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Everything posted by Clarkester

  1. Is this story for real? I see no mention of it anywhere else at all. Something like this would make more of an impression, surely?
  2. Far from common sense in my opinion. This idea was one of the most sensible transport plans I have heard touted around in recent years. If done with some foresight and timetable planning it had the potential to remove hundreds of car journeys from the routes through the heart of the city. Furthermore, if a freight terminal was installed, then the amount of lorries clogging up the cities roads could have been reduced. But, yeah, as you say: "Common sense at long last" I personally disagree with that statement.
  3. Yeah, that engine looks flooded to me!
  4. Cambo, consider it done!!
  5. Why has Roger received a vote down for his above post? I see nothing contentious in it...
  6. Well. I for one am hoping that the garage gets the go-ahead! 99p per litre!? That's a bargain and no mistake. In fact, I will go out and buy 2 or 3 massive, gas-guzzling cars, and go out of my way to go to Asda to fill up. In rotation. Every day. During the rush-two-hours. I'd be stupid not to at those prices!
  7. I saw this post on the HT website this morning. http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/14101835.Volunteers__absolutely_gutted__after_compressor_stolen_from_Hereford_BMX_Club/ Somebody has apparently helped themselves to the BMX Club's compressor which was kept in a shipping container at the Westfailing Street site. It was used for operating the gates on race days. If anyone has any information, could I urge you to contact the police on 101. I'm not a member of the group, but the lads and lasses of Hereford BMX Group and Hereford Dirt Riders have built a great track, which is well regarded both locally and by riders from all over the West Midlands and beyond. And have many race meetings, which cannot take place without the start gate.
  8. All of that, and all I've done is prove that Hereford is dull?!? Seriously? What are you on? That was a list I came up with inside of ten minutes, there are other things to do too. Plus, you can always make your own entertainment.
  9. Greenknight... That is indeed a controversial statement!! Possibly accurate, I couldn't say... Personally, I have never lived outside the county, but not all people are blinkered to the things that are around us...
  10. Okay... I'll tell you a few reasons why. We have beautiful, accessible countryside right on our doorstep. Don't want countryside? Okay, we have plenty of leisure facilities. The Leisure Pool, the Leisure Centre, The Golf Course, there is a very well regarded Skate park at the leisure centre, there is an excellent BMX track at Westfailing Street, there is regular roller-derby at Foley Trading estate, there are a football clubs, rugby clubs, hockey clubs, tennis and squash clubs. Hereford FC are back and winning... Not the sporty type? Okay, there are shows at The Courtyard, there is the new multi-screen cinema. Don't like the arts? Right, there is the Old Livestock Market - it has shops, restaurants, coffee shops... Don't like the OLM? Okay, there is High Town... Again, shops, cafe's, The Old House... There are plenty of pubs... Don't like pubs? There are restaurants... Don't like to eat out? There is the Castle Green for a walkabout, or the King George Playing fields / Bishops Meadows, the river... What do you actually want from this city?? There is the A49, the A4103, the A465 other roads also lead away to elsewhere if it is that bad to live here.
  11. Clarkester


    Is it disgusting Roger? Maybe it is. But, is it any more disgusting than attacking hundreds of innocent people with guns and explosives? Or blowing up a passenger aeroplane? Or torturing and killing innocent people who worship a slightly different version of the same religion as yourself? Normal rules don't seem to apply to them, so why should they still apply to us if we managed to apprehend one of the guilty?
  12. Clarkester


    However justified it may be in shooting these <Expletives> JC does have a point in trying to take them alive. If you can stop them using their ultimate exclamation marks (Exploding vests) and you get them into custody, there would be much more chance of getting some sort of information out of them. It is much more difficult to question a corpse after all. I'm sure after recent events, nobody would be averse to a little bit of mild torture, would they?
  13. Sorry Roger, I didn't get that from reading the posted image. I must be missing something... I didn't follow the link, if that is where the claim was, then I missed that. Apologies if that is the case, it is indeed rather poor taste to say the least.
  14. Roger, what is so disgraceful about the removed tweet? It is true. Since Friday, there has been a massive increase in people spreading bile and hatred towards certain religions that may, or may not have centres in the Middle East... Unless I am missing something, the tweet doesn't say that it approves of this, it is merely stating a fact. You only have to glance at anything posted by the idiots from Britain First (to name but one, there are plenty of others to choose from) to see that.
  15. Pete Boggs. I am not saying that there are no members of FC, I just disagree with the claim that you couldn't get a job as a social worker in Herefordshire without being a member. That Luke McGowan looks like he's having a fine old time spreading their version of whatever the hell they believe in. Why Chennai though?
  16. Pete Boggs. I am in no way "for" Freedom church, nothing could be further from the truth, I think the whole thing is a massive scam by a dangerous, power and cash hungry con man - think L Ron Hubbard for instance... But the claim that was made by Maggie May that you had to be a member of FC to get a job in Social Care in Herefordshire Council is complete and utter rubbish!
  17. That is not true!! That is all I will say on the matter, other than I've never read such a load of rubbish!
  18. Hi Pete Redding. Interesting news... Have you made any contact with Hereford Dirt Riders? They have a group on Facebook and were responsible for the (greatly) improved track at Westfailing Street. My serious BMX track racing days are behind me I think, but, I do still like to have a bit of a burn around every now and then...
  19. Brilliant stuff. The only thing I would add (apart from making it bigger!!) would be a couple of shelters with a roof... Oh, and a BMX track! But I'm being very picky now!
  20. This is great news. Are there any details of the new design? Is it to be along similar lines to the park at the leisure centre? That would be fantastic.
  21. You don't like The Courtyard either? Is there anything you do like about Hereford?
  22. I agree with Denise, I think it is a really rather distasteful idea. So, we vote on somebody we don't really like then celebrate the hatred of them by throwing an effigy of them on a fire and cheer along as we watch them burn!? That's lovely and civilised isn't it? Remind me, what century are we in again? But it's okay, Luke Conod says it's all a bit of light-hearted fun. Would he be saying that if he was "the chosen one?"
  23. Apologies for my poor taste earlier. If it helps, I feel suitably ashamed of myself...
  24. This sounds like the start of a joke that I can't figure out the punchline to...
  25. It's a building site, of course it looks a bit tacky. If the council had spent thousands of pounds on really smart signage I dare say that would be wrong too?
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