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Aylestone Voice

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Everything posted by Aylestone Voice

  1. Colin I wonder how many of those cars had only one occupant. There is a perfectly good cycle/footpath into town from Belmont. Yes I know it won't suit everyone and I know it might not go to the front door of where you want to shop or work but if we are going to solve the traffic congestion we must look at the alternatives. Today the new pedestrian/cycle route bridge link to Rotherwas from Hampton Park was opened - if you live in Tupsley and work in Rotherwas it is a godsend. That should take some cars away from the roads. But ponder on this - if you vote for Its Our County then there will be no by pass and you will have to get used to walking or cycling or bus. So you may as well start now
  2. Does your 8 include "Iceland"????? What I see in Eign Gate is a recovered street (after Woolies closure) with I think only 1/2 empty units. That is good. Doesn't bother me what they sell.
  3. I don't believe anyone is saying (certainly not on here) that all is OK. It is not OK particularly given that the Council has to save £30 million over the next 3 years. This is not stopping buying bottled water it is much more serious than that.I have no problem with "Positive Hereford" or "WIHAHC". They are just expressing differing views. After all despite the horrors what is wrong with pointing out some of the good things that are happening. There are people who if the Council solved world famine, stopped all wars and had Council Tax at £1 per year would still complain. We need to find a way forward but ultimately many will not be happy. All I will add is that the more often you stamp out on the keyboard - bloody Council this, bloody Council that, bloody Jarvis, Bloody Johnson and post it on here all you are doing is getting yourself more angry and preaching to the converted.
  4. This is great news Can someone ask Sean Yates why he left Team Sky??
  5. Has it been driving you "quackers"!!!!!!!!!!
  6. It was given to build houses for people to live in
  7. A few years back there was a restructure in one of the large Directorate's. Just for fun let's call it Environment. At the time one of the assistant directors did not get a job and normally would be made redundant. But they were obviously too valuable to get rid of so was given another job but keeping the salary and position. I believe some of the funding came from elsewhere. Time moves on and the cost cutting goes on with more restructures and all of a sudden the person concerned gets almost their original job back. In the Directorate there is, obviously, the Director plus at least 5 Assistant Directors. This at the time when people are being made redundant by the bus load. it does seem that if you are favoured you are looked after
  8. TWG - there is a problem with scrapping the cabinet system and going back to committees. That is the ruling party are allowed/required to have the majority on the committee. So you will get the same outcome as now. If you want real change they will have to be voted out. But if you look at the Council make up today what is the alternative? None of the opposition members genuinely fill me with any confidence that they would do much different or be able to manage a p up in a brewery (no disrespect meant Jim). There are a few projects that might not proceed but in the huge overspending area nobody knows how to control spending in social care. The arguments about development are just as protracted on here as at Brockington. By pass or no by pass and if you do, west or east? More housing or no housing?You will get 100 different opinions What you might not like is supported by others (although not usually on the internet!!) I guess what I'm trying to say is that we probably have a broken system
  9. Glenda - is that it then? Anyone who supports the Council has to be excluded? So it will become as I said just another bashing exercise with everyone pushing their own little agenda/vendetta. Who makes the decision as to who is excluded? Perhaps you should be excluded as you part of the decrepit organisation. Don't come back at me and say you have no influence and cannot be blamed. The opposition are almost as bad as the conservatives with all their cliques and self righteous - it's not our fault - attitude. As a councillor you are part of the problem. We want a solution that does not involve petty politics. We want a Council built on consensus which aims to get the best for Herefordshire. So if we can build a campaigning organisation outside politics then excellent - count me in. The start would be this suggestion.
  10. Sounds an interesting idea but I wonder whether it will just turn out to be Council bashing?
  11. It is the Hereford disease that holds things up. The following is simplistic but usually someone will come up with an idea for which probably the silent majority think is a good idea. However a small group for example, Here for Hereford, don't want change and are vociferous in their opposition. The Council or whoever are so scared of their own shadows that they think that they can debate away the opposition but in doing so play into their hands. Result = nothing happens for years. A good example is the by-pass. The Council are criticised for not providing one but is the strident objection that slows it all up. In the Council's latest plan a bypass is included but the good residents of Kings Acre, Breinton and Friends of the Earth will stop at nothing to delay it. It will be years away. What is needed to get this city going is for the quiet majority to become noisy and involved. That said if the majority are opposed then fair enough = no bypass.
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