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Everything posted by Clarkester

  1. It would be an even better job if the chap that gets given the strimmer could pick up dropped newspaper instead of shredding it and watching it fly everywhere... As i observed on Tuesday morning on Yazor Road.
  2. I think this is relevant to the topic header. This morning I witnessed the gang of BB grass cutters going about their work on Yazor Road. One chap on a ride on mower doing the grass on the sides of the roads, another chap with a petrol strimmer, and another chap guarding the lorry. Now then... the fella with the strimmer was doing the awkward bits around trees and lamp posts. I watched, not in horror, but more disbelief as he strimmed around a tree and where there was a few sheets of what looked like newspaper. Did he move the newspaper? Did he pick the newspaper up?? No he did not, what he did instead though was cut it into lots and lots of tiny, little pieces that were then flung all around the area he'd just been attacking, oops, I mean cutting. Then he wandered off to have a go at the next tree.
  3. I'm not really sure what this proves to be honest. How many vehicles does each force have? How many journeys are made by each force? As a percentage, how many accidents per journey per force are there? It seems to me that some FOI requests just are done just to cause a nuisance to the authorities, but those figures on their own are pretty meaningless, in my opinion, at least.
  4. Denise, Bobby, Whilst I respect what PC has been through and done. Neither of you were on the receiving end of his keyboard attacks. It's all very well saying he comes from oop north and they're all like that, but to accuse the whole of this hell-hole (Herefordshire) apart from an aforementioned handful of being complicit, or turning a blind eye to child abuse and the bullying of disabled people is plain wrong. And to then personally attack anybody that dared to disagree is, again wrong.
  5. And... He kept getting my name wrong!!
  6. I'm afraid I have to disagree on your one point there Dippy. Just because you disagree with or don't like a post, you shouldn't avoid or ignore it. If it makes you feel strongly enough and you feel the need to respond to it, then so you should. What shouldn't then happen though, is a slow downward spiral of accusations, counter accusations, name calling etc.
  7. Mr Barlow isn't actually a tax dodger... He was advised by his accountant that he could 'legally' pay less tax than he was doing... Morally suspect, possibly, but not illegal. Who here, would honestly respond to that by saying: "Nah, it's okay, I like paying more than is necessary." Good for you Mr B...
  8. Colin, you're a very tolerant site administrator, everybody I'm sure would agree with that. Some people just cannot accept another person's differing viewpoint without reacting badly it would appear.
  9. Wirral, you did, post #12. The one I said was "a little unfair" yesterday. Admittedly, you didn't name people, but rather implied that the whole of our "hell-hole" was paedo protecting and bully enabling...
  10. Mikefitz... Agreed, it would probably worry a certain person's sheep, and meet with a nasty end... Um, allegedy...
  11. It's not the first time Wirral, but I can see that I must be very forgettable to you as you cannot even remember my name from one post to the next. I find it a little sad that I feel I need to stand up for myself, but there we go. On Sebastian Hope's recent thread: "Gripe at me..." My post #18 clearly defends you and your more than sterling work in the anti-bullying arena. I'm not sure why you have chosen to round on me, but I do feel that your post #12 on this thread is a little unfair on all the other members of this site. Just because some people don't shout things from the rooftops, doesn't mean they are not trying to make things better.
  12. Just hold on there a moment Flamboyant. I know very well about the good work that he has done, and have in the past defended him against other people that were attacking him. I was merely commenting on his final post which seems to be a bit of an unfair attack on all but a handful of members of this site. And all I said was that it was a bit unfair. Not the worst thing that could have been said about someone.
  13. Hey Wirral... That last post... Little bit unfair, don't you think?
  14. Hi TwoWheels, I've contacted the two people in Hereford Housing that were taking the job on for arranging a rubbish bin to be installed. I shall wait and see... I'm not overly concerned about the flood risk sign, what bothers me more is the wanton vandalism of it in the first place. And the destruction of the Community Outdoor Gym sign. And, for that matter, the attempted vandalism/destruction of some of the equipment. It's all so unnecessary...
  15. So... it's now Mid-May, election been and gone... Councillor Anna Toon is no longer the councillor for Kings Acre, Mark Nigel Mansell is... Is he a member of Hereford Voice? If so, can I respectfully ask when a rubbish bin will be installed at the outside gym? Also, the Community Outdoor Gym sign still sits unhappily at the bottom of Yazor Brook, and the Flood Risk sign is, well, who knows where that is now, it was destroyed months ago...
  16. Bobby.... A brilliant post. Well said, and conveys the frustration that so many people are feeling. Watching the results come in on Friday made for a very frustrated, and increasingly angry Clarkester. The mind boggles really at the stupidity of it all. The people of Widemarsh have made a big mistake by missing out on Amanda, and Newton Farm, well quite frankly what went on there is ridiculous. Politics eh? What a load of sh..e!!!
  17. This is a very worrying proposition. That is a huge area of land, and it is a LOT of houses, all with the regulation two cars... It's going to be "fun" if it goes ahead, that's for sure. I remember when all that was just fields...
  18. It's all very "L. Ron Hubbard" isn't it?
  19. How odd... It seemed that Seb would do anything to get himself noticed... Until, that is, he got himself noticed... Whoops.
  20. Sorry, Colin, I got a bit 'Carry On' with the bush trimming... It's the personal touch! Personally, I wouldn't touch one of Jesse's muffins, other that to offer them to the nice people at the food bank next to him, the irony was clearly lost on him. Not that I would have been allowed one of course, they were only 'for the children' of course.
  21. Trimming a constituents bush eh? These politicians will do anything to get a vote!!
  22. Oh no he isn't!
  23. I think it's a little patronising of you to say that Wirralpc has a bee in his bonnet over such a serious issue. If you read some of the threads regarding the workplace bullying, you may come to see that it is an important issue that Wirralpc has quite a lot of experience (not the good kind) of. And it is not likely that he is about to stand for councillor in Herefordshire, he lives further from Holmer than you do... A lot further...
  24. Is there an election looming? Seb, I'm sure you're a nice enough person, and I'm sure you only want to change things for the betterl... But you were nowhere to be seen or heard this time last week, now you're on seemingly every post on Hereford Voice!! If you are successful in May, I hope you continue to be as vocal/visible/approachable...
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