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Everything posted by Clarkester

  1. Hereford city centre is not dull... Try Cwmbran, or Stevenage, or Gloucester to name but three. Hereford isn't Worcester, Cardiff, Birmingham or Bristol, and to expect it to be as exciting as somewhere much bigger is unfair. There is far too much bashing of Hereford going on, and I intend to stick up for the old girl. We as a population are very lucky to live in such a lovely part of the country and should be a little more grateful and a little less miserable about it. Sure the "powers that be" are a bunch of tools at times, but I dare say, so are most other councils.
  2. Happy days eh?
  3. Is it not a specialist home-brew shop rather than a micro-pub?
  4. Which one do you mean Irena? I would rather a principled scruffy man to an overly polished, pompous liar... As for Trident? Nucular weapons aren't and never will be any protection against nations or people that want to do us harm. What will do us harm is letting the Chinese run our power stations, that is more of a worry...
  5. A few years ago, the police did an exercise, whereby they plonked a couple of officers on the corner of Barclays/The Queens, and stopped and challenged all motorists that were turning into East Street. I would suggest that was repeated, but of course, there aren't enough spare officers to be doing that sort of community policing. The same exercise was performed on Moorfield Street, the number of motorists that treat Moorfield Street as their own personal shortcut / Private Drag Strip used to be astounding! Probably still is, but I've moved...
  6. Comments are certainly open now though on the current story on the HT website. Rather unsurprisingly, not all are favourable to the idea!
  7. I lived just along the road from The Moorfields for 10 years. I can honestly say it is the only pub I know of that actually smelt worse after the smoking ban came into force!!
  8. I'm going out on a limb here, I don't think Roger likes Jeremy Corbyn...
  9. What's the deal then Roger? Are the Tories, and Cameron in particular, allowed to spread blatant lies about Corbyn, but when Labour hit back with actual facts, they become "facile, pathetic arguments"? Not sure that's all that fair is it?
  10. How will this actually help? Time was, you would have a giant of a copper, very noticeable because he was taaalll.... And had a policeman's uniform on with a great big helmet atop his noggin... Patrolling, yes, patrolling - walking around in amongst the general public. That was the deterrent right there. Coppers on the beat, patrolling town, their patch, being noticed, known and dare I say, respected. Nowadays, thanks to successive governments deciding that the world is best run as a business and everything is profit & loss driven, we cannot afford to have policemen doing patrols, just walking about?! No thank you, that isn't good for profitability. And, as such, crimes happen, crimes don't get solved, crime figures go up, then, thanks to some clever massaging of figures, crime statistics start going down - even though people on the street feel less safe, people on the street are more aware of crime, but the figures can't be lying, can they? The police are less and less visible to the point of it being a complete rarity when you actually do see one walking about anywhere. Now, this?! Drones?! Drones?!? How can this be a good idea? Are they going to be carrying nets, so that if they spot a crime, they can apprehend the perpetrator? In summation, I am not entirely sure that it is a good idea - in my opinion.
  11. Although, if you go to the garage at Sainsbury's the chap behind the till has been trying to charge 5p for a bag since September 5th...
  12. Hi Cambo, sorry, fair point by you. Bit of a 'knee-jerk' on my part.
  13. Well said Chris Chappell! Apart from the religion part, but each to their own!! Very good words.
  14. Cambo & Denise, please don't lump all council employees in the same boat. I know for a fact that the vast majority of them are working extremely hard under continuing difficult circumstances. For you to accuse the council en masse of treating the public with utter contempt and lurking around HV for their entertainment would, I think, be a bit of a slap in the face for many of them, and rather disrespectful...
  15. One of the issues was the fact that it was claimed to be a flood risk from Yazor Brook!? Anyone with any knowledge of the area will know that is so highly unlikely to be non-existent. I have lived in the area most of my life and went to WX school in the '80's and I have only ever known the brook to flood enough to actually get into what was the playground on one occasion. The original access was to be through the Bulmers access road off Yazor Road if I believe, maybe there were complaints from the residents on Sherrington Drive, amongst other things?
  16. Why is Jeremy Corbyn getting so much heat for not singing along to the national anthem? The man is a republican and a pacifist! Good for him for standing by his beliefs. I wouldn't sing along to the national anthem either. Why should I? Why should anyone, unless they actually want to. Back in 1984 (remember then?) A certain Mr Daley Thompson got into all sorts of bother for daring to whistle along to the national anthem... Anyway, I digress... The man has principles that he believes in, whether you agree with him or not, at least the man is honest. Plus, what was the queens role in the Battle of Britain? Spitfire pilot? Hurricane pilot? Anti-Aircraft gunner? None of those?? I'm not a Labour supporter by any means, but I do rather admire Mr Corbyn, and I for one, wish him all the best.
  17. It's sad that it has had to come to this, but I guess that is the way of the world these days. some people just seem to want to cause hurt and grief just to get their kicks. Good luck with the investigation Colin. If people have nothing to hide, then they have nothing to worry about either. It's a shame that not all the big social media administrators weren't as diligent.
  18. The Member of Parliament for potentially Hereford, potentially a Conservative MP, potentially a tall man is potentially really stupid if he remains so insistent that he did not implicate any person in particular. What a tool.
  19. Chris, the same weekend at the rowing club, there was Dragon Boat races, a Duck race, a barbecue, music, families, dogs were allowed, people weren't searched for food or drinks, and they weren't charged £8.50 each to get in with high prices for poor quality food... Hereford needs more of those events, not travelling fairgrounds that are just ripping the paying public off (and stealing food from them) Just my thoughts.
  20. AylestoneVoice is probably the closest to the truth. Lack of staff, staff that are there, being inundated with work from other areas - all of it deemed URGENT! What do you do? Ignore a ranting, angry manager, or a ringing telephone? I know it isn't right, the customer should come first, but when you are under threat of redundancy or "restructure" (the same as redundancy) if you don't get today's work request done in time, the ringing phone is the last thing on your mind. I know that doesn't make it right, and it annoys the "service users" on the other end, but that is the reality. Adrian, you hate "our" council? You seem to dislike so much about Hereford and Herefordshire judging by other posts that you have made, it makes me wonder why you stay around here... The vast majority of council staff are extremely hard working, under constant threat of either downgrading of their already low paid jobs (compared to the private sector) or restructure to a new way of working (usually involving less posts than before) or yet another highly paid "passionate" manager that totally changes direction of the service that was once working, but now is deemed to be <Buzz word> "Not Fit For Purpose" Yeah, all they do all day is count YOUR council tax and laugh at you, because deep down they don't care...
  21. Myself, the wife and my son were going to pop along, but seeing all the negative comments stayed away, we wondered past on Sunday whilst walking our dogs (who were not allowed in.) Instead we made our own version of a Herefordshire Sausage and Cider festival by going to the Litch and having a pint of Strongbow, a sausage baguette, and a thoroughly warm welcome (including the dogs) for a fraction of the price. I think we made the right choice.
  22. I am only aware of individuals who are doing so by giving various items to Medicine Sans Frontiers. It would be nice to see one of the larger (or smaller) supermarkets joining in, gawd knows they can afford it more than most...
  23. As the results stand, if only 1 child got the 5A's etc and that equates to 4%, then they currently have, if I'm not mistaken, 25 pupils, I would imagine that numbers will not increase dramatically on this stellar news... So, the city of classrooms at the Blackfriars site should see about 2 classrooms per pupil, maybe? At least the flower beds outside Wickes look good...
  24. Colin/Graham... Councillors, if I'm not mistaken, get parking permits as part of the job don't they? Or has that stopped now? Whatever, it looks like another brilliant scheme to suck yet more money from the poor, unsuspecting local population. Genius. You can picture the meetings... Hey, lads, what about this for an idea: Let's invest in pay as you exit barriers for the car parks, that way people only pay for the time they parked... <General Guffaws> Anyway, on to serious matters, let's up the price of parking, stop the machines giving any change, have parking wardens patrolling looking for anyone whose ticket is on the wrong side of the dash, out by 2 minutes, blue badges not displayed in a pleasing-to-the-eye manner... Anything else? Yeah, let's make the car parks more like ploughed fields, not paint any bays, and let people park pretty much anywhere they like! Welcome to parking, Hereford Style...
  25. Wow... They seem to be free to take over any building, move anywhere and acquire anything that takes their fancy. So there is the old Plumb Centre building they were gifted now for sale - are they getting all that profit? There it the Marion fathers house(?) now the cinema AND night club?! They'll be the big property owners before we know it (if they're not already.) Of course, it's all in the name of Jeebus, so... There's definitely nothing to be concerned about, is there?? They need some famous faces to give them a proper legit boost like the Scientologists have Tom and John...
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