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Everything posted by Clarkester

  1. mawillimont, I am not an expert by any means, but I fail to see how linking the A465/A49 will improve the air quality at Asda by very much. Most traffic is going North or South, so just by linking the two roads south of the city I just can't see how will this help? But, as you say, you have an action plan that predicts this, so it must be right. Action plans and predictions are never wrong...
  2. Denise, further to your count. There are at least 3, nice 3 bed semi's within less than 1/10 mile of my house. 2 for sale, 1 to let.
  3. T,hey are quite a bit smaller than the green recycling bins are they not? Or have I got a freakishly oversized green wheelie bin where I live?
  4. For anyone that is interested, I received another e-mail from Hereford Housing yesterday afternoon. apparently Councillor Anna Toon has contacted Hereford City Council requesting that a bin is installed. This is better than leaving it in the hands of HC/BB I guess...
  5. Hi Dippy. I don't believe in wellies! I would normally wear a helmet, but it was Sunday morning, my head was hurting too much for one! Anyway, danger is my middle name... Dead 'ard, me! Clarkester Danger Clarkester. See? Told you. I have contacted Hereford Housing regarding the bin, or lack thereof. I received a reply from the nice lady, thanking me for my query, and telling me that the people who developed the project have been speaking to the council about the bin situation. So... That'll be the end of that then!
  6. Testify King Bobby. Testify!! Now... Look at this... This is from February 2014, it's me, BMXing through the flood one Sunday morning. Don't I look happy? I'm happy because the last time I remember the field being flooded here was when Hereford United played Man U in the FA cup, and I had to take a massive detour to meet my pals before we went down to the Street. Now, it took on and off, two months of rain and storms, and winter weather, and more rain, and more rain to get this piddly little flood going. And... AND... where the nice outdoor gym is right now, was dry even when this pic was taken. Flood risk my @r$e! Yazor Brook... Pfftt...
  7. It really is a complete waste of money. This part of the field does flood... But only very occasionally (possibly twice since 1990?) But it takes a good, long, proper amount of rain, and even then it doesn't go from: Dry... Dry... Dry... Dry... Dry... BIT WET... DANGEROUSLY FLOODED, HELP, HELP! There would be no way that you'd be pushing out the strokes on the rower and suddenly be in danger and need a real boat! It's mad. somebody has kindly tied a bin bag to the sign at the moment, so at least it is being useful now, but change it for a bin! Get rid of the sign ad put a bin in its place! Blimmin' flood sign... It's mental! Ooh, can I say: "It's health and safety gone mad!" Yes! Awesome!
  8. I'm not sure how many people have seen this, but it has been officially open for a few weeks now. And is really popular with young and old alike. Which is great. There is, however, one problem that I can see. There is no rubbish bin nearby, as such, the place is awash with empty bottles, cans, sweet wrappers, crisp packets etc... Surely a bin would have been a good idea? A better idea than the quite frankly laughable flood warning sign... STAY ALERT - BE READY TO EVACUATE You would really have to be putting in a lot of reps to not notice the slow creep of water around you here.
  9. But this sort of thing has happened before Bobby... Anyone remember this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/hereford/worcs/7073924.stm
  10. Prosecute them! Also, as an added bit of fun, name and shame them, they are clearly known to more than one person in this thread. Also...how about the house on Charles Witts Avenue? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person to ever have noticed the amount of rubbish dumped over the back fence alongside Great Western Way? It's disgusting quite frankly. Oh, and along the old railway line behind Nolan Road/Chester close, I don't walk the dogs along there anymore because of the broken glass, occassional discarded needles and empty gas canisters, but in the bushes behind the houses there was all sorts of rubbish dumped... Televisions, old beds, chairs... And... While I'm at it (I'll breathe in a minute, but I'm on a roll) where does the law on fly tipping stand with regard to grass clippings? I only ask as, whilst walking my dogs in the field off Yazor Road, I regularly see people nipping through the gap in the hedge from Coniston Walk and emptying out their lawn mowers into the edge of the field... I know it's not broken trolleys, or televisions, or sofa's, I was just curious that's all.
  11. It had the best "worst" graffiti on it for a long time, scrawled on the corner in marker pen... "Sh.t pub" It gets across the "artists" message perfectly, in two short words, I feel.
  12. Okay, so... Yazor Road open Space was last cut on June 13th... Where it was given its usual over-severe short back and sides, leaving patches of scalped mud instead of grass... Guess what? It has been cut within an inch of it's life again today!?! Why? Seriously, why? I don't get it, it's twisting my melon man!
  13. Who's this Bobby blokey anyway? Sounds a bit weird to me.
  14. I'm going to try this approach at work tomorrow... Boss: Can I have the Friday WENUS report please? Me: No reply Boss: Can I have the Friday WENUS report please? Me: Still no reply. Boss: When can I have the Friday WENUS report please? Me: No reply. -- Time passes... -- Me: I'll tell you what boss... You can have the Friday WENUS report in about nine weeks. Okay? Boss: That's great thanks... Boss goes running off happy that he thinks he's got a result... I go off and buy a new computer, monitor, printer and ride-on mower and charge the boss for it.
  15. I'm not sure why, but the field between Yazor Road and Moor Farm / Coniston Walk was being cut as I went to work this morning. It's only about three weeks since it was last hacked to almost nothing. Yet the greens on Derwent Drive / Coniston Walk etc are now knee high (as is everywhere else...) Special field maybe?
  16. Happy Birthday King Bobby! You crazy weirdo! You will be missed.
  17. Neither flooded in the recent bad weather. The path between Widemarsh Common and Penhaligon Way did, but not Merton Meadow or Newtown Road.
  18. Beryl Reid! Wasn't she born in Hereford? Or did I dream that one up??
  19. Um, wasn't Kevin Sheedy born in Builth Wells?
  20. I'm willing to put hard cash on the line that this was not about race, the racial abuse part, in my opinion has come out of frustration, and is not the actual reason that it took place. Think about it, quarter to nine on a workday morning, people going to work, trying to get into Merton Meadow before it is full... Just how many racist motorcyclists cruise around Merton Meadow looking to assault and abuse people who are different to them? It doesn't make sense. I, of course, may be totally wrong.
  21. I read this in the HT yesterday, and whilst I agree that it is an unacceptable act, I cannot help thinking there is more to the story: http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/10802731.Woman_pushed_and_racially_abused_in_Hereford_car_park/ Woman pushed and racially abused in Hereford car park A WOMAN was pushed over and racially abused in a Hereford car park. The woman was allegedly approached from behind by a man in Merton Meadow Car Park last Thursday (November 7) at 8.45am. The man – described as being in his 20s, about 5ft 10ins tall, of medium build and wearing a Nike hoody and crash helmet – reportedly pushed the woman over and was racially abusive before he drove off on a motorbike, believed to be a black Suzuki. PC Tessa Whaley said: “This was an unprovoked racial assault and we would like to speak to anyone who saw it happen, saw a motorcyclist of that description in the area or recognises the man from the description.†Call 101, quoting incident number 150S 061113, with information Now, I may well be wrong, but my point is that the assault was more than likely neither racist nor unprovoked. Speaking as a motorist, scooter rider, cyclist and pedestrian, is it just me that thinks that the lady in question may well have cut-up the motorcyclist or almost knocked him off, without noticing? I am not condoning his actions, but having been on the receiving end of some pretty shocking behaviour by motorists, is it not possible that the man in question, lost his temper and decided to let her know what his thoughts on the matter were? As I say, I am not condoning his actions, but I think turning it into a racially provoked attack is a bit uncomfortable in my view. Discuss.
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