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Everything posted by Biomech

  1. I agree, things like bluray films or music, maybe a set of weighing scales, all no problem to buy online. But if I'm buying a big item like a TV, bed a car etc, I want to be able to actually see that. And, in my experience, currys is an absolute joke, I have NEVER been approached in that shop by an assistant, I've ended up walking out numerous times. The one time I was "served" was when I pre-ordered on the website and went to pick it up from the desk. Absolute jokers and have no idea what they are talking about, their product knowledge is borderline deceitful.
  2. I know they are certainly A LOT quieter than they were previously. Certainly whenever I go in there they are nearly always empty. The disabled only parking outside probably doesn't help either. I can't find it now, but I'm sure I read that they spent nearly A LOT of money on the Broad Street Sony shop - fractions of am million maybe - and that a big part of the move was the promised Broad Street revamp that was abandoned. I guess it would be difficult to invest that kind of money just to shut down after a few years
  3. I bet if you enabled "can view" people would think twice about down voting lol :P Can't wait for the HT figures, I'd suggest that they would be lower and then the blame laid solely on the Internet.
  4. You know things are bad when the kids (no offence!) start getting involved in a forum that consists largely of politics :P
  5. It's an absolute joke that THE business area for Hereford doesn't: A: Have a suitable access roads B: Have business level internet connections Yet down the road the speeds are up to around 50Meg
  6. http://www.gloucestershireecho.co.uk/Online-sales-car-parking-charges-business-rates/story-20582949-detail/story.html I mention this for 2 very good reasons. 1: There is a new development making it's way into Cheltenham ("The Brewery") which is said to be driving local traders out. At the new development you can find such names as Nandos, Chiquitos and Frank & Benny's, as well as a new multiscreen cinema (sound familiar?) 2: Hutchinsons owns the Sony center in Hereford. Hutchinsons also owned the Panasonic Store in Hereford which, as I'm sure you are aware, closed down as the OLM began. I also note this comment at the bottom of the page which makes a lot of sense: "Expensive town centre parking charges are the main reason why so called "out of town" shopping areas do so well. There is NO parking cost. There are NO over zealous "Traffic Enforcement Officers" slapping a ticket on your car. Car drivers are welcomed with open arms, something which local Councillors fail to see, everytime thy raise parking charges."
  7. Colin, I support your decision with an upvote lol :P
  8. Yes, absolutely. Well, people and topics. For example, a .... OLM partner/director downvoting every post that addresses a concern about the OLM regardless of content No. I haven't seen this, I haven't seen anyone personally insult another member on here to be fair. No, this isn't true. I included you as a suspect based simply on the fact that you were one of the only people who were active in that particular thread. Therefore, it could only have been one of the people I listed - of which you were one of several. Not always ;) I would rather people commented on why they disagree, that's how discussion happens. Only recently Ragwert and myself were discussing how he hasn't provided a source after stating that Boots would be moving to the OLM. I didn't once down vote his posts, I enquired about them. Likewise I don't believe he downvoted my differing opinion. Do you find it acceptable now that I have given you the reason? Let's not forget, being a suspect isn't a declaration of guilt.
  9. I can address this - and I'll come back to reply to the rest in a bit. There was an unwarranted down voting spree in a thread. I posted a list of potential suspects, this is where Pauline was one of the people named. However! I said that it was one of the following and posted a list of the only people who had visited the thread minus the victims of the down votes. The only people who could have downvoted where the people listed, the likely candidates were the several new members. I didn't, however, specifically blame Pauline - she was merely a suspect based on pure deductive logic. You can't dislike that post or downvote it as it was based on fact, only the people listed could have downvoted at that time. It would be like saying Hitler ordered the killing of Jews and people saying "no he didn't" I think you've just taken it too personally Pauline
  10. Just to be clear, the problem I have is the abuse of the voting system, when someone posts "I went to town today, there were roadworks" and it gets down voted. That's not disagreeing with an opinion or showing anti support, that's an observed fact, down voting statements of fact or observation is abuse and it's something that we had seen on the HT website as a way for certain people to discredit posters that they didn't like. If two people make a comment, one with -300 votes and one with +200 votes, it adds a degree of credibility to the poster so that you can make an informed opinion for yourself. By willfully abusing the system, you do all members and visitors an injustice by misrepresenting the authors of the posts.
  11. Don't forget, hot food CAN be served after 1.30am, it's just that the council decide to deny the licence to those on commercial road etc at the moment. I have no doubt that they will allow the applications for licences from their beloved new OLM
  12. I have no problem with independent groups taking initiative and responsibility - but not when I'm paying someone like the council to do the job they're are appointed to do yet refuse to. I'd rather my tax money went to people like this.
  13. They probably had other news that had a financial incentive that they decided to print instead
  14. You know I was going to say haven't we already got screwfix, then I realised this was an old thread. Where is it? Up where topstiles is/was? edit: sorry, just seen sgreens post. I haven't washed the car for a few months so that'll be why. Like I say, I avoid Hereford when I can - particularly that side of the city
  15. I just wish people would be upfront and honest. They don't care about the high town, they don't care about the roads, they do car about lining their own pockets and their intention is to move the city center and start again. If they just admitted this, things would be so much better.
  16. I really don't see why we need yet ANOTHER supermarket
  17. Absolutely, like I've said before, the guys on the ground have done a cracking job. It's the suits and backhanding bullshit that dragged everything out for so many years
  18. Ah I see
  19. And, of course, I couldn't help noticing that despite all the accusations of moaning - 6 months later we have no Toys R Us or Screwfix or any additional news ;) :P
  20. I saw this post pop up and was worried for a second heh I thought my carwarsh was going! I did see the home bargains setup the other day when I went to B&Q, I wonder how it will compare/compete with B&M? Any news on Screwfix or the car wash going? Or Toys R Us!
  21. Now I'm lost, I thought Amey were gone and BB were in?
  22. To surmise megilleland's post; Worcester council have kept on top of things, they have already fixed 800 potholes in 2 weeks and will be spending 0.7 million on repairs Hereford council have shat away all the money and cut corners, they have spotted 1,800 problems but have done nothing about them and will now be spending 2.85 million on "repairs"
  23. Can I have a plaque? :D
  24. Same :P But there are options out their that are like that. If it's legit, I hope all private firms who decide to undertake filling potholes do so with bright yellow (or other colours) to A: Make the holes visible to motorists and B: Provide a visually aid to highlight how bad the problem is. I've thought, myself, in the past about using brightly coloured spray paint on the potholes around Hereford
  25. Well as you're still skirting the issue, I'm going to have to think it's bullshit. I've seen no mention of Boots opening on the OLM, nothing in the schematics, no press release and you constantly refuse to back up your comment. Just looking at the facts here, there is no reason to believe what you've said.
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