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Aylestone Voice

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Aylestone Voice last won the day on August 12 2024

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  1. Didn't I read this on Your Herefordshire 5 hours ago?😀
  2. "Shirehall is set to open its doors to the public in autumn 2026, providing a new community hub that celebrates Herefordshire’s heritage while fostering growth, learning, and connection for all." But appears to remove from use an excellent venue for live music
  3. I couldn't really comment on this as I am barred from hereford voice facebook page
  4. https://councillors.herefordshire.gov.uk/documents/s50117176/231703 - THREE COUNTIES HOTEL BELMONT HEREFORD HEREFORDSHIRE HR2 7BP.pdf
  5. Can anybody throw any light on how Fire Precaution and Risk Assessment works in Council car parks require a budget of over £500000? The report refers to a list of works but that does not seem to be available https://councillors.herefordshire.gov.uk/documents/s50115056/Decision to award contract and approve the expenditure of up to 526113.50 for Fire Precaution and.pdf
  6. Well Bridgen is a bit of a bore. But it is not just YouTube or the government that is controlling what we choose to say online If you post comments on Hereford Voice Facebook page which not in line with the owners views then you will get banned. But I guess that if I was running a business page I would quite happily ban someone who posted views I did not agree with So Bridgen, just like I have, should suck it up and move on.
  7. The Council have secured a total of some £25m from various sources but they need someone to deliver it. So this is what they do:- "To award a contract to AECOM Limited to provide professional services support for the design and delivery of the LUF programme at a forecast cost of £765,539 and to assign £154,000 of the LUF Programme Contingency and Risk allowance to this contract." Link - https://councillors.herefordshire.gov.uk/documents/s50112338/Professional Services Support for the Hereford Levelling Up Funding LUF Programme.pdf
  8. "Localised remodelling of office accommodation" https://councillors.herefordshire.gov.uk/ieDecisionDetails.aspx?Id=9619 Whatever that means?
  9. Just remove the photograph which nobody should want to see
  10. This is what OFSTED concluded in their letter:- Headline findings Since the last inspection, when services were judged to be inadequate, leaders have recognised the scale of improvement and are in the process of implementing a wideranging improvement plan. Practice is starting to improve and positive progress is being made with some families. However, the quality and effectiveness of practice with children in need and those subject to a protection plan remain variable. The achievement of more consistently effective practice is hampered by several issues. These include continued high turnover of social workers, a legacy of some families with chronic long-term needs who have experienced poor practice over several years, closure of children’s cases to social care before sustained change has been achieved, leading to increased re-referrals, and management support which is not yet consistently effective. So is Daryyl going to comment on the last phrase?
  11. Beggars belief! Harrington is spending £1m+ in Widemarsh Street to get rid of low kerbs (imo not at all necessary) but this rubbish in St Owens Street has created almost identical low kerbs (although not of such a quality material) and he has no intention of fixing it. Hopefully May will bring change - but I am not holding my breath!
  12. Utter waste of money. The existing design compiles with all the relevant guidance. Harrington just trying to pander with a few people and win a few votes
  13. The last time I had unwanted knives I put them as advised by an Officer in a box in the reception at the Police Station?
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