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Everything posted by Biomech

  1. Oh wow. Personally, I don't like the statues, but each to their own. But it;s the site that I find shocking, it's looks like they've put them up in a scrap yard, just gravel and cement. Why didn't they put them on grass or lay grass or ... anything... to make it look more athestically pleasing
  2. ^^ I hope that's not the final product?
  3. Yes but you still haven't provided any sources or evidence of this and I believe that you are the only person who actually thinks that the center Boots will stay open if they open another in the OLM
  4. I still think Yoda trumps all of those. Why don't we have a statue of Yoda in the OLM!
  5. Oh wow, that does seem a bit stupid, from both accounts - if you had a small clothes shop you wouldn't open up next to somewhere like a large H&M. I find the people in pet smart to be very friendly and helpful - so I won't be changing :) So that'll be another one lost from the city centre then! And, according to Ragwert although I'm still waiting confirmation / sources ;), Boots are opening in the OLM so I'd imagine Boots in town will be gone when that happens too.
  6. Well that's it isn't it Jim, it's around 14-18 that they get the bug for music and most bands form. If there's no avenue for them to pursue, then they are either going to give up or take it to Uni and never look back at this place
  7. This popped up once, they claim to be faster, cheaper and more sustainable. Might be worth a look http://www.ronacrete.co.uk/
  8. I heard on the radio this morning that Poundstretcher are opening a shop at Brook Retail Park (I believe this is Blockbuster?) So I'm assuming the shop in Eign Gate is going/gone?
  9. I heard that on the radio, first I laughed and then stopped - believing that I misheard and it was a rugby score :P
  10. Pffft, if you want notable people from Hereford..... Yoda ?
  11. I know a number of bands in Hereford who are frequently discouraged from playing live for a multitude of reasons. In fact, most now end up travelling down to Bristol and Cardiff to do gigs and no longer bother with Hereford at all. One of the problems is that because of the lack of entertainment in Hereford, the only thing to do is get drunk. So when a bad is able to play locally, the audiences can be small and underwhelming as the attitude of the people out there is stuck in the "lets just go out and get wasted" mentality. So even if bands would play here, the audience isn't interested. Someone somewhere recently made a comment about how there is a lack of "good" bands in Hereford - what they mean is pop-py bands, there are many excellent bands here but no one will give them the time of day unless they are playing wholesome one direction crap I agree with Tristens comment about being nothing to do - there isn't. TGS is extremely overpriced and badly run (although I understand they are now under new management). And then you have.... um.... you can do..... or go..... uh... nothing. There is nothing here. I remember about 25 years ago when they said we were getting and ice rink and laser quest at, what is now, the Range. :P
  12. Translation: They are going to stamp some gravel into it and leave it. Within 2 weeks it will be in pieces again and they will repeat until they are either physically forced to do the work properly or the contract expires. There's no point in resurfacing the road if they are just going to use the normal cheap **** that doesn't last. It needs to be done properly with suitable, lasting materials. Also, do you know how much ******* hassle it is when you have to go from the houses need Speedy Hire to Faculty House several times a day. Only a 5 mile detour http://goo.gl/maps/NSmdr
  13. Call me naive, but what regeneration? It's still the same isn't it?
  14. I drive that part of the road a lot, it's always in a state, it's not just a case of bad weather has caused it. Let's not forget, this is one of the major routes in to the all-hallowed industrial development area. That piece of road isn't suitable for a small residential street let alone a route frequented by vans, pickups, trucks and lorries on a daily basis.
  15. I disagree ragwert if they did the jobs properly in the first place, then things like this wouldn't keep happening. I appreciate that "emergency" repairs are only shorterm but this council is backed by people whose "emergency" repairs end up being the "permanent" repair.
  16. It doesn't help that so many people end up in hospital or at the doctors when they really is no need which puts additional strain on the NHS and people who need treatment. I know a women who is on a 3 month waiting list for an MRI scan even before they can start treatment, in total that puts her now at 5 months out of work until the scan but she doesn't qualify to claim anything at all in aid.
  17. Taking a leaf out of Ameys book. DO THE ******* JOB PROPERLY FOR f*** SAKE "BBC Hereford & Worcester's Nicola Goodwin taking a look at Holme Lacy Road in Hereford - the road surface was repaired after flooding, but it's not looking good..." https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=616582568414155
  18. Agreed Colin, I was left in an awkward position once and applied for some help. Fair play though, they did help me out for 3 months which was enough to get me back on track. Because I had never claimed ever before, I received £400 a month for the 3 months to help with my rent. But that was it. The women in the Franklin house asked me all types of questions, the answers to so many were no and she said it was a shame - for example that I didn't have any kids - because I would, literally, qualify for about 10 other benefits. Having just one like child benefits opens up an untold number of extras that you can claim. If free postage is on their, that would be one of them, it's that all inclusive. I think it's wrong that they take into account savings. National Insurance, etc, is about paying in and getting out when you need it. If anyone claims on car insurance the company doesn't turn around and say "well, you have £500 of savings so you don't need us to pay out". I, effectively, work part time and get paid £650 a month, but because I have a little bit in the bank and some extra coming in every now and then, I don't qualify for any support at all....tell a lie, I do get about £4 a fortnight towards council tax. (not a typo just four pounds)
  19. I'll give it a look thanks. I know that if you can get a certain few, you end up getting them all. If you don't qualify for a certain few, you end up with nothing :P
  20. They can be useful as they add weight to peoples posts. For example, someone with a reputation of -23 saying that Odeon have pulled out of the OLM vs someone with a rep of 125 saying they haven't etc. So it indicates a social confidence in the poster.
  21. So how does this work? I thought they had no money and no one was interested in investing. The term "flogging a dead horse" comes to mind.
  22. Every year, first quarter, these shops get raided, found to be in possession of countless articles of illegal imports etc. They then either get a fine or shut down and then open up again under someone elses name from the group. We know who they are even if the HT are censoring that part of the information and, surprise surprise, disabling comments again. www.herefordtimes.com/news/10995390.Call_to_shut_shops_over_county_s_illegal_tobacco_trade/
  23. No no, it IS someone in that list. There are some that we know it's unlikely to be and some who it is more likely to be. I have no problem with down votes, but some people abuse the system and down vote things like "Traffic was bad today" -1.... "It's raining again" -1 When Ragwert says that the lights are running at 9 seconds because he counted - how can you downvote that? Or when I say I went the scenic route. It's the kind of thing that was going on on the HT website to try and discredit posters.
  24. I see we have a serial -1'er back down voting posts for no reason - has Fiona signed up? Needless to say, we know it's one of the following Ubique, twowheelsgood, paulinehodges, megilleland, Grid Knocker, Jonny, Denise Lloyd, chrisbull
  25. ^^ You must be new around here :P
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