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Aylestone Voice

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Everything posted by Aylestone Voice

  1. The emergency services, valuable and essential as they are, do seem to take a perverse pleasure in clearing up rta's as slowly as possible. In this case one person with "minor" injuries went to hospital It seems that every inch of the road has to be inspected and every minute detail recorded What looks like a minor bump and the road closed for almost 3 hours
  2. Bobby - after reading some of your posts on there yesterday I did suspect that it was in the offing. I initially was amused that some of them thought you were part of the "Essex mafia" rather than along standing fan. But perhaps what you posted was just be a bit too blunt for them as most are of limited intelligence. Then tend to hunt as a pack. For me the mess they are in over the leases just demonstrates a lack of foresight but they always know best. Never mind just stay posting on here as we all appreciate your wisdom and wit My warmest regards to you (copyright - Bobby47)
  3. At a guess the bins and rubbish are on land owned by the Nicholson Court flats themselves for which there is a management company? Should they not keep their own house in order?
  4. Natalia Silver has always been one of Geoff Hughes' favourites. Whenever her "old" job went he guaranteed she was found a new one. And they still cannot answer the phone!!!!
  5. Well Harry was at Cabinet today and apparently has not been in Costa Rica for two years? So TWG - who told you?
  6. Now the vast majority of the building is unused perhaps the owners can be encouraged to demolish and replace it with a decently designed block of flats and/or perhaps a fire station?
  7. I think the only haters are those with the guns shooting innocent people
  8. Frankly this is shocking. Despite the failings of the Council do none of the locals have any pride at all?
  9. Cheers Bobby and the same to you - happy new year I had drafted out something to post on Bulls Banter in support of your post but decided against as they really hate me on there. My sins - to go to some games before the club died and to have had a conversation with Tommy Agombar
  10. Would you post on Bulls Banter? Perhaps you are bored with "self-flagellation"? Anything on there that even vaguely hints at questioning the party line is just a recipe for abuse - unless that is what you were looking for???? Many fans will just agree with the Hales bid because it is backed (yes there will be a member vote) by HUST. Who knows who make up his consortium and what their financial clout or expertise is? But it must be OK because they are long standing fans and not from Essex!!!
  11. Ah the best or worst according to your view of post punk music. The answer is to avoid BBC4 on Friday nights I do agree that the state of the city and the council's services may encourage more to vote this time around. I get quite frustrated that we have political parties trying to play out national issues in local politics. That said it doesn't necessarily mean that I think IOC have (all) the answers
  12. What concerns me is that however long the list of questions may turn out to be all we will get from the candidates will be glib responses I am no supporter of the current administration but I do need to know what are the real alternatives. The worst outcome for us all would be to vote in a different administration - change for change sake - and carry on with the same problems we have now because there are limited solutions due to the lack of cash Dexys - good grief!!!!
  13. Interesting questions. The Council have served an enforcement notice on the High Town building so something should happen fairly soon to tidy it up. That said and with the greatest of respect Dippy sometimes I think there is too great a focus on what to my mind are marginal issues. I believe that there are more important questions to be asked/answered before the election, such as:- If the new administration is not tory what will they do about the Planning Core Strategy - will it be withdrawn for example. Which parties are in support of a by pass and if not what are their alternatives (I don't want to hear "we will support other sustainable transport" but real practical solutions e.g turn off the lights/bus lanes where What practical measures are to be introduced to combat the runaway spending in adult social care How will they ensure that the environment of the city is improved (grass cutting, smooth roads, litter clearance etc) Will they stop the relentless privatisation and bring back a direct labour force Is there a plan to bring in a "Barnet style" operation Will the politicians take back control from the Directors These are just some straight off the top of my head. Things are about to get serious and I for one don't want to vote for a party that say they will be different to the tories just for change sake. I want to know what the real concrete offer is
  14. Bobby - nail on head
  15. Bobby - you make good points. "supping with the (Essex) devils" was perhaps dismissed without thinking the demise of the club through fully. How can a team at the same league level as Westfields justify financially the running of Edgar Street. I do hope they can. The Council has to secure "best value" for the leases. That does not mean necessarily the best financial return but certainly a housing development would do that. We will have to wait and see how many bids there are for the leases. Anyone who does bid should be in no doubt that their personal circumstances will be "interneted" in great detail by the Bulls Banter Mafia!! One thing does seem certain though - I watched my first HUFC game at Edgar Street in 1965 and until any new club gets to a level that I feel comfortable with then I seriously doubt that I will darken the turnstiles again.
  16. If people want to buy hot food after 1.30am then they need to persuade one of the shops to make a request to extend their current licensed hours. Only when an application is made can all those who want it bombard the Council with letters of support to try and get it agreed
  17. TWG - maybe so but was not the independent report prepared by someone employed by those totally opposed to the project? So obviously unbiased. I guess it depends on which consultant you choose to believe?
  18. Maybe they thought that signing a petition is always just pretty pointless?
  19. There is a simple reason why the site has been left as it is - no prospective tenant Probably most of the building in High Town are owned by pension funds or property developers who have no affinity to Hereford but with an affinity to their wallets. Also why some are empty due to the high rents required. Sadly yes - it is business The Notice served by the Council is about as far as they can legally go. Lets see if the developer concludes that re-scaffolding the building from the inside is so costly that he might as well start work. In a worst case at least the new hoarding will be flush with the frontage
  20. Hardly leading when the decision was made on 2 October
  21. Ah never mind - it will all be OK next year when IOC take over!!
  22. I believe there are covenants on Brockington which will limit its resale value
  23. I guess it is easy for me as a single person. I rarely buy more than I need, generate very little waste and use a compost bin (although this has now been invaded by a rat). People do need to review what they buy and how they chuck it away - waste, recycling, compost. The supermarkets just don't help or care. That said I do have sympathy for large households and particularly those with babies. Perhaps the Council could be more proactive. Rather than just putting explanatory leaflets through letterboxes they could offer a more bespoke service with one of their team visiting larger households and discussing the problems. But the more we chuck away the more landfill tax we have to pay. We are fortunate that the waste all goes to Worcestershire and there may be an incinerator in the future. Imagine the uproar if the Council had to find a waste tip in Herefordshire!!
  24. How are you all getting on with this? It is my first general rubbish collection today, after two weeks, and I have just about managed to fill half a black sack (I don't have a bin), and I can see in the rest of the street that none of the bins are overflowing nor have those without one put out more than four sacks.
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