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Everything posted by Clarkester

  1. Recently I have noticed that most mornings there are two or more people sleeping rough in the doorway of the Freedom Church on Commercial Road. It set me wondering Firstly, are those in the FC aware of this? I cannot believe they are not… Secondly, what are their feelings towards having people sleeping on their front step? Thirdly, being all good Christians and all that, why, are they not opening their doors and welcoming them in for a warmer, more comfortable nights sleep? It seems to me that the building is more than capable of giving a few, less fortunate people, that may have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own, a good nights sleep in nicer surroundings than an old nightclub doorway. Think of all the good publicity they could give themselves.
  2. Oh, and I designed their still used logo when I was Costing Assistant. Microsoft Word Art and an HP Deskjet 550...
  3. Terrible news. My first proper job was at Gelpack back in 1989, I met the then future Mrs Clarkester there. And have made many, many good friends there, several of whom still work there. I hope that the news isn't as bad as it looks at the moment. Very sad...
  4. I am behaving myself, thanks. The fact... That is FACT that there were no accidents at all the time she was there says it all.
  5. It does speak volumes actually. I stand by my comment, if drivers cannot see something out of the ordinary on a roundabout without crashing into each other, should they really be allowed to be in control of a vehicle? Is it that much different to a group of men cutting the grass, or digging the plants? People don't start having accidents when there are workmen on the roundabout, so how was she so much more of an accident risk to everybody?
  6. I didn't single out any HV comments, but there is one rather distasteful comment further up the list... And, actually, Yes. It is okay then. If drivers are unable to pass by some woman camped out on a roundabout without crashing into each other then they shouldn't be on the road quite honestly. The fact that no accidents happened really goes to show that it wasn't actually that much of a distraction after all. No, she shouldn't really have been there, but she was and yet still nothing bad happened.
  7. So... She's moved on... She was there for what? Three weeks or so? And there was a constant barrage of "It's an accident waiting to happen!" from all the doom-mongers, not just here, but on the HT and Facebook too. So... How many accidents did she actually cause then? Not one? Can we all stop being so pessimistic in future? Please? For the record, I didn't agree with what she was doing, I think she contradicts her reasons for all her actions far too often quite honestly, and I think it was, in the main, just a "look at me" exercise. But, that said, some of the things people have posted about her are quite awful and there are some people who should take a long look at themselves and their attitudes to others. We are all just a few bad decisions or unlucky periods away from ending up like her.
  8. Bobby is right on the money there.
  9. Clarkester


    Last night (not for the first time) I was awoken at around 00:30 by what at first sounded like a midge or other small high-pitched buzzy insect. As I lay in bed, vaguely swiping at the possible invader to my boudoir, it dawned on me that it was not actually inside at all, but outside. As I say, not for the first time, we had an aerial visitor flying about for a prolonged period above the area whee I live (Yazor Road area) This is the first time I have heard it during the night, but previously I have spent about 20 minutes standing in my back garden watching the drone as it flies around, hovering for a while, then flying off a bit more and repeating. Has anybody on here noticed anything similar in the area that they live? I'm not sure what the point could be at that time of night - he typed, desperately trying not to be paranoid...
  10. My wife recently (actually March/April time) received a ticket from the nice people who look after the Lidl car park (Brook Retail Park) She had spent a fair bit of time there to be honest: Big shop in Lidl, look around Poundland, over to Pets at Home, and finally (the bit that sent her over the time) a prolonged trip into KFC (30 minutes+ to queue and be served!? Fast food?) Anyway, I followed the advice on here and appealed against the ticket... They said "Nope, you're still paying pal!" I appeal to Popla... Bingo, ticket cancelled. It's worth trying.
  11. Let's be a bit more positive about Hereford here, shall we? Let's run Hull down also... What have they got to make a noise about? The Housemartins (It is still the mid 1980's isn't it?) Well, we've got Mott The Hoople (Ah...) and The Pretenders. So, it's safe to say that we win the popular beat combo round. They've got some sort of piddly, little bridge? Or something? Pfftt... We've got so many bridges there isn't room for any more of them, even if we wanted one... There's the Great Western Way, The 50 year old New Bridge, the old Bridge, Victoria footbridge and the tastefully painted with swears and phallic symbols Greenway bridge. Round two Hereford. Culture? Hull has a museum quarter, apparently. Just a quarter though... We've got loads of them! Cider Museum, Waterworks Museum, that apology in the library, the Old House, The Chained Library, The Mappa Mundi museum... Loads of culture here. The Arts? Can Hull even compete with some of our artistic gems? We have art everywhere. Everywhere! Just one for instance, on the path from Yazor Road to Plough Lane there is an art installation in the form of a listing dog poo bin with a bad case of tourettes! Then there is the usual shopping trolley hanging from a sign that can be seen at various locations along Great Western Way. The hoarding around the shell of The Card Factory is worthy of winning the arts round alone! These few choices alone must knock Hull's artistic pretensions into a cocked hat? No need to even bother mentioning The Courtyard. You want more culture? Look in Chadds doorway on a Saturday or Sunday morning, culture galore! In short, I think we do ourselves a disservice when you actually think about what we have to offer. Or not... Oh, and Hull's river is really dirty!
  12. I completely agree TWG, I went for a bike ride last weekend, along the Rotherwas Link road there had been newly repainted white lines... On top of lumps of mud from farm vehicles... It was a nice touch I thought...
  13. Well it must be true then. You know, if it's all over the web...
  14. Whilst I completely agree that the picture is a complete disgusting mess, to blame it all on "The Left" on Eco Warriors and environmentalists is a bit of a stretch to be honest. I, personally, don't know anybody that goes to Glastonbury and then claims any moral high ground... They do however, tell boring story after boring story after booooooring story.
  15. Denise, I have to disagree, Whether or not the fox needs to be controlled is not the issue. It is the manner in which it is done that is important. And i don't see why it should not be an election issue, there are many, many issues that are important, this being just one of them. Yes the state of the NHS is important, as is the ongoing underfunding of education and social care amongst other things. But the prime minister openly being in favour of hunting with hounds, something that, surely, any normal thinking person can easily see is a barbaric so called "sport" disguised as pest control is an important election issue. Do you want a party that treats wildlife with such disdain to be in power?
  16. In the news yesterday was the, in my opinion, frankly astounding news regarding our glorious PM's views on fox hunting. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2017-39861011 I, personally, find this story abhorrent that in this day and age, the Prime Minister of our country can actually believe that hunting foxes with hounds is acceptable and is prepared to give parliament a free vote n order to repeal the ban. It makes me wonder what our current MP feels about this? I have contacted him asking that question, not that I am expecting a reply any time soon. Also, what are the views of Jesse's most likely possible replacement, Mr Kenyon? Is Mrs May that confident in the run up to the election that she feels she can say anything, knowing that however backwards it may seem to civilised people, she will still win the upcoming election? If the Tories win again, I see very dark days ahead...
  17. My cross will be against Mr Kenyon's box, that is for sure.
  18. It is sad, but also, it is pretty much what a lot of people have suspected. Let's hope that Hereford is not one of them. I want to be positive... I want to be...
  19. How is it people's fault that shops are closing?
  20. Whilst it is good to see something happening to get the building back in use, another Pizza Hut? Is one not enough? Also, I'm sure it's been thought about already, but where are people going to park? On the whole, people tend to drive to such places, and I may be mistaken, but the Treacle Mine wasn't actually blessed with a large car parking area was it?
  21. Re-reading this post, one thing strikes me... You say that you're sick of people running Hereford down, fine, I get that and agree to a point. You complain about someone not agreeing with the OLM and being bored with the empty shop debate... But as you go on to say, the way people shop has changed all over the UK. This, just as Hereford opens a new multi million pound shopping area (i won't call it a shopping centre, or mall it's not big enough) where the new tenants are being given sweeteners to encourage them to locate there. So... What happens when the deals run out? Will the shiny new centre stay full of all these lovely new shops? Or will they pack up and leave? At the moment, nobody knows, but your dislike of the empty shop debate isn't going to go away any time soon. Adrian Symonds and others are right about Maylord Orchards, go and wander round the atrium now and it is a depressing place to be, cheap shops, tired facade, no pride, it's sad to see... My apologies if this is still off-topic, but it sort of has links to the wider debate of the demise of The Matabeau, if you look hard enough.
  22. Whitecross Roundabout has two increasingly large and deep potholes, 1 near to Wordsworth Road, 1 between Kings Acre Road and Three Elms Road. Okay if you;re in a car, but if you happen to be on a motorbike they are really quite dangerous as they are both right on the edges of nice, smooth metal drain/manhole covers. Reported to Fix My Street... aaaaaannnnnnddddd....... Wait...
  23. In all fairness, the people protesting are doing so with all the best intentions as they see it. They are prepared to stand up and make a noise for something they feel strongly about, and I don't think they should be ridiculed or made fun of for that. Good for them. Security and Defence Expo? Hmm... Nothing at all sinister, and no dodgy deals could possibly go on at an event like that, could it?
  24. There isn't one, Denise!
  25. As Ragwert has pointed out, Barrs Court Road is in a terrible state, none of it is what you would call a pothole though, it is more a constant broken surface all the way along the road. After rain it is potentially lethal for bicycle/moped/scooter/motorbike riders, and not exactly pleasant for anybody in a car.
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