and think that the little street bit (tesco side) looks awful? You know, for the sake of discussion.
  2. The little "streets! bit looks alright, but certainly the roundabout end looks awful. I'm still waiting to know whether those big grey slats will be coming off to unveil windows. I'd guess silly roof is a homage to the old livestock buildings. It's known as a "saw tooth" roof and dates back to the 70's ir 30's iirc (I did post about it once before)...... 1830 (yes 18 30) http://www.herefordvoice.co.uk/topic/1056-further-proof-that-hereford-is-stuck-in-the-1800s/
  3. Turn all the empty shops into flats, job done, housing crisis averted :P
  4. There was a time when this would be sensational news in Hereford .
  5. It's the primary route into the OLM
  6. When you look at it, the long delays are ON edgar street. Before isn't too bad, after the tesco roundabout is fine. It's quite clear, with the most minute amount of common sense, that there is TOO MUCH traffic on Edgar Street. No amount of lights, roundabouts, sleeping police men or surveys is going to make a blind bit of difference. Traffic reduction needs to be done by providing suitable alternative routes. In fact, since they added that 3rd lane, for whatever reason, I believe the traffic southbound on Edgar Street has become worse.
  7. That would be suicide. You'd get people sitting ON the roundabout because those coming out of Blackfriars would cut in front of those coming up Edgar Street towards tescos, consequently those coming up edgar street would sit on the roundabout so as to make headway and subsequently block those going down edgar street wanting to turn right into blackfriars
  8. This was one of the things that inspired me to start this thread. The bins by the ATM's outside tesco's were overflowing, people dumping more rubbish on top, there was a nappy, about 50,000 *** butts on the floor around it...
  9. I go around Holmer - Whitecross, I find it's much quicker than sitting on Edgar Street for 40 minutes
  10. Indeed. But the problems we have have been identified and we're paying for someone to fix them. The problem is that they aren't being fixed. The problem is the council.
  11. That's not a pothole Roger, you want to head down to the front entrance to Dunelm/Halfords, there are about 3 holes there that look to be about 15" deep!
  12. I absolutely agree, we leave in a (western) culture where people are unable to take responsibility for themselves.Always looking for someone else to blame, passing the buck because they "didnt know" that you aren't supposed to put babies in microwaves. Blaming a lack of jobs on employers rather than their lack of qualifications. It's beyond a joke.
  13. Lets hope he notices the hordes of people cutting into the middle lane facing tescos from the 3rd lane at steels and forcing people A49S bound to divert to whitecross
  14. We're constantly paying this council more and more money for them to do less and less.
  15. Because we're paying someone to do it and it isn't being done. You wouldn't pay a plumber money only for you to have to do the work yourself. Give me back my money and I'll happily do it.
  16. Given the evidence, this now appears to be a prerendered package that is being offered out to councils. I would put money on there being at least one backer that is common to all of these.
  17. I shall.... no public toilets, empty shops, cheap shops who's windows are either wallpapered with posters so that you can't see inside or signage that is printed canvas draped over the previous tenants, doorways full of vomit and human excrement, said shops with piles of cheap tat littering the street outside..... I'm not "against" the market stalls, however, I think it's wrong that the buildings are empty and people are trading in the streets. There are some great stalls but yes, there are some awful ones as well - a stack of mattresses under a tarpaulin, said mobile phone accessories. I have before and will again, liken it to a beach side strip in somewhere like Bulgaria. The only thing missing is the guy standing in front of M&S with a pile of fake designer handbags on the floor
  18. As you say, rather unsurprising considering the poor quality of biased content and the price increase.
  19. Last time I went down Bridge Street after a night out the entire street was desolate with not a single light on. The days of the Rooms and all of those chinese's and kebab shops bristling with customers and money are long long gone.
  20. Hit my limit, so +1 to that. Bloody cotton wool bubble living fools! Spread some bloody mud on it as well, bit of engine grease, it'll do you good :)
  21. I think you need to charge for parking in high abuse zones - ie non school parking in school zones, such as the A49 outside the leisure center and surrounding area. I think free parking should be offered in shopping complexes - ie, the OLM, Supermarkets, retail parks (I realise the Next carpark quandary) Personally, I don't pay for parking if I can. I would certainly resent having to pay for parking for the 4 minutes it takes me to do the banking several times a week. There are many many many places around the country where parking for complexes is free and it helps to draw customers in. The Metro Center for example in Newcastle. I quote "Parking at intu Metrocentre is FREE and there are almost 10,000 free parking spaces" You wouldn't believe the looks I got from people whilst trying to find a machine and asking passers by how I could buy a parking ticket,
  22. I pointed out the vote rigging on the HT several times, every time my comments deleted, until, as you know, I was banned... twice - or was it three times? :P
  23. Charcoal Grill is epic - best burgers in the world. But yes, unfortunately I don't enjoy them quite as much as they are forced to close during peak business hours.
  24. Dippy, that was me lol, I couldn't resist. But I upvoted the second post to nullify the change on your account :)
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