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Aylestone Voice

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Everything posted by Aylestone Voice

  1. The frontage is laughable. They have put in new shopfronts but the one in the left hand building has a door that you cannot get through and with a hole for a pipe cut into it.
  2. Have just been along there. I know the emphasis is on the south side of the river but the section between Barton Road Bridge, past the old BT building really could do with some clearing out. Even on a sunny afternoon it is dark.
  3. Good work. It is the gloomy section between the Hunderton Bridge and Sainsbury's that needs opening up in my view Whatever will all the tree huggers in IOC say
  4. The answer is simple - there is no money to pay for more staff
  5. I don't seem to recall this much fuss when the circus was on the land last year? As far as I know they charged people to go in. Is this just another case of slam the Council because what the operator is charging is viewed to be excessive?
  6. I am not on here to defend the Council. It is not their event. Why should they regulate how an outside event operates? They lease out the coffee stalls in High Town and don't tell them what they can charge for drinks and they lease Edgar St to HFC and don't tell them how much they should charge to enter the ground. That said I agree that the whole enterprise appears to be pretty shoddy.
  7. I have to say that when it was first announced I looked on their website and saw that they have similar events around the country. That said to me that it was little to do with Herefordshire food and drink. It was never to be a replacement for the local food festival. I don't criticise the Council for getting some income in but probably if the company ask to come back next year they should perhaps be rejected in the light of all the complaints about how expensive it is.
  8. It was never intended to be a local showcase just a way to make money. The company run loads of them up and down the country. Should the Council have rented them the land for 3 days? Seems to me that they have some income off an otherwise little used piece of land over the 3 days.
  9. Please Victor could you ask them to turn the music down - I can hear it in Aylestone Hill (Though perhaps it is from the Barrells Beer Festival?)
  10. Motorists don't give much of a toss either in my view!
  11. For me the meeting was OK. I don't live in Hunderton but am a regular cycling user of GWW. I'm not sure what people expected to get over and above what they were told. I believe that we should all feel secure enough to walk around the city at any time and we should not give into the fear that bad behaviour and criminality bring. Show them that we are not scared of them. I know it is difficult but at some point we have to take a stand. When Hunderton is "figuratively" flooded with police the perpetrators will only move elsewhere - a point made by Cllr Powers.
  12. Closed this morning at Hunderton Bridge - police in attendance
  13. You all seem to assume that the students are all so gullible that they will be taken in by the FC and that in the very near future we will have bands of automatons marching into town spreading evil. Credit young people with a bit more sense
  14. Cambo the problem in Coningsby street was that they had live music in a building with paper thin walls. I have never heard music coming out of either the cinema or the nightclub.
  15. I don't really care about the morals etc. behind the FC but the planning application was not dealt with incorrectly. Glenda implies that the ward member was not consulted - if you look at the officer report in the online case file you will see that he was and raised no objection. If he did not request it to go to Planning Committee then it was correctly dealt with by Officers. Also to imply that other council officers who may or may not be connected to FC had some sinister involvement in the decision to grant planning permission obviously cannot be proved but in my experience it is complete tosh. Just suggest something on the internet and it becomes the truth! Nobody objected to the application and it does not breach planning policy. What better use could there be for the building than some quasi religious group - short of demolition and redevelopment. Certainly those who live in the area are now having much quieter nights with the noise and abuse having disappeared. (discounting B47 when he leaves the Commie). I have attended planning committee on occasions and it grieves me to say that I don't recall any of GVP's contributions
  16. One of the serial offenders is St Michaels Hospice
  17. Would anyone on here want to stand in High Town and seek the views of the public as to what Council service will be shut down next so as to pay for the social care budget (1 Ledbury Road aside). They may or may not have been well briefed but I suspect that their hearts were not really in it. Having taken part in these things on both sides I can say that they really are not worth the effort. After all those who make the decisions ultimately are generally nowhere to be seen.
  18. If you use the argument about not building on high quality farmland or on any irreplaceable landscape/wildlife sites etc. then there will be no more development in the County other than on cramming up our already congested city, towns and villages.
  19. Ubique - no problem. "Younger posters" - I like that. I retired nearly two years ago :Happy_32:
  20. Ubique - My point was that it seemed to me that the ex-councillor had not told us anything definitive - just protecting her reputation. There must be someone at the Council who knows about this case and why it is unresolved. Someone needs to ask a Council officer. They are very unlikely to either see this site and would be very unlikely to reply on here in any event. As I said if it was in my street I would be e-mailing the right Council Officer (easy to do) and take it from there.
  21. OK. The Council does have powers to require a property the be kept tidy. A notice can be served requiring the garden etc. to be cleared and if the owner does not do it they can be taken to court or the Council can clear it up themselves and charge the owner. The Council also have powers to compulsorily purchase a property if there is a problem with it. They have done this elsewhere when properties have been left empty for many years. This does take a long time though. What is missing from this thread is something definitive about what if anything the Council has done or is doing. As is often the case on many threads on the internet is that people stamp their feet and shout and expect things to be done without seeking the answers from the right place - in this case the Shire Hall. If it was in my street I would have such answers
  22. Those grapes do not seem to have lost their sour taste!
  23. As it has been deteriorating for so long it would be interesting to know what if anything the Council has done. It certainly looks like it should be considered by their Empty Homes/Environmental Health/Planning Enforcement teams. What have the local councillors (and perhaps ex local councillors) done about it? If it was local to me I would not be happy
  24. I go across the whole of the city centre - new and old. Actually there is plenty going on retail wise in the High Town area - Boots, M&S, HMV, Lakeland, WH Smith and Church Street to name a few. The regular market and stalls etc are an excellent addition. But then some people will never be content. One advantage of the OLM is that you tend to see people who appear happy and have little chance of coming across the moaning minority who are never ending in their criticism. If Hereford does not do anything for you then for goodness sake either move somewhere else or at least stop complaining on here. Edit - well complain on here if you want but move onto another subject.
  25. The price is "commercially confidential" at present
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