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Everything posted by Clarkester

  1. I completely agree, Ragwert. The pothole on the corner of Granstand Road/Priory Place by Widemarsh Common has been "fixed" at least three times since January. After one attempt at fixing it, the repair (I use the term incredibly loosely) lasted less than 24 hours before it had started sinking again. Barrs Court Road also... I did my duty and logged the shocking state of Barrs Court Road to FixMyStreet in January 2017, I have updated it on regular occasions since then, but to no avail. There back roads in Thailand that are in better repair than Barrs Court Road. It would be easy to go on and on and on... I don't think an extra £1.25 million is going to even touch the sides, not with the jobs that are being done at the moment.
  2. Perfectly explained Bobby, thank you.
  3. So there are 7 options for a Western bypass, even though, going East would make more sense... Never mind. I think they should sod it all and build all 7 routes! There wouldn't be any congestion in town then would there? Everybody would be sitting at one set of the obvious traffic lights on one of the bypasses, waving at people stuck at traffic lights on one of the other bypasses.
  4. I a word Dilligaf; Not bloomin' likely! They (BBLP) cannot maintain their dog waste and rubbish bin emptying schedule, so I find it highly unlikely that they will bother to clear any fallen vegetation anytime soon. As for using a smaller vehicle... I think the Transit Pickup is their favoured device for all vehicular activities, is it not? I sent them some pictures to their Facebook page of a couple of dog poo bins that have been overflowing since before Christmas. So far, as of yesterday (07/01/2018) half of those bins were still overflowing... Doing their job of maintaining the "Living Places" does not seem to be one of their new years resolutions.
  5. Are we on the London Underground now? That's expanded a bit, hasn't it? What Zone are we? 200?
  6. Apart from the fact that she clearly isn't cycling on the pavement... The others, they are tools, but this lady is quite clearly walking with her bike.
  7. There is nothing wrong in the latest picture, the pavement from penhaligon way to the crossing is shared use.
  8. I agree, if you re-read pretty much all my posts, I am not defending people like the chap in the picture, far from it, I think they deserve to be punished as I have said more than once. What I have tried to do though, is attempt to bring some balance to the discussion. Something that I think nobody wants, so I will take my leave and let everybody continue without my clearly unwanted contribution.
  9. Okay, the topic is called "Should cyclists be allowed on footpaths?" Obviously the answer is no, unless it is a shared use, or actual cycle path. But... And whether you like it or not, there is a but, when motorists make it so awkward, or so dangerous that you have no choice but to take evading actions, what do you suggest? I'm not making excuses for the ignorant arses on bikes that pay no attention to any traffic laws, they deserve to be stopped, fined and treated like scumbags, but, there are also a lot of fair, respectful, thoughtful and downright scared people on bicycles that are bullied off the roads in some places in Hereford. The fault does not solely lie with the person on the bicycle.
  10. I understand that, Colin, but my wife was on the road, behaving herself and was hit, then abused by a motorist. If she was on the pavement, it wouldn't have happened, that is part of the reason for it, so it is linked to the topic in hand whether people like it or not.
  11. Whilst I agree with the vast majority of the comments on this thread, I must add some balance from a cyclist viewpoint. On Tuesday morning, my wife was cycling to work along Blackfriars Street towards Widemarsh Street. A man in a BMW passed her so closely that his wing mirror hit her handlebar, he then proceeded to berate my wife for hitting his car... I am in no way condoning bad behaviour by people on bicycles, but car drivers are not wholly innocent in the overall picture, if it was actually properly safe to cycle on the roads, I dare say there would be less bike use on pavements. I do agree though that there should be more law enforcement.
  12. Spot on B47. And I totally agree with you as well, Colin. It seems that they (the EU) will put obstacles wherever they see fit, change the subject of what they are prepared to discuss, tell us we have to pay $x.xx more before we can talk about any trade deal... Then to prove how mature they are, criticise British food?!?! I mean, come on... Really? I'll fully admit the politicians on our side are complete muppets who I wouldn't trust with a garden rake, but, well, it's all getting a bit silly really, isn't it?
  13. In all fairness though, FC is a church... Not a business... They profess to be a bible believing group as this paragraph, lifted from their website professes: BELIEFSWe are wholeheartedly committed to building a church that reaches people who don't yet know God. We present the timeless message of the gospel in modern and relevant ways. The message is sacred and not to be altered, but our approach and method is always open to change. We are a Bible-believing church with a theology and beliefs that are the same as hundreds of thousands of churches around the world. The bible clearly states how the poor/homeless/needy should be treated, and it is not with metal roller doors to keep them away: https://www.openbible.info/topics/helping_the_homeless Now, I am not in the least bit religious and all churches could do more, but this group preach about being good, charitable, helping those less fortunate, but when the less fortunate are on their own doorstep, their good, charitable, helping those less fortunate intentions turn into a metal door... Just saying.
  14. I might open my window later. I wonder if I could persuade a royal type to attend? I'd probably end up with Edward or Eugenie knowing my luck...
  15. I know I'm possibly labouring the point now, but this story in the HT speaks volumes of the differences between the "Freedom Church" and a normal, caring charitable cause... http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/15598690.Winter_shelter_for_homeless_re_opens_next_month/ Open door, or closed, locked and roller-shuttered door?
  16. Denise, excuse my maths but that, to my calculations, equates to pretty much £68.4 Million per mile!!! That... Is... Shocking!!!
  17. Roger, with all due respect, the council aren't a christian "Religion" that claim to be all charitable and helpful to the poor and needy. FC on the other hand, Christian, charitable, all good and holy, and rubbish like that, had a meeting to discuss the fact that those in need were using their doorway, now... The choices that they came up with speak volumes on their attitudes: Call the police Offer them sanctuary and breakfast block them out I would say, two of those choices are not particularly christian, and they chose one of them. I find that decision rather sad to be honest. I've just re-read my opening line here.... I am chuckling to myself... Council... Helpful to the poor and needy... Sorry Roger.
  18. Well, that says all you need to know about their Christian intentions, doesn't it? IE: They don't actually have any, and would rather spend £850 to keep those that they see to be less desirable away. That's lovely, that is.
  19. H. Wilson, go there on a Sunday morning/lunchtime... They are certainly open then. I can't say I've seen it open at any other time, but then I only go past at about 08:30 in the morning. They may well be open all throughout the day, helping the homeless, feeding the hungry, giving to the poor, aiding the sick and all that good, good stuff that they do...I just don't see it.
  20. This sits all wrong with me. I would be the first to admit that I am not the most charitable person in the world, but then I also don't preach my misguided beliefs to a paying audience... So, when I saw the shuttered front door on their "cathedral" it got me wondering and poking about on their website... This was interesting: WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO SERVE THE COMMUNITY?Freedom Church is involved in serving the community in a number of different ways, from Freedom Heroes, our street kids project in Kampala, Uganda, to a Saturday morning cafe for refugees and asylum seekers in Cardiff, to community programmes that provide practical care and support to financially poorer communities in Siem Reap, Cambodia. We also encourage people who come along to Freedom to recognise a personal call to serve and support the community however possible, from volunteering with community projects, to raising money for causes, to serving on the local council or as governors in school. Just so long as you are not homeless, don't have a problem with alcohol or are not looking for somewhere to bed down...
  21. Passing by FC on Commercial Road this morning (Tuesday 26/09/2017) I noticed that there is a lovely, secure roller door blocking off the main door from all those pesky rough sleepers. That's so welcoming and Christian, I thought to myself... What a lovely bunch they are.
  22. Ah, it's all okay, folks... It says so in the Hereford Times. Mike Truelove said that the Freedom Church is providing assistance to homeless people. Of course, he doesn't go on to say what sort of assistance that might be. This is of course in the story of Hereford BID's final solution to the begging "problem" (mainly in Church Street apparently!) All a bit "Hot Fuzz" if you ask me. Still, it's for the greater good...
  23. That's very interesting... Not entirely surprising. But pretty much what I think most people thought would be the answer. How sad.
  24. Indeed Twowheels... I took my son to school on my trusty scooter this morning, Grandstand Road - empty... Newtown Road - still open, but empty... In fact we didn't have to stop once until we got near the top of Aylestone Hill. Brilliant! I thought... Nine more weeks of this? I love it! Fast forward to lunchtime... Ah... Yazor Road solid both ways. Whitecross Road solid both ways... I'm just glad I'm on a scooter and not stuck in a car. Two wheels are indeed good!
  25. Fast forward to 13:30... Three chaps still in the doorway... Will they be so welcome tomorrow I wonder?
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