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Everything posted by Biomech

  1. Whatever his reasons, respect to the man for having the balls to out the corrupt idiots who are running the show.
  2. Oh god, you're not using an iProduct are you? :Cha ching: heh. Maybe try clearing the cache, somewhere in the tools/settings.
  3. Abstract names add to the smoke and mirrors and make it harder for the common man to follow their actions.
  4. I don't use that anyway, just copy paste the text, highlight and click the quote icon (speech bubble) - as I tend to only quote partials
  5. Why? I was under the impression that the council thought that they were the Illuminati, not the FBI :P
  6. It was just a fleeting idea, I'm happy with or without, it's just that we seemed to discuss a lot of topics and people like twowheels spends time digging up all kinds of information that never seems to get the light of day, that was all :) I believe it was you, twowheels, who uncovered the information about the lime trees decision being down to a secret meeting of Jarvonians, not the Highways Agency? - I wonder how many people out there actual know this.
  7. I'd happily join the council, if I thought for a second I wouldn't be undermined, belittled and mentally bullied by those who only look after the interests of their own pocket.
  8. Again with the take take take. It's not my job to follow you around to get your attention, it is your JOB to sort things out.. .without having to be told all of the time. A problem remains a problem whether I tell you it does using "Biomech" or as "Paula Cook" as a name. Who's fault is it that I don't know you? Mine? Because I don't follow you around? Or yours? For being a public figure who doesn't engage with the public. Do you think I know my boss? Or do you think he expects me to hunt him down and follow him around telling him how to do his job? Beyond fed up with the attitude of most of these councillors. It's YOUR job, YOU do something.
  9. Are you sure you just haven't typed in the quote box? All working for me as usual :P
  10. Dictatorships work :) They really do. Their short comings are largely down to outside influence - Cuba being a prime example.
  11. As a councillor pretty much everything that comes out of your mouth is spin - it's the whole point of such a position. Why was he a silly young man? Are you another one of these cllr's that just bash and belittle the younger cllr's who are pushing for change? You just admitted you don't even know what it was. If he was dealing crack - fine, but if he had a small amount of weed on him I really couldn't give 2 shits as long as he was getting the job done. Transparency in ALL areas is something that you lot REALLY lack and actually COMPLETELY underestimate.
  12. I was thinking today... Colin has the drive, many people here love to dig through paperwork and research and I'm a dab hand with digital media.... Anyone fancy a fortnightly/monthly digital magazine that covers all of the news that the Horrorford Times refuses to and highlights the points and information that others can't be assed with? If people send me the content, I'm happy to compile it :)
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you ARE a councillor... right? ;)
  14. So what was this controlled substance? Bobby is right, no one cares, in fact, it would be nice if people in leadership positions would tell us all the things they have done and not make a big song and dance about it when it gets found out by the media; resulting in them "resigning". If I were in council, the first thing I would do would be to publically announce my past. People want a person, not a saint.
  15. Notice how EVERY time we bring up compensation for services not provided, we NEVER get an answer from anyone.
  16. Oh wow, really? We're supposed to go chasing you around? I don't bloody think so. You're all paid and in a position to do a job, it's not up to us to chase after you. Jesus, imagine if managers of companies only bothered doing things when someone came to look for them. Do you think Cameron insists that people chase after him? What a ridiculous and farcical way to run a city.
  17. Would that be before or after the seasoned councillors berate and belittle them for their ideas?
  18. I was appalled to hear how they were treated after suggesting that. They were mentally kicked in the face for trying to do the job properly and, in my opinion, the reaction and comments from fellow councillors was nothing short of threatening. I quote; {they made} “one hell of a mistake†{by asking} http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/10573785.Herefordshire_councillors_claim__allowance_cut_vote__was_a_big_mistake/?ref=rss
  19. I think that as long as people don't use the roundabout aggressively, it would work I do think there would be a few crashes initially as people are used to be selfish and forceful around Hereford because often its the only way to more forward (St Nicholas Church junction for example allows about 2 cars out and backs up to Whitecross daily.)
  20. I much prefer a night out in Cardiff, fantastic place :) This might be a naive question (nothing bores me more than politics)... but why are there 2 councils for the same place? I'm assuming one for "the shire" and one for the city limits? But why not amalgamate them into 1 council. Surely this would be preferable? You wouldn't then have 2 councils arguing over policy and delaying progress, you also wouldn't waste time blaming each other and, I highly imagine, that you would save a **** load of money in the process!
  21. Oh that is a shame, a Christmas opening would have been a big hit. Nothing really happens around the end of April. Give me a second and I'll work out a nice pessimistic reason why they are going for an end of April opening..... ..... ah yes, end of the corporate tax year. Blow some cash on an opening, pay less tax, makes the paperwork neater ;) :P
  22. We've spent years "giving them a chance" and now look at the state of things. Chances are all used up, we're bored of bullshit speak, we want to see ACTION!! :)
  23. Thinking about it, isn't the OLM supposed to be completed by October? That's a few weeks away now, does anyone know how likely this is? What about getting shops open for November/December for Christmas shopping?
  24. Since when has HCC listened or acted on behalf of the people!? It even recently came to light that this 3rd lane on Edgar street and the demolition of the lime trees was a completely underhand, secret, plan of the HCC, NOT the HA!
  25. What some of us are saying is that councillors have appeared on forums before just as a PR stunt and never bothered to contribute anything worthwhile or even come back once their little need was tended to. We're saying that these new additions start on a clean slate, neither negative nor positive. How they proceed from here on in is how we will judge them. As they say, respect needs to be earnt, and right now, there's not a lot of respect for allocating to the HCC
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