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Aylestone Voice

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Everything posted by Aylestone Voice

  1. Please come along and support our armed forces
  2. Ha! It was probably just a cunning plan by Herefordshire Housing/Council. Everybody knows they want to fell every tree in the County starting with these, but they know the huggers will get riled up. So the answer is build the new houses close so that when they fell the trees it will because the residents have objected to living in dark houses with leaves clogging up their gutters. The space will be used to widen the road so as to get the tree lined bus boulevard in.
  3. The answer to all the issues is tree house with zip lines for transport
  4. The Council are saying that after "extended repairs" the system is being rebooted today and tomorrow. As you would expect there will be delays whilst this happens -and probably long into the future I say put TWG in charge of it!
  5. When the link road is built there will be no right turn into Barrs Court Road from Aylestone Hill and no right turn out of Barrs Court Road into Aylestone Hill. You will only be able to turn left into Barrs Court Road (coming out of town) and only turn left coming out of Barrs Court Road.
  6. You can sit and wait in the early morning or late evening for the lights in Commercial Road/Station Approach junction to run through their phases with not another vehicle coming out of Station Approach or Brook retail park. If I had a pound for every 5 minutes I have sat waiting at this junction I could but them a new scoot system!
  7. Blimey - some of you don't get out much! Stuck in front of your screens! That sign has been up for getting on for a year now
  8. The planning application can now be viewed and commented on (objected to no doubt!) on the Council's website
  9. I always have thought that Colin's judgement was pretty sound, until this reprieve :Happy_32: :Happy_32:
  10. Sold to Navendra Nauth for £1.75 million
  11. There is also a weekly list published of all planning applications received across the County
  12. Don't slam the door on your way back to the Wirral
  13. Greenknight - consider yourself rebuked Of course if there had been a re-run the IOC candidate could have withdrawn!!
  14. I am just waiting for someone to actually come out and say that the reason the IOC did not get the most seats was by a Conservative conspiracy including instructing the staff in the polling stations and the counters to fiddle it in favour of the conservatives. The chance of there being tactical placing of candidates by IOC and the Independents is extremely unlikely in my view Both of them need to look at their choice of candidates and their policies. If the public out there, non Hereford Voice users, who may have a more open mind decide they are happier with the Conservatives than the alternatives then something must be wrong with the other parties approach. Time to move on
  15. Saxongate - |I heard on the radio that it was because people had been told that they could vote for two people
  16. The scores on the Shire Hall doors:- Con 29 Green 2 Independent 8 IOC 12 Lib Dem 2 So another Tory administration. All of you who thought that they would get trounced had better sit in a darkened room tonight! However we can only hope that they will have listened and also recognise the strength of the votes for other parties. Perhaps things will change a bit. However given the Westminster result and the inevitable further reduction in funding we can only hope. But however it turned out for you individually don't give up and keep fighting for what you think is best for Herefordshire. You may not get the outcome you want but it is better to have fought and lost than to never have fought at all I'm now of to the pub for a Stowfords and then to the VE Day commemoration at the Shire Hall and the WW1 commemoration in High Town
  17. Perhaps Amanda's rather radical views together with Polly Andrews' long standing work were the factors that tipped the balance?
  18. Denise - not a chance, I would prefer anybody or anything to JK having dealt with him. And after all it was perhaps significantly down to him (and IOC) that Kingstone is to have 150 houses!
  19. Wormside - no more Jim Knipe = glorious news
  20. Power at this stage still in the non tory parties if they can stomach each other Bob Matthews and Anthony Powers what an alliance that would be!! Colin - you must be gutted beyond belief at the Newton Farm result
  21. Anna Toon was not a sitting Councillor
  22. Bye bye Gary Swinford :Grin: :Grin: :Grin: :Grin:
  23. Dave Greenow elected - woof woof!!!!!
  24. The Leader is elected by the party or parties if there is a coalition who have overall control of the Council.
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