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Everything posted by Clarkester

  1. Seriously Adrian, I am almost beyond words... You are the one spouting utter rubbish... You would rather be fined that microchip your dog? Mental. As for the cancer claim... You might as well say that making a dog wear a collar causes cancer because some dogs have abnormal cells! it is actually quite common for the chip to move from the place it is inserted anyway. One of my dogs chips is now under her front shoulder, you can feel it quite easily. To not get your pet 'chipped because of some spurious cancer claim is completely irresponsible in my opinion.
  2. It's all about scale Dippy. If 1 is the answer, but that 1 is 10%, then 10% is a much grander, more noticeable figure. If the answer is 1,000,000. But that only equates to 0.1%... Then the figure to quote is 1 million! 1 Million is way scarier than 0.1%. How would the statisticians and spin doctors keep in employment if they didn't scare the bejesus out of the general public on a regular basis?
  3. It comes from the parents Denise. I don't drop litter, I always pick up after my dogs. Because it was drummed into me when I was young, not to drop, or leave rubbish. My little boy also gets it drummed into him not to drop litter, and he is quite open about telling his mates off also. Unfortunately, some people just don't seem to care...
  4. I have to agree with Slim. Firstly we already pay to have the streets kept clean. Secondly, failing the above, which we have already paid for, get the minor crims to do it. Thirdly, sod "Cleaning For The Queen!" How about keeping it clean for the general public? Why have a special clear up just because Liz has a birthday? Will the next one be when she sends herself a telegram?
  5. Right... Well, that should trigger the inevitable mass parking on the grass verges and in the two laybys on the Leominster side of the hill. With increased foot traffic to boot... Genius idea, this one. Really, really genius...
  6. Why stop at 05:00? Carry on until 08:30 I say. Ooh, I hope they get it granted... Wrestlemania is coming up...
  7. Ooh, it's the end shop. The one that used to be the butchers, years ago. (again, showing my age, <sigh>)
  8. That's the spirit Adrian... <Sad face!>
  9. In the row of shops that Beddards used to be part of? (Showing my age now!)
  10. On Grandstand Road? Whereabouts? I know the old Grandstand fish and chip shop moved to Red Barn Drive, but isn't that now Mediterrane? I need to know this information urgently! I live very close by and feel the need, the need for fried and battered sea creatures! Oh, I can possibly hold on until Monday, but I will be very hungry by then!
  11. Roger, you really do dislike Mr Corbyn, don't you? Has he upset you at some point in the past?
  12. All the best to them. The burgers are a bit too big for my tastes, but a lot of people really rate them, so I am clearly in the minority. Again, good luck to them. What I will ask though is how have they not come to the attention of a certain group of American hippity-hopsters? Their logo is just a totally blatant Beastie Boys copy... Just asking the question.
  13. Myself, Mrs Clarkester and some friends went to this last year. Really good, highly recommended!
  14. Couldn't read it all Denise... Got as far as feeling separate calls from and gave up! No I must persist! We fell in love and began dating in July 2014 and got married on January 1st, 2016! Um...Excuse me? They GOT married in the future? Maybe there is something in this FC thing after all, Time Travel! Poor, deluded, mind-controlled fools.
  15. Has anybody heard anything yet as to what Freedom Church are doing to help the clear up effort after the flooding in Chennai? They seem to be keeping very quiet on this matter...
  16. I took a stroll past the old cinema/new cult HQ last weekend, and was surprised at how untidy it looked, still has the remnants of "Fanatical about film" over the door, I mean the first word is correct, the second too, but Film? No I think not. You would have thought with all their style over substance posturing that they would have it looking ***** and span and sparkling? The exit door is still all "Fusioned" up too. I was all for popping in and praising their lord, but that put me off. That and my cloven hoofed feet of course...
  17. As nice as it would be to have a tram system in Hereford, there is no way I can see it ever getting built. For starters, Hereford is just too small, look at places in the UK with tramways... Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh, Sheffield, Nottingham, Croydon/South London... Hereford is just too small. Sad though it is. We are not a big city, there would just not be the call for it's use to make it viable. I would love to be proved wrong, but I just don't think I am (not this time at least.)
  18. That's the spirit Mystery... I didn't actually, I voted Green, so there.
  19. It's all a bit silly really isn't it? A mean bloke said nasty words to me when we were having an argument... I will tell the constable! When I lived on Moorfield Street a few years back, a running battle broke out between two groups of lads who had been drinking in the Moorfields (That lovely, friendly back street boozer!) Anyway, the lead goon from one group threatened to shoot the head goon from the other group, who, in turn, threatened to stab the lead goon from group #1... To cut a long story short, neither one was either stabbed, nor shot... They were just arguing and being a bit stupid. Sticks and stones etc...
  20. Bill, Trident is such a complete and utter waste of time and money. No government will ever use it, and to waste billions on a replacement is, frankly, disgusting when the vast amounts of money could be better spent elsewhere. So... We have a nucular missile? So what? ISIS don't care, and they seem to be the big threat nowadays. France have got nucular missiles... ISIS don't care... Russia have got nucular missiles... ISIS don't care. If anyone is ever mental enough to start a nucular war, what point is it that we could send a few back? No point at all, we'd still all be dead... So JC has the balls to say he wouldn't use them? Good for him. He is hardly a threat to national security. Dave on the other hand? Following on from B-liar in the "I love going to war" roll. Now THAT is more of a danger to national security than a pacifist, in my view.
  21. Roger, I think you may be focussing on the wrong part of that story... what a nice chap he sounds...
  22. Colin, don't forget Bromyard!! That too is a strange and exotic dialect! Joking! I'm joking!!
  23. "It is necessary for some parking charges to increase. The revenue generated from parking charges is essential to enable us to continue to fund vital transport services that the council delivers. " Fund what "Vital Transport Services" exactly? Is it that stupid, pointless, Southern Link Road? The Link road through Merton Meadow car park? School Transport? Subsidised bus routes? Improved cycle lanes? Sorting the incompetent traffic management through the city? What are these vital transport services? And... £5 to park in the rock-strewn unmarked chaos that is Merton Meadow car park? You're having a laugh aren't you? 67% increase?! We're doomed... Doomed!
  24. Okay Ragwert, so 2 people out of the thousands that work in Rotherwas didn't know about the proposals... So? This was a chance to do something positive regarding the shocking state of Hereford traffic. Both commuters and freight services had the possibility to be catered for, and whatever the dodgy report said, if it was done properly, it would have become popular and reduced through and cross-city traffic, which, in turn, would have improved the journey times of inner city traffic, reduced traffic numbers at peak times and improved air quality across the main through-routes. All in all, a good decision has been made - I don't think.
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