I don't believe anyone is saying (certainly not on here) that all is OK. It is not OK particularly given that the Council has to save £30 million over the next 3 years. This is not stopping buying bottled water it is much more serious than that.I have no problem with "Positive Hereford" or "WIHAHC". They are just expressing differing views. After all despite the horrors what is wrong with pointing out some of the good things that are happening. There are people who if the Council solved world famine, stopped all wars and had Council Tax at £1 per year would still complain.
We need to find a way forward but ultimately many will not be happy.
All I will add is that the more often you stamp out on the keyboard - bloody Council this, bloody Council that, bloody Jarvis, Bloody Johnson and post it on here all you are doing is getting yourself more angry and preaching to the converted.